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Modes of Reproduction & Sexual Reproduction in Flowering plants

1. One of the following method of reproduction is slow-
      1) Vegetative        2) Asexual        3) Sexual       4) 2, 3
A: 3 (Sexual)


2. The significance of reproduction is-
A: Continuity of species


3. Read the following statements and find out incorrect one-
      1) Reproduction always involves 2 plants or parents
      2) Reproduction always involves gametic union
      3) Reproduction always requires for the union of gamets
      4) All are correct
A: 4 (All are correct)

4. Asexual reproduction is common in the following-
      1) Organisms with complex organisation
      2) Organisms must contain vascular tissues
      3) Organisms with simple organisation
      4) Highly advanced plants
A: 3 (Organisms with simple organisation)


5. Gamets are not involved in-
A: Asexual and vegetative reproduction


6. The method of reproduction depends on
A: Physiology of organism


7. One of the following is an ephimeral-
      1) Wolffia        2) Palm        3) Banana      4) Pinus
A: 1 (Wolffia)


8. Offspring exactly resembles gentically and morphologically in asexual or vegetative reproduction because-
A: It involves mitosis only

9. Clones are formed as a result of-
      1) Sexual reproduction             2) Asexual reproduction
      3) Vegetative reproduction      4) 2, 3
A: 4 (Asexual reproduction, Vegetative reproduction) 


10. Assertion (A): Vegetative propagules form clones.
       Reason (R): They do not show meiosis.
A: A & R are correct. R explains A.


11. Spore formation is exogenous-
A: Pencillium


12. Arrange the following plants in ascending order basing on their span of life-
       A) Banana      B) Pinus     C) Wolffia      

        D) Carrot    E) Rose     F) Rice
A: C F D A E B


13. Differentiate a spore from zygote-
A: Former undergoes mitosis, later shows either mitosis or meisosis

14. The benefit of formation of spores is-
A: These are adopted for dispersal and survive for extended periods of time in unfavourable conditions


15. Gametogenesis means
A: Formation of gametes from their precursor cells


16. Assertion (A): vegetative is also a type of asexual reproduction.
       Reason (R): Vegetative reproction do not involves gametic union.
A: A & R are correct. R explains A.


17. Formation of seeds without fertilisations is called-
A: Apomixis


18. Formation of fruit without fertilisation from the ovary is called-
A: Parthenocarpy


19. Parthenocarpy do not requires-
       1) Pollination       2) Microsporogenesis       3) Megasporogenesis        4) All
A: 4 (All)

20. Apomixis is-
      A) Mimics sexual reproduction    B) A kind of asexual reproduction
      C) A kind of hybridisation           D) A kind of vegetative reproduction
A: A B


21. Citrus shows-
A: Polyembryony


22. Match the following

      I     II      III    IV
A: C    D      A     B


23. In Citrus or Mango additional embryos are formed in the-
A: embroyosac

24. Mango shows
      A) True embryo in the embryosac      
      B) Many embryos in nucellus
      C) Many embryos in embrysoac along with true embryo
      D) Many embryos in the fruit
A: A C


25. Match the following.

       I     II      III     IV
A:  D    C      A     B


26. Assertion (A): Apomixis is an assured reprodcution.
     Reason (R): It can take place in the absence of pollinators such as in extreme conditions.
A: A & R are correct. R explains A.

27. Arrange the steps in a sequence that takes place during the formation of embryo by apomixis. Discard the events not required
        a) Zygote             b) Megaspore mother cell    c) Meiosis
        d) Diploid egg      e) No meiosis                     f) Mitosis
        g) Male gametes   h) Embryo
A: B E D F H


28. Assertion (A): The hybrid seeds have to produced every year.
      Reason (R): If the seeds collected from hybrids are sown, the plants in the progeny will segregate and do not maintain hybrid characters.
A: A & R are correct. R explains A.


29. Assertion (A): If the hybrids are made into apomicts, the farmer does not have to buy hybrid seeds every year.
      Reason (R): There is no segregation of characters in the apomict made hybrid progeny.
A: A & R are correct. R explains A.


30. Pollination and fertilisation are not required in
        A) Apomixis   B) Parthenocarpy    C) Polyembryony
A: A B

31. Assertion (A): A tiny seed can produce a large biomass.
       Reason (R): Ficus plant produced from a tiny seed can produce billions of seeds.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


32. A complete root parasite that produces a friut with thousands of tiny seeds.
Ans: Orobanche


33. A partial root parasite that produce a fruit with thousands of seeds.
Ans: Striga


34. Name the plant whose viable seeds were found during the archeological excavations at king Herod's palace near the Dead sea whose age is 2000 years.
Ans: Phoenix


35. Dormancy period of lupinus-
Ans: 10,000 years


36. One of the angiospermic plant is microscopic-
        1) Lemna       2) Oryza        3) Hydrilla         4) Wolffia
Ans: 4 (Wolffia)

37. In mangrooves seeds germinate while still attached to the mother plant. It is known as-
Ans: Vivipary


38. A zygote undergoes the following events and produces an organism
        a) Cell division       b) Cell differentiation        c) Modifications
Ans: A B C          


39. Organisms of one genaration and the next are linked by the following for the continuity of species.
        1) Meiosis          2) Mitosis      3) Gametes        4) Zygote
Ans: 4 (Zygote)


40. The fate of zygote depends up on-
Ans: Life cycle of organism


41. Match the following-

          I  II III IV
Ans: C  A  D   B

42. Internal fertilisation involves the following characters
        A) Male gametes when non motile are carried to female gamete by pollen tube
        B) Large number of male gametes produced
        C) Male gametes may be motile to reach egg cell
        D) Significant reduction in the number of egg cells
        E) Reduction in the number of female plants
Ans: A B C D


43. Every sexually reproducing organ begins life as-
Ans: Zygote


44. In Rockweed meiosis occurs in-
Ans: During the formation of gametes


45. Meiocytes are the gamete mother cells in-
Ans: Vascular plants


46. Pollengrain germinates on the-
Ans: Stigma

47. Parthenogenesis means-
Ans: Formation of embryo from egg cell without fertilisation


48. Assertion (A): Male gametes are produced in large numbers when compared to the female gametes.
Reason (R): A large number of male gametes fail to reach the female gametes.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


49. If a species produces male and female gametes it is called-
Ans: Heterogametic


50. A plant which produces gametes is
Ans: Haploid or diploid


51. Match the following-

          I  II  III IV
Ans: C  D  B   A

52. If male and female flowers are produced on different branches of the same plant it is called-
Ans: Monoecious


53. Find incorrect match-
     1) Monoecious green alga   -   Chara        2) Dioecious kelp - Marchantia
     3) Monoecious monocot      -   Maize        4) Dioecious angiosperm - Papaya
Ans: 2(Dioecious kelp - Marchantia)


54. In Chara-
        A) Male and female sex organs differ in size, shape and position
        B) Male sex organ is called antheredium and female sex organ is called archegonium
        C) Male and female sex organs are side by side
        D) Male sex organ is above and female sex organ is below
Ans: A


55. Homothallic fungi, monoecious plants denote-
Ans: Bisexual condition


56. Heterothallic fungi and dioecious (plants) are the terms used to indicate-
Ans: Unisexual condition

57. Match the following-

I. Homogametes A) Ferns
II. Heterogametes B) Rhodophyceae
III. Isogametes C) Cladophora
IV. Spermatia D) Chlamydomonas

         I   II  III   IV
Ans: D  A   C   B


58. Heterogametes of Fucus are-
Ans: Male gamete is smaller with 2 unequal flagella on lateral side, female gamete is larger and spherical


59. Cladophora produces gametes of-
Ans: equal size, shape, number of flagella and their position


60. Read the following statements and find out correct one-
       1) Century plant produces flowers only once in its life span of 10-30 years
       2) Bamboo produces flowers only once in its life span of 50-100 years
       3) Neelakuranji produces flowers once in its 10 years life span
       4) The colour of the flowers of strobilanthus is blue
Ans: 3 (Neelakuranji produces flowers once in its 10 years life span)

61. An angiospermic stamen has
       1) Bilobed anther                                                     2) Each life has 2 pollen sacs
       3) Pollen sac is also called microsporangium       4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


62. Young anther has 4-
Ans: microsporangia


63. A mature stamen at the time of dehiscence has-
Ans: 2 microsporangia, 2 stomia


64. The stalk of the stamen is called-
Ans: Filament


65. Number of meiotic divisions in a stamen and ovule respectively-
Ans: many, one


66. Multi nucleate condition is seen in-
Ans: Tapetum


67. Nutritive structure of Anther wall-
Ans: Tapetum

68. Protection to the microsporangium is given by-
      1) Epidermis       2) Tapetum       3) Middle layers       4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


69. Dehiscence is helped-
Ans: The layers that give protection


70. Nutritive tissue is placed between-
Ans: Middle layers and microsporangium


71. The thin region in between the pollen sacs-
Ans: Stomium


72. The layer that helps in dehiscence by its capacity to loose water and contract-
Ans: Endothecium


73. Microsporogenesis involves-
Ans: Meiosis

74. Find a mismatch-
       1) Stamen = Microsporophyll
       2) Microspore mother cell = Pollen mother cell
       3) Microspore = Pollen grain
       4) Pollen grain = Male gametophyte
Ans: 4 (Pollen grain = Male gametophyte)


75. Pollen grain measures-
Ans: 25 - 50 micrometers


76. Assertion (A): Sporopollenin is one of the most resistant organic chemical materials known.
      Reason (R): No enzyme that degrades sporopollenin is known.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


77. Sporopollenin is present in-
Ans: Outer layer of the wall


78. Wall of the pollengrain is made of-
       1) Pectin       2) Cellulose         3) Sporopollenin         4) All
Ans: 4 (All)

79. Assertion (A): Pollen grains are preserved as fossils.
       Reason (R): They consist sporopollenin.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


80. Match the following-

          I   II  III   IV
Ans: D  C    B   A


81. Germ pores are present in-
Ans: Exine


82. Cytoplasm of the vegetative cell consists-
        1) Irregularly shaped nucleus        2) Small generative cell
        3) 1, 2                                                 4) Pollen grain
Ans: 3 (Irregularly shaped nucleus, Small generative cell)

83. Characters of Generative cell-
        1) Small                                                                 2) Fusiform
        3) Floats in the cytoplasm of vegetative cell   4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


84. Pollen grains in majority of the plants are liberated at-
Ans: 2-celled stage


85. Parthenium came to India along with-
Ans: Wheat


86. Assertion (A): Pollen grains increase the performance of horses and athletes.
Reason (R): They cause severe allergies bronchial afflictions, chronic respiratory diseases and pollen allergy.
Ans: A & R are correct. R do not explains A.


87. Assertion (A): Pollen tablets are used as food supplements.
       Reason (R): They are rich in nutrients
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.

88. Pollen bank means-
Ans: Pollen grains preserved in liquid nitrogen


89. Arrange the layers in a sequence from centre to periphery-
       A. Tapetum        B. Middle layers      C. Endothecium       D. Epidermis
Ans: A B C D


90. Multicarpellary syncarpous and apocarpous gynoecium are seen respectively in-
Ans: Papaver, Michelia


91. Arrange the following plants in ascending order basing on the number of carpels.
        A. Allium           B. Pea             C. Michelia         D. Solanum
Ans: B D A C


92. Precursor of the male gametophytes-
Ans: Microspore


93. Pollen grains germinate-
Ans: on the stigma

94. Number of ovules in the ovary of orchid-
Ans: Many


95. Cell division is unequal during the following kind of vegetative reproduction-
        1) Fragementation       2) Gemmae       3) Budding         4) Tissue Culture
Ans: 3 (Budding)


96. Read the following statements. Select a right one-
1) In monocots radicle and root cap is enclosed by well differentiated sheath called Coleorhiza
2) In monocots epicotyl has shoot apex and a few leaf primordia enclosed in solid foliar structure, the coleoptile
3) Perisperm is a part of albumin
4) Hilum and micropyle are in one line
Ans: 4(Hilum and micropyle are in one line)


97. Larger part of Monocot embryo is-
Ans: Scutellum


98. Shape of Scutellum-
Ans: shield

99. Membranous seed coat is found in-
Ans: Cereals


100. As the seed matures one of the following character is not seen-
         1) Weight gradually increases
         2) Embryo enters in a state of inactivity
         3) Water content is reduced (10-15% by mass)
         4) seeds become relatively dry
Ans: 1(Weight gradually increases)


101. Find a wrong pair (regarding dispersal).
         1) Coconuts - Float      2) Martynia - Animal fur     3) Gua - Birds   4) Fig - Wind
Ans: 4 (Fig - Wind)


102. Measurements of Orchid seeds-
Ans: 85 micrometers


103. Number of ovules is least in the ovaries of-
         1) Caryopsis       2) Cypsela        3) Nut & Drupe       4) All
Ans: 4 (All)

104. An ovule is-
         1) Integumented ovary          2) Integumented megasporangium
         3) Integumented nucellus      4) 1, 2
Ans: 4 (Integumented ovary, Integumented megasporangium)


105. Match the following-

          I   II III IV
Ans: C  D   A   B


106. Find incorrect match-
         1) Unitegmic - Helianthus (Gamopetalae)      2) Ategmic - Loranthus
         3) Number of embryosacs in ovule - One        4) Gamopetalae, Monocots - Unitegmic
Ans: 4 (Gamopetalae, Monocots - Unitegmic)

107. Micropyle, Chalaza and funiculus are in one line-
Ans: Vertical, Orthotropous, Polygonum


108. The angle formed by the inverted ovule along side of the funiculus-
Ans: 180°


109. Micropyle lies close to the funiculus in-
Ans: Anatropous ovule


110. Embryosac is curved in-
Ans: Campylotropous ovule


111. Assertion (A): The embryosac of Campylotropous ovule is curved though body of the ovule is placed at 90° to the funiculus.
Reason (R): Body of the ovule bends in such a way that micropyle comes towards the funiculus.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.

112. Arrange the ovules in ascending order based on the distance between micropyle and funiculus-
         A. Campylotropous ovule (Fabaceae)
         B. Orthotropous ovule (Polygonium)
         C. Anatropous ovule (Asteraceae)
Ans: C A B


113. The mother cell of female gametophyte is-
Ans: Megaspore


114. Assertion (A): Female gametophyte of angiosperms is also called embryosac.
         Reason(R): Female gametophyte becomes haploid endosperm in Gymnosperms.
Ans: A & R are correct. R do not explains A.


115. Arrange the following events in ascending order based on the number mentioned.
         A. Number of cells in the egg apparatus.
         B. Number of free nuclear mitotic divisions in a megaspore.
         C. Number of vegetative cells in male gametophyte.
         D. Number of polar nuclei in the embryosac.
         E. Number of nuclei in the female gametophyte.
         F. Types of cells in the embryosac.

116. Number of male gametes in a male gametophyte is equal to-
         A. Number of Polar nuclei.
         B. Types of cells in the egg appartus.
         C. Number of synergids.
         D. Types of cells in a fully developed male gametophyte.
         E. Number of integuments in the ovules of monocots and polypetalae.
         F. Number of mitotic divisions in the pollen grain.


117. Assertion (A): A typical angiosperm embryosac, at maturity, though 8-nucleate is 7-celled.
Reason (R): Central cell has 2-polar nuclei.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


118. Egg apparatus is present towards-
Ans: Micropyle

119. Egg apparatus and Antipodal cells-
         A. equal in number of cells.          B. equal in number of genomes.
         C. equal in function.                       D. equal in position.
Ans: A B


120. Filiform apparatus is possessed by-
Ans: synergids


121. Pollen tubes are guided into the synergid by-
Ans: filiform apparatus


122. Pollination is direct in-
Ans: Plants bearing naked seeds


123. Match the following-

          I  II  III  IV
Ans: D  C   A   B

124. The following plants show cleistogamy
          1) Oxalis           2) Viola           3) Commelina           4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


125. Seed-set is assured even in the absense of pollinators in the plants showing-
Ans: Cleistogamy


126. Assertion (A): Geitenogamy is genetically similar to Autogamy
         Reason (R): Pollengrains belong to the same flower.
Ans: A is correct. R is false.


127. Majority of the plants use the following agents for pollination-
         1) Animals          2) Wind          3) Water          4) None
Ans: 1(Animals)


128. Assertion (A): Plants showing pollination by wind and water produce enormous amount of pollen.
Reason (R): Pollengrains coming in contact with the stigma is a chance factor.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.

129. Read the following statements and find out incorrect one-
         1) Majority of the plants use biotic agents for cross pollination
         2) Pollination by wind is more common amongst abiotic pollinations
         3) Wind pollination is quite common in grasses
         4) Plants showing pollination by water are mostly dicots
Ans: 4 (Plants showing pollination by water are mostly dicots)


130. Assertion (A): The distribution of Bryophytes and Pteridophytes is limited.
         Reason (R): They need water for the transportation of male gametes to the egg cell.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


131. Water hyacinth and water lilly are pollinated by insects or wind because-
Ans: Flowers emerge above the level of water


132. A marine hydrophyte showing hydrophily-
Ans: Zostera


133. Assertion (A): Vallisneria shows epihydrophily.
         Reason (R): It is a submerged hydrophyte
Ans: A & R are correct. R do not explains A.

134. Pollengrains are long and ribbon like in-
Ans: Zostera


135. Wind and water pollinated flowers are-
         1) Not very colourful                   2) Do not produce nectar
         3) Big in size & sweet smelling   4) 1, 2
Ans: 4 (Not very colourful, Do not produce nectar)


136. Assertion (A): In most of the water pollinated plants pollen grains are protected from wetting.
Reason (R): They are covered by mucilagenous sheath.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


137. Match the following pollinating agents-

          I  II III IV
Ans: B  D  A   C

138. Pollination by reptiles like snakes is called-
Ans: Ophiophily


139. Among the animals the dominant pollinating agents are-
Ans: Insects


140. Among the insects the dominant pollinating are-
Ans: Bees


141. Match the following-

           I  II III IV
Ans: C  D   A   B

142. Match the following-

          I   II III IV
Ans: C  A  B   D


143. The following 2 organisms, one plant and one animal can not complete their life cycle without each other-
         1) Squirrel - Guava          2) Lemur - Apple
         3) Moth - Yucca                4) Tegeticula - Amorphophallus
Ans: 3 (Moth - Yucca)


144. Silky hairs represent the style and stigma in the following wind pollinated plant-
         1) Sorghum        2) Zea        3) Pea        4) Pennisetum
Ans: 2 (Zea)

145. Read the following statements and find out-
         1) Wind pollinated flowers often have a single ovule in each ovary
         2) Feathery stigma easily traps air-borne pollen
         3) Wind pollinated plants often possess well-exposed stamens
         4) Wind pollination requires light and sticky pollen grains
Ans: 4 (Wind pollination requires light and sticky pollen grains)


146. Many insects consume pollen or the nectar without bringing about pollination. They are called-
Ans: Pollen/ Nectar Robbers


147. Inbreeding depression is caused due to-
Ans: Continuous autogamy


148. Match the following-

           I  II III IV
Ans: C  D  A   B

149. The following one is a genetic mechanism to prevent autogamy-
         1) Heterostyly          2) Protandry
         3) Self-sterility          4) Herkogamy
Ans: 4 (Herkogamy)


150. The following condition gives an assured condition for cross pollination-
         1) Unisexual flowers                 2) Bisexual flowers
         3) Achlamydous flowers          4) Chasmogamous flowers
Ans: 1 (Unisexual flowers)


151. The following plants are monoecious-
         1) Zea          2) Castor          3) Musa          4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


152. The following plants are dioecious-
         1) Carica          2) Borassus          3) Date Palm          4) All
Ans: 4 (All)

153. Dioecious condition prevents-
         A. Autogamy          B. Allogamy          C. Xenogamy          D. Geitenogamy
Ans: A D


154. Arrange the following events in a sequence. They take place after pollination-
         A. Interactive          B. Acceptance or Rejection          C.Recognition
Ans: A C B


155. The dialogue between pistil and pollen takes place. It is-
Ans: Chemical process


156. Pollengrain falls on the stigma at 2-celled stage in 60% of the plants. The generative cell divides and produces 2 male gametes while the pollen tube is-
Ans: in the stigma


157. The ratio between pollen grain and male gametes is-
Ans: 1 : 2


158. Ratio between mitotic divisions in the pollengrain and male gametes produced is-
Ans: 1 : 1

159. Number of pollengrains required to produce a seed-
Ans: 1


160. Number of pollengrains and male gametes required for double fertilisation in the angiosperms-
Ans: 1, 2


161. Number of meiotic divisions and mitotic divisions required from male parent to accomplish double fertilisation in female-
Ans: 1, 2


162. The male gametes in angiosperms reach the egg cell in a pollen tube. This phenomenon started actually in-
Ans: Gymnosperms


163. If the male gametes are carried to the egg cell through pollen tube, it is called-
Ans: Siphonogamy


164. One pollengrain mother cell can fertilise-
Ans: 4 Ovules

165. Pollen pistil interaction include the following events-
1) From pollination to the germination of the pollengrain on the stigma
2) Deposition of the pollengrains on the stigma, germenation of the pollen grains, travelling of the pollen tube through the style and enter into the ovary
3) Entry of the pollen tubes into the ovule       4) 2, 3
Ans: 4 (Deposition of the pollengrains on the stigma, germenation of the pollen grains, travelling of the pollen tube through the style and enter into the ovary, Entry of the pollen tubes into the ovule)


166. How many pollengrains fall on the stigma, how many can germinate, how many pass through the style, how many enter into the ovary, ovule and embryosac respectively-
Ans: many, many, many, many, many, 1


167. Match the following-

          Entry of the pollen tube into the ovule through-

          I   II III IV
Ans: A  C   D   B

168. Nearest way to reach the egg apparatus of the embryosac
Ans: Porogamy


169. Embryosac is surrounded by a cell wall belonging to-
Ans: Megaspore


170. Egg apparatus in the embryosac is present always towards-
Ans: Micropyle


171. Read the following statements and find out incorrect one-
1) Often flowers of animal pollinated plants are specifically adapted for a particular species of animal
2) Pollengrains generally are sticky in animal pollinated flowers
3) The cells of Endothecium absorb water and swell to help in the dehiscence of the anther to release pollengrains
4) Pollengrains of cereals have viability of 30 minutes while loose of Leguminaceae, Rosaceae and Solanaceae maintain viability for months
Ans: 3 (The cells of Endothecium absorb water and swell to help in the dehiscence of the anther to release pollengrains)

172. Embryosac is nothing but enlarged-
Ans: Megaspore


173. Pollen grains can be germinated in the laboratory and it requires-
         A. 10 ml of sugar solution.     B. A drop of sugar solution of about 10%.
         C. 15 - 30 mts                          D. 10 - 15 mts       E. 30 - 45 mts
Ans: B D


174. Mother cell of the female gametophyte/ embryosac is-
Ans: Megaspore


175. Megaspore shows how many mitotic divisions to produce female gametophyte-
Ans: 7


176. Female gametophyte at one stage shows 8 nuclei. It is due to-
Ans: 7 - free nuclear mitotic divisions


177. The life cycle of an angiosperm is-
Ans: Diplohaplontic

178. Maximum number of cells in the male and female gametophytes of angiosperms respectively-
Ans: 3, 7


179. Number of spindle apparatti formed from megaspore mother cell to embryosac-
Ans: 3 + 7


180. Number of spindle apparatti formed in a megaspore to produce embryosac-
Ans: 7


181. Embryosac consists nuclei belonging to how many generations-
Ans: 3


182. The set of 3 cells present in the embryosac towards chalaza are called-
Ans: Antipodal cells


183. Artificial hybridisation requires
Ans: 2 flowers belonging to 2 parent plants


184. Emasculation means-
Ans: Removal of stamens from bisexual flowers in bud stage

185. Emasculation is followed by-
         1) cross pollination                            2) collection of pollen
         3) searching for a male parent        4) bagging
Ans: 4 (bagging)


186. Bagging is done to-
Ans: Prevent unwanted pollination


187. Rebagging is necessary after-
Ans: Dusting the pollen on the stigma


188. This step is not necessary if the female parent bears unisexual flowers-
Ans: Emasculation


189. Arrange the following steps in a sequence-
         A. Rebagging                   B. Dusting of pollen on stigma
         C. Selection of parents   D. Bagging
         E. Emasculation              F. Collection of pollen from selected male parent

190. Male gametes are seen first in the following-
Ans: cytoplasm of synergid


191. Syngamy means the union-
Ans: Between the nucleus of male gamete and nucleus of egg cell


192. Triple fusion means union between-
Ans: one male gamete and central cell


193. Significant features of angiosperms-
         1) Double fertilisation                                 2) Formation of endosperm after fertilisation
         3) Pollination by animals and water         4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


194. Number of genomes of female parent participating in the formation of a seed-
Ans: 3


195. Number of genomes involved in double fertilisation-
Ans: 5

196. Number of genomes of male and female parents involved in double fertilisation respectively-
Ans: 2 + 3


197. To produce 'n' number of seeds in angiosperms how many meiotic divisions are required-


198. To know the chromosome number in endosperm of angiosperms the principle applied is-


199. PEN of an angiospermic plant consists
Ans: 2 female genomes, one male genome


200. Zygote an angiosperm consists-
Ans: Nucleus of male gamete, nucleus and cytoplasm of female gamete


201. The result of triple fusion is-
Ans: PEC


202. The triploid body of the seed is-
Ans: endosperm

203. The following occurs first or formed first-
         1) Triple fusion, endosperm          2) Syngamy, embryo
         3) PEC, embryo                              4) Syngamy, endosperm
Ans: 4 (Syngamy, endosperm)


204. Match the following-

          I  II III IV
Ans: B  C   D  A


205. Multinucleate stage is seen once in the development of the following-
         1) Embryosac          2) Albumin          3) 1, 2          4) Embryo
Ans: 3 (Embryosac, Albumin )


206. Assertion (A): Most zygotes divide only after certain amount of endosperm is formed.
        Reason (R): Developing embryo requires nutrition.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.

207. Read the following statements. Find out a correct one-
         1) The early stages of embryogeny in monocots and dicots are different
         2) Black Pepper and Beet show perisperm
         3) All seeds are endospermic
         4) First leaf of Dolichos is called Scutellum
Ans: 2 (Black Pepper and Beet show perisperm)


208. The following structures are seen in monocots only-
         1) coleorhiza          2) scutellum
         3) coleoptile          4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


209. Arrange the stages in a sequence found during the embryogeny of Dicots
         A. Heart shaped embryo          B. Globular embryo
         C. Mature embryo                     D. Pro embryo

210. Find a wrong match-
         1) Scutellum = First leaf of monocots or grasses         2) Endosperm = Albumin
         3) Plumule = First apical bud of shoot                         4) Root cap = Coleorhiza
Ans: 4 (Root cap = Coleorhiza)

Posted Date : 30-11-2020


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.