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1. Match the following.

I) Starch A) Cotton
II) Glycogen B) Exoskeleton of Cockroach
III) Cellulose C) Potato
IV) Chitin D) Liver

      I    II    III    IV 
A:  C   D    A     B


2. Glycine and Alanine are different in one of the 4 substituents of α - carbon and are similar in the rest. They differ in the following group.
    1) H       2) COOH      3) R group       4) Amino group
A: 3 (R group)

3. Sugar of the DNA is linked with the following by Glycosidic bond.
       1) Another sugar       2) Nitrogen base       3) Phosphate     4) Nitrogen base & Phosphate
A: 2 (Nitrogen base)


4. Match the followig.

I) Ester bond A) Polysaccharide
II) Glycosidic bond B) Amino acids of a protein
III) Peptide bond C) Water
IV) Hydrogen bond D) Fats

      I    II   III   IV
A:  D   A   B    C


5. Haemoglobin shows
A: Quarternary structure


6. The sequential position of an amino acid in a protein can be known through its
A: Primary structure

7. Assertion (A): Wasting paper is a loss of vegetation.
    Reason (R): Paper is made of cellulose.
A: A & R are correct. R explains A.


8. Secondary metabolite differs from the primary metabolite in that it has no-
A: identifiable function


9. Assertion (A): All macrobiomolecules are polymers.
    Reason (R): Lipids are also polymers.
A: A is correct. R is false.


10. Two adjacent molecules in a polymer are connected by Glycosidic bond in the following
     1) Nucleic acids      2) Polysaccharides       3) Lipids       4) Proteins
A: Polysaccharides


11. Assertion (A): All amino acids are essential to plants and animals.
     Reason (R): Plants do not have external supply of amino acids.
A: A is false. R is correct.

12. Lipids do fit to the following quality.
     1) Macro molecules             2) Acid soluble        

    3) High molecular weight     4) Micro molecule
A: 1 (Macro molecules)


13. Metabolism of plants and animals involves energy conversions. The study of such
matter can be studied by a science called
A: Bio energytics


14. The most abundant protein in the biosphere
A: Rubisco


15. The most abundant protein in animals
A: Collagen


16. Proteins are not seen as
A: important Cell wall constituents of xylem


17. A polysaccharide present in the exoskeleton of arthropod
A: Chitin


18. A polysaccharide that occurs in the storage form of energy
A: Glycogen, starch

19. The following are hetero polymers
  1) Starch, cellulose                   2) Proteins, starch   
  3) Nucleic acids, proteins         4) Starch, nucleic acids
A: 3 (Nucleic acids, proteins)


20. Assertion (A): Lipids are biomacro molecules.
       Reason (R): Lipids have molecular weight less than 1000 Da.
A: A & R are correct. R do not explains A.


21. Assertion (A): Strictly lipids are not biomacromolecules.
      Reason (R): Their molecular weight is high.
A: A is correct. R is false.


22. Arrange the followig in ascending order.
            A. Types of nucleotides in RNA.
            B. Types of nucleotides in the histones of octamer.
            C. Types of nucleotides.
            D. Types of Pyrimidines.
            E. Types of Purines.
            F. Types of nucleotides energy currency.

23. Read the following statements and find out incorrect one.
        1) Living state is non - equilibrium steady - states
        2) Living state and metabolism are synonyms.
        3) Livings at equilibrium have least metabolism
        4) ATP is a chemical link between anabolism and catabolism.
A: 3 (Livings at equilibrium have least metabolism)


24. Biomolecules are involved in-
A: Metabolic flux


25. Cholesterol is formed from-
A: Acetic Acid


26. Energy is stored in which part of Glucose-
A: Chemical bonds


27. A student described macro biomolecules as large sized, complex chemicals that have high molecular weight. Any other characteristic feature missing in it, if so it may be
A: Acid insoluble

28. Find mismatch.
 1) Sucrose - Disaccharide            2) Starch - Polysaccharide
  3) Glucose - Monosaccharide     4) Fructose - Disaccharide
A: 4 (Fructose - Disaccharide)


29. Glycosidic link is broken in the digestion of-
   1) DNA    2) RNA       3) Starch     4) All
A: 4 (All)


30. Animal cells store food in the form of-
A: Glycogen

31. Cellulose is-
Ans: Hexose homopolymer


32. Most abundant water insoluble Polysaccharide is-
Ans: Cellulose


33. Sweetest sugar is-
Ans: Fructose

34. Assertion (A): Lipids are biomacromolecules.
       Reason (R): They are water insoluble.
Ans: A & R are correct. R do not explains A.


35. One of the following is a cane sugar-
     1) Glucose    2) Sucrose       3) Fructose       4) Lactose
Ans: 2 (Sucrose)

36. Inulin is-
Ans: Fructosan


37. CO2 dissolving in water in living organisms
Ans: Physical process catalysed by enzyme


38. Human skeletal muscles show
Ans: Conversion of Glucose to Lactic acid


39. Turn over regarding biomolecules means-
Ans: Changing into some biomolecules and formation from some other biomolecules regularly

40. Dynamic state of body constituents means-
Ans: Flow of the metabolites in the metabolic pathways with definite rate in a definite route


41. Read the following statements and find out incorrect one.
       1) Every chemical reaction in a living is a catalysed reaction
       2) Catalysts are proteins
       3) Majority of metabolic pathways are not linked
       4) Metabolite flow in a cell has definite direction
Ans: 3 (Majority of metabolic pathways are not linked)


42. The following bonds are formed due to dehydration-
       1) Peptide bond, Hydrogen bond               2) Ester bond, Glycosidic bond
       3) Glycosidic bond, Peptide bond              4) Hydrogen bond, Ester bond
Ans: 3 (Glycosidic bond, Peptide bond)


43. The bond between 2 glucose molecules adjacent to each other in a polysaccharide is similar to the bond between-
Ans: Sugar and nitrogen base

44. One of the following is not related to DNA
       1) Loop or Pitch measures 34 A°.
       2) One step makes 36° with another step.
       3) The bond between Uracil and Sugar is called glycosidic bond.
       4) Adenine is paired with Thymine by 2 hydrogen bonds.
Ans: 3 (The bond between Uracil and Sugar is called glycosidic bond.)


45. Nitrogen base of Nucleic acids is
Ans: Heterocyclic

46. Match the following.

I) Ribose pentose A) RNA only
II) 2 'deoxyribose pentose B) DNA
IV) A = U D) DAN or RNA

          I   II   III   IV
Ans: C   B     D     A

47. Acid nature of DNA or RNA is due to-
Ans: Phosphate


48. Assertion (A): Nucleic acids are macromolecules.
      Reason (R): They are acid insoluble.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


49. Match the following.

I) Cellulose A) Fruits/ Fructose
II) Starch B) Paper
III) Inulin C) Fungi
IV) Chitin D) Potato/ Rice

          I    II   III   IV
Ans:  B   D    A  C


50. Cellulose is not found in-
Ans: Inulin

51. Inulin is a polymer of-
Ans: Fructose


52. Complex Polysaccharides are made of-
         1) Amino sugars                            2) Chemically modified sugars       
         3) Hexose & Pentose                    4) 1 & 2
Ans: 4 (Amino sugars, Chemically modified sugars)


53. Starch gives blue colour with Iodine because-
Ans: it has complex helices and can hold I2


54. Assertion (A): Polysaccharides are nutritive in function.
      Reason (R): Cell wall is protective in function.
Ans: A & R are correct. R do not explains A.


55. One of the following is not a homopolymer-
       1) Glycogen      2) Starch        3) Inulin          4) Cellulose
Ans: 1 ( Glycogen)

56. One of the following is a branched polysaccharide-
       1) Cellulose        2) Starch        3) Glycogen       4) 1 & 2
Ans: 3 ( Glycogen)


57. If sweet corn is immersed in the boiling water for sometime, the water becomes sweet because-
Ans: Disaccharides is converted to monosaccharides


58. One of the following is not a protein-
     1) Inter cellular ground substance of animals       2) Inulin        3) Insulin        4) GLUT - 4
Ans: 2 (Inulin)


59. The following protein helps in the transportation of Glucose into cells-
       1) GLUT - 4       2) Pencillin         3) Insulin         4) Haemoglobin
Ans: 1 (GLUT - 4)


60. Arrange the following in ascending order (Composition of Cell)
       A) Nucleic Acids     B) Lipids       C) Proteins         D) Carbohydrates

61. Match the following.

I) Consume energy A) Catabolic
II) Release energy B) Metabolic
III) Neither input nor output of energy C) Anabolic
IV) Living D) Equilibrium

          I   II   III   IV
Ans:  C   A    D     B


62. Esterbond is formed between-
Ans: Phosphate and OH of the sugar


63. The angle between back bone and nitrogen base
Ans: 90°


64. A nucleotide means-
Ans: Nucleoside attached to phosphate

65. Match the following.

I) Toxin A) Codeine
II) Alkaloids B) Rubber
III) Lectin C) Abrin
IV) Polymer D) Concanavalin

          I   II   III   IV
Ans: C   A    D     B


66. Match the following.

I) Carotenoids A) Cucumin
II) Essential oils B) Carrot
III) Drug C) Gums
IV) Polymer D) Lemon grass oil

         I   II   III   IV
Ans: B   D    A     C


67. One of the following is not a polymeric substance-
       1) Gum     2) Starch       3) Nucleotide        4) Rubber
Ans: 3 (Nucleotide)

68. Match the following-

I) 800 - 1000 Da A) Average molecular weight of micro molecules
II) > 1000 Da B) Macro molecules
III) Blood concentration of Glucose C) Micro biomolecules
IV) 8 - 800 Da D) 4.5 to 5.0 mm

            I   II   III   IV
Ans:  C   B    D     A


69. The left hand side of polysaccharide and polypeptide consists respectively-
Ans: Non reducing, Amino


70. Read the following statements and find out incorrect one-
        1) Nitrogen bases in DNA are projected inside to backbone
        2) Types of DNA are more than a dozen
        3) One full turn of helical strand consists minimum 20 nitrogen bases
        4) Two strands of DNA run anti parallel
Ans: 3 (One full turn of helical strand consists minimum 20 nitrogen bases)

71. Assertion (A): DNA exists as a double helix.
      Reason (R): It is a secondary structure.
Ans: A & R are correct. R do not explains A.


72. Number of water molecules lost to form one full turn of helical strand-
Ans: 20

73. Number of glycosidic bonds in a loop-
Ans: 20


74. Types of sub units in Haemoglobin
Ans: 2


75. Number of sub units in Haemoglobin
Ans: 4


76. Match the following regarding the structure of protein-

I) Inorganic chemist A) 2-D
II) Biologist B) Quarternary structure
III) Organic Chemist C) Molecular formula
IV) Physicist D) 3-D

           I   II   III   IV
Ans: C   B     A    D

77. Secondary structure of a protein shows-
Ans: Right handed helix


78. The shape of the protein when it shows tertiary structure-
Ans: Wooden ball


79. Lecithin is a-
Ans: Phospholipid


80. One of the following is different from the rest Identify it-
       1) Adenosine     2) Thymidylic acid      3) Uridine        4) Guanosine
Ans: 2 (Thymidylic acid)


81. The bonds present in Adenylic acid
        A. Hydrogen bonds    B. Ester bond      C. Glycosidic bond
Ans: B C


82. The genetic material is-
Ans: DNA & RNA

83. Backbone of DNA is-
        A. Nitrogen base     B. Sugar          C. Phosphate
Ans: B C


84. Assertion (A): Oils have lower melting point.
      Reason (R): Gingely oil is a fluid in summer.
Ans: A & R are correct. R do not explains A.


85. Neural tissues have-
Ans: Lipids with more complex structures


86. Simplest lipids are-
Ans: Fatty acids


87. Glycerol is called-
Ans: Trihydroxy propane


88. 'R' group of lipid consists-
Ans: upto 19 carbons


89. Number of carbons in Palmitic acid excluding carboxyl carbon-
Ans: 15

90. Number of carbons including carboxyl carbon in Palmitic acid and Arachidonic acid-
Ans: 16, 20


91. Assertion (A): Fatty acids are found esterified with glycerol.
       Reason (R): Many lipids have both glycerol and fatty acids.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


92. Assertion (A): Biomolecules are called Building blocks of protoplasm.
       Reason (R): Protoplasm is made of Biomolecules.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


93. Comparison of elements present in non-living matter and living matter is based on the work done by-
Ans: C.N.R.Rao


94. The least elemental composition of non living and living matter respectively are-
Ans: Nitrogen, Silicon


95. The highest elemental composition of non-living matter and living matter respectively are-
Ans: Oxygen, Oxygen

96. One form of inorganic matter of plant or animal is-
Ans: Ash


97. Simplest Amino acid is-
Ans: Glycine


98. If the 'R' group of proteinaceous amino acids is hydroxy methyl, it is-
Ans: Serine


99. Assertion (A): Amino acid is a zwitterion.
      Reason (R): It can accept a H+ or donate a H+.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


100. Glutamic acid is-
Ans: Acidic


101. Lysine is-
Ans: Basic


102. One of the following is neutral-
        1) Valine     2) Lysine    3) Glutamic acid      4) None
Ans: 1 (Valine)

103. Assertion (A): In solutions of different pH the structure of amino acid changes.
         Reason (R): Amino acid has ionizable NH2 and COOH groups.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


104. One of the following is considered as side chain of amino acid
        1) H            2) COOH            3) NH2          4) R
Ans: 4 (R)


105. Number of Carbons in the simplest amino acid and simplest fatty acid respectively-
Ans: 2, 2


106. The simplest amino acid and fatty acid respectively are-
Ans: Glycine, Acetic acid


107. One of the following is not an aromatic amino acid-
        1) Tryptophan     2) Serine      3) Tyrosine        4) Phenyl alanine
Ans: 2 (Serine)


108. Assertion (A): Amino acids resist any change in pH of the medium.
        Reason (R): They are dipolar.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.

109. Number of double bonds in the structure of saturated fatty acids-
Ans: 0


110. Number of double bonds in the unsaturated fatty acids-
Ans: Minimum 1


111. Assertion (A): Amino acids are substituted methanes.
        Reason (R): An amimo acid has four substituent groups occupying the 4 valency positions.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


112. One of the following is not related to Lecithin-
         1) It is synthesised by peroxisome
         2) It is a phospholipid
         3) It is a diglyceride with nitrogenous phosphorylated compound
         4) It is present in the Cell wall
Ans: 4 (It is present in the Cell wall)


113. Steps in a loop are made of-
Ans: Nitrogen base pairs

114. Number of polynucleotide chains in DNA are-
Ans: 2


115. The 2 polynucleotide chains of DNA are-
         1) Complimentary    2) Antiparallel    3) Right handed     4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


116. Number of C-N Rings in purines and pyrimidines respectively-
Ans: 2, 1


117. Read the following conversions. Separate them into anabolic and catabolic conversions respectively-
         A. Starch  Glucose
        B. Glucose  Lactic acid
        C. Glucose  Ethanol + CO2
        D. CO2 + H2O  Glucose
        E. Glycogen  Glucose
        F. Protein  Aminoacids
        G. Acetic acid  Cholesterol
Ans: Anabolic - D G     Catabolic - AB C E

118. The following are homopolymers-
          1) Chitin    2) Glycogen         3) Cellulose          4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


119. Structural Polysaccharides are-
        1) Cellulose       2) Chitin      3) Starch       4) 1 & 2
Ans: 4 (Cellulose, Chitin )


120. Storage Polysaccharides are-
          1) Glycogen  2) Starch      3) 1 & 2       4) Glucose
Ans: 3 (Glycogen, Starch )


121. Inulin is a-
Ans: Storage Polysaccharide


122. Ratio between Nitrogen bases in a loop and C - N rings-
Ans: 2 : 3

Posted Date : 30-11-2020


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.