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The Unit of Life

1. The most important difference between plant cell and animal cell is-
A: Cell wall


2. Next to Cell wall, the important difference between plant and animal cell is-
A: Plastids


3. The Cell wall was discovered by-
A: Robert Hooke


4. Living cell was first discovered by-
A: Leeuwenhoek


5. The unit of life is-
A: Cell

6. The physico chemical approach to study the physiological and behavioural processes and understand living organisms is called-
A: Reductionist biology


7. The concepts and techniques of the following sciences helped to understand biology-
    1) Physics     2) Chemistry      3) Genetics      4) 1, 2
A: 4 (Physics, Chemistry)


8. Match the following.

I. Robert Hooke A) Nucleus
II. Anton van Leeuwenhoek B) Omnis cellula e cellula
III. Robert Brown C) Dead cork plant cell
IV. Rudolf Virchow D) Living cell

The correct matching
A: C D A B


9. All cells arise from pre existing cells. This was proposed by-
A: Virchow

10. The idea of cell division was first given by-
A: Rudolf Virchow


11. The Cells of animals are surrounded by a thin layer which is today called as plasma membrane was first proposed by-
A: Schwann


12. Presence of Cell wall is a unique character of the plant cells. It was proposed by the following based on the study of plant tissues-
     1) Leeuwenhoek                                      2) Rudolf Virchow
     3) German Botanist M.J.Schleiden         4) British zoologist Theodore Schwann
A: 4 (British zoologist Theodore Schwann)


13. Schwann and Schleiden did not explain one idea in their cell theory. This was explained by the following for the first time and a final shape came to cell theory-
A: Rudolf Virchow

14. Microbodies include-
A: Peroxisomes, Glyoxysomes


15. Microbodies are generally present in-
A: Plant cells


16. One of the following character is not related to microbodies.
1) They are single membrane bounded
2) They are the only the single membrane bounded organelles
3) They are usually present in animal cells
4) 2, 3
A: 4 (They are the only the single membrane bounded organelles, They are usually present in animal cells)


17. Phospholipid synthesis is done by-
A: Peroxisomes

18. Match the following.

I. Conversion of lipids to carbohydrates A) Organelles concerned with Autolysis
II. Photorespiration in a group of green plants B) A type of ER without the presence of ribosomes
III. Rich in hydrolytic enzymes/ Hydrolyses C) A kind of microbodies generally found in fat rich germinating seeds
IV. Major site for synthesis of lipids D) Organelles which play an important role in the synthesis of phospholipids

       I     II      III      IV
A:  C     D      A      B


19. Lipids are converted to carbohydrates in a metabolic pathway called-
A: Glyoxylate cycle


20. Cells are protected from the toxic effect of hydrogen peroxide by-
A: Peroxisomes

21. DNA has charge-
A: -ve


22. The enzyme required to convert H2O2 into non-toxic molecules-
A: Catalase


23. Catalase is present in-
A: Peroxisomes


24. The bead like structures in chromosome are called-
A: Nucleosome


25. Positively charged part of chromosome-
A: Histones


26. A typical nucleosome consists-
     1) 8 Histones      2) 200 bp of DNA            

     3) 1, 2                 4) Linker DNA
A: 3 (8 Histones, 200 bp of DNA)


27. Ratio between histones and base pairs of a typical nucleosome-
A: 1 : 8

28. Types of histones
A: 5


29. Charge of the Octamer-
A: +ve


30. Ratio between different histones of Octamer-
A: 1 : 1 : 1 : 1

31. The protein nature of the Octamer-
   1) Basic, +vely charged      2) -vely charged, Acidic      

   3) Acidic, +vely charged       4) None
Ans: Basic, +vely charged 


32. Two adjacent nucleosomes connected by-
Ans: Linker DNA


33. The parts of a chromosome which do not unite with similar part of other homologous chromosome-
Ans: Telomere


34. The term chromosome was coined by-
Ans: Waldeyer

35. The part of a chromosome whose division indicates the completion of chromosomal division-
Ans: Centromere


36. Arrangement of the chromosomes of a genome according to their height is called-
Ans: Karyotype


37. If all the pairs of chromosomes of an organism are represented by a single partner, it is called-
    1) Genome      2) Set     3) Ploid        4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


38. Parts belonging to a chromosome are equal-
     1) Kinetochores            2) Telomeres     3) Chromatids      4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


39. The material of the chromosome is-
Ans: Chromatin


40. Chromosomes are best seen during-
Ans: Metaphase

41. The part of the chromosome that helps in movements-
Ans: Centromere


42. Chromosome shapes are observed during-
Ans: Anaphase


43. The chromosome shape is decided by-
Ans: Position of Centromere


44. Number of DNA threads present in a chromosome-
Ans: 2


45. A metacentric chromosome in a metaphase shows
      A) 2 Chromatids                     B) 2 Centromeres     C) 4 Telomeres
      D) 4 Polynucleotide Chains   E) 4 Arms                 F) 2 Kineto chores
Ans: Except B


46. Arms are equal in-
Ans: Meta centric

47. Satellite is present-
Ans: Above the telomere


48. Arms are almost equal in-
Ans: Submetacentric


49. Match the following.

I. Chromatin A) Organelle that divides intracellular space
II. Nucleus B) Naked Organelle
III. KR Porter C) Robert Brown
IV. Palade D) Fleming

          I     II   III   IV
Ans:  D    C     A      B


50. Read the following statements and find out one unrelated to satellite-
   1) Its location is constant                      2) Few chromosomes in a genome have satellite
   3) It takes deep stain                            4) It is associated with secondary constriction
Ans: 3 (It takes deep stain)

51. Arrange the following in ascending order
         A. Number of nuclei in a cell showing 3 free nuclear mitotic divisions
         B. Number of nuclei in epidermal cells
         C. Number of nuclei in megaspore tetrade
         D. Number of nuclei in RBC
         E. Number of nuclei in embryo sac
         F. Number of nuclei in the pollen grain (male gametophyte) at the time liberation
         G. Number of nuclei in a mature male gametophyte


52. Outer nuclear membrane characters are-
    1) Separates perinuclear space and cytoplasm          2) Bears ribosomes on its outer side
    3) It is continuous with ER                                        4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


53. Punctured organelle-
Ans: Nucleus

54. A nucleus can be seen under-
Ans: Compound Microscope


55. Coenocytic condition is seen in-
Ans: Rhizopus


56. Number of bp in one turn of DNA of nucleosome-
Ans: 100


57. The place of H1 protein-
Ans: Seals entry and leaving point of DNA.


58. A chromosome with one extremely short and one very long arm, is called-
Ans: Acrocentric


59. RNA and Protein molecules pass in both directions between nucleus and cytoplasm through-
Ans: Nuclear Pores


60. Assertion (A): Nucleolus is naked organelle.
      Reason (R): The contents of nucleolus are continuous with the rest of the nucleoplasm.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.

61. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis occurs in-
Ans: Nucleolus


62. 80 S Ribosomes are synthesised from-
Ans: Nucleolus


63. Centrosome is generally seen in-
Ans: Animals


64. Number of Centrioles and arrangement in centrosome-
Ans: 2, Parallel to each other


65. Shape of Centriole.
Ans: Cylindrical


66. Flagella and Cilia resemble differ from each other respectively-
     A. Made of tubulin                              B. Useful in movement
     C. Present in plant and animal cells    D. Length
     E. Location                                          F. member

67. Read the following statements and find out incorrect one.
     1) Cilia cause the movement of either the cell or the surrounding fluid.
     2) Flagella are responsible for cell movement.
     3) Flagella and Cilia are present in prokaryotes.
     4) Flagella and Cilia acts as oars.
Ans: 4 (Flagella and Cilia acts as oars.)


68. Number of microtubules in a flagellum-
Ans: 20


69. 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules is seen in-
Ans: Flagellum of eukaryotes


70. Cartwheel model is seen in the structure of-
Ans: Centrosome


71. Centriole duplication in animal cells occurs-
Ans: Parallel to DNA replication in nucleus.

72. Match the following.

I. Provides enzymes for protein synthesis. A. Colourless part of photosynthetic organelle.
II. Provides enzymes for protein synthesis, photosynthesis. B. Organelle that protects the cell from toxic effect of H2O2.
III. Enzymes for lipid synthesis. C. Smooth endoplasmic Reticulum.
IV. Consists enzymes for the phospholipid synthesis. D. Smallest primitive naked organelle.

           I    II   III   IV
Ans:   D   A     C    B


73. Number of radial spokes in flagellum-
Ans: 9


74. Centriole forms the following structures-
   1) Blepharoplast of cilia     2) Blepharoplast of flagellum      3) Spindle fibres    4) All
Ans: 4 (All)

75. Number of fibrils in centriole-
Ans: 9


76. Fibril of centriole is made of-
Ans: 3 microtubules


77. Central part of centriole is made of & it is called-
Ans: Proteins, Hub


78. Flagellum is surrounded by-
Ans: Plasma membrane


79. Core of Flagellum is made of-
       1) Plasma membrane        2) 9 pairs of duplets      

       3) 2 central microtubules        4) 2, 3
Ans: 4 (9 pairs of duplets, 2 central microtubule)


80. Match the following-

I. Hub A) Centriole
II. 9 + 0 B) Connected with fibrils by radial spokes
III. 9 + 2 C) Protein
IV. Radial spokes D) Flagellum

         I   II   III   IV
Ans: B  A   D   C

81. Match the following-

I. ER A) ER, Golgi, Lysosomes, Vacuole
II. Endomembrane system B) Microfilaments, microtubules intermediate filaments
III. Cytoskeleton C) Disc shaped sacs or cisternae
IV. Golgi D) Network of tiny tubular structures

         I   II  III   IV
Ans: D  A  B   C


82. Cytos Releton is not concerned with-
Ans: Secretion of enzymes


83. Assertion (A): Mitochondria, Chloroplast and peroxisomes are not considered as a part of Endomembrane system.
      Reason (R): Their functions are not coordinated with those of endomembrane system.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


84. Assertion (A): ER, Golgi, Lysosomes and vacuoles constitute endomembrane system.
      Reason (R): Their functions are coordinated.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.

85. Extra luminal compartment means-
Ans: Cytoplasm


86. Intracellular space is divided into luminal and extraluminal compartments by the following-
       1) Golgi        2) Nucleus        3) ER        4) Plastids
Ans: 3 (ER)


87. The function of RER-
       1) Secretion           2) Protein synthesis
       3) 1, 2                     4) Mechanical support and protein synthesis
Ans: 3 (Secretion, Protein synthesis)


88. The function of SER in plant and animal cells respectively-
Ans: Lipid synthesis, Steroidal hormone synthesis


89. The organisms other than plants which consist plastids are-
Ans: Euglenoids


90. The division of plastids into 3 types is based on-
Ans: Pigments

91. Terpenoids of chloroplasts are-
Ans: Carotenoids


92. Protein synthesis requires enzymes. These are present in-
       1) Cytoplasma of prokaryotes and eukaryotes       2) Mitochondria & Chloroplast
       3) Nucleus                                                                     4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


93. Plastids concerned with storage are-
Ans: Leucoplasts


94. Leucoplasts with oils-
Ans: Elaioplasts


95. Carotenoid pigments are present in-
       1) Chromoplasts        2) Chloroplasts        3) Elaioplasts        4) 1, 2
Ans: 4 (Chromoplasts, Chloroplasts )


96. No. of Chloroplasts in mesophyll cells-
Ans: 20 -40

97. Assertion (A): Chloroplasts consists enzymes useful in photosynthesis.
      Reason (R): Ribosomes are present in chloroplasts.
Ans: A is false. R is correct.


98. Double membrane bounded organelles of plant and animal cells are-
Ans: 3, 2


99. Double membrane bounded organelles of plant cells are-
Ans: Chloroplasts, Mitochondria, Nucleus


100. Match the following-

I. Inner membrane is relatively less permeables A) Organelle consists linear DNA
II. Inner membrane forms number of infoldings B) Organelle that produces ATP without consuming food
III. Outer membrane and inner membranes are fused C) Organelle that is concerned with polluting atmosphere
IV. Formation of glycoproteins here and there and glycolipids D) Organelle involved in the synthesis of cell wall materials

         I   II  III   IV
Ans: B  C   A   D

101. Functions seen in Chloroplasts are-
         A. Photosynthesis          B. Protein Synthesis          C. DNA replication
Ans: A B C


102. Number of Chloroplasts in Chlamydomonas-
Ans: 1


103. Chloroplast resembles mitochondria in-
         A. Produce ATP                 B. Evolve O2                  C. DNA synthesis
         D. Protein synthesis          E. 70 S Ribosomes         F. Circular DNA          G. Crystae
Ans: A B C D E F


104. DNA is present in-
         1) Nucleus          2) Chloroplast          3) Mitochondria          4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


105. The organelle that divides by fission also performs-
Ans: Takes CO2 and gives out Oxygen

106. Match the following. (functions are given as a clue)

I. Cisternae A) Synthesis of Cell wall materials
II. Cristae B) Consists histones
III. Thylakoids C) Power house of the cell
IV. Pores D) Consists circular DNA

         I   II  III  IV
Ans: A  C  D   B


107. Match the following-

I. Food vacuole A) Aquatic bacteria
II. Vacuole B) Protists
III. Gas vacuole C) Amoeba
IV. Contractile vacuole D) Anthocyanins

         I   II   III  IV
Ans: B  D   A   C

108. Arrange the following events in a sequence-
         A. Proteins are modified in the cisternae of forming face.
         B. Protein sythesis occurs on the surface of ribosomes.
         C. Proteins are released from transface.
         D. Golgi plays an important role in the formation of cell plate.
    The correct sequence is-
Ans: B A C D


109. Assertion (A): Golgi's function is packaging materials.
         Reason (R): Vacuoles occupy 90% volume of the cell.
Ans: A & R are correct. R do not explains A.


110. One of the following functions is not related to Golgi apparatus-
         1) Synthesis of Glycoproteins & Glycolipids
         2) Synthesis of Phospholipids
         3) Synthesis of Cell wall materials
         4) Modifies proteins synthesised by ribosomes and releases into cytoplasm
Ans: 2 (Synthesis of Phospholipids)

111. Match the following-

I. Packaging Organelle A) Lysosomes
II. Formed by packaging process B) Trans
III. Modification of Proteins C) Golgi apparatus
IV. Releasing of modified proteins D) Cisternae

         I    II  III   IV
Ans: C  A   D   B


112. The class of enzymes present in lysosomes-
Ans: 3


113. The following enzyme is not present in Lysosomes-
         1) Lipases and Proteases          2) Nucleases
         3) Carbohydrases                      4) Transaminases
Ans: 4 (Transaminases)

114. Read the following statements and find out incorrect one-
         1) Lysosomes cause the death of cells
         2) Tonoplast facilitates the transport of ions and other materials against 
              concentration gradients in to the vacuole
         3) Anthocyanins are present in the vacuole of all plants
         4) Lysosomes are formed from Golgi apparatus
Ans: 3 (Anthocyanins are present in the vacuole of all plants)


115. Assertion (A): Concentration of cell sap significantly higher than the cytoplasm.
         Reason (R): Tonoplast fecilitates the transport of a number of ions and other 
                                meterials against concentration gradient in to the vacuole.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


116. ATP producing centre of the cell
Ans: Mitochandria


117. Robert Hooke first observed except-
Ans: Vacuole

118. Cell wall was first observed by-
Ans: Robert Hooke


119. The Cell wall of the following plant was observed first-
         1) Sequoeia          2) Cotton          3) Oak          4) Ficus
Ans: 3 (Oak)


120. Book written by Hooke -
Ans: Micrographia


121. Pits are present in the-
Ans: Secondary Cell wall


122. Pits are useful in-
Ans: Inter cellular transport


123. The following character is not related to primary Cell wall-
         1) It shows growth
         2) Its thickness gradually increases with maturity
         3) It is not first formed Cell wall
         4) It lies outside to secondary Cell wall
Ans: 2 (Its thickness gradually increases with maturity)

124. Cytoplasm of neighbouring cells is connected by-
Ans: Plasmodesmata


125. Middle lamellum is made of-
Ans: Calcium pectate


126. Middle Lamellum joins-
         1) Different neighbouring cells       2) Similar adjacent cells
         3) 1, 2                                                 4) None
Ans: 3 (Different neighbouring cells, Similar adjacent cells)


127. Plasmodesmata pass through-
         A. Middle Lamellum          B. Primary Cell wall          C. Secondary Cell wall
Ans: A B only


128. Cell wall of Bacteria and Fungi are made of respectively-
Ans: Mucopeptide, Chitin

129. Match the following Cell wall substances.

I. Fungi A) Murein
II. Archaebacteria B) Chitin
III. Bacteria C) Mycolic acid
IV. Actinomycetes D) Pseudomurein

         I   II  III    IV
Ans: B  D   A   C


130. The Cell wall of Algae is made of-
         1) Cellulose      2) Galactans and Mannans     3) Calcium carbonate      4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


131. The following new materials are not added to the cellulose interfibrillary spaces of secondary Cell wall-
         1) Lignin          2) Chitin          3) Suberin          4) Cutin & Suberin
Ans: 2 (Chitin)


132. Cell wall is concerned with-
Ans: Barrier to desirable macromolecules

133. Common between plant cell and animal cell-
Ans: Plasma membrane


134. Vegetative plant cell is surrounded by the following layers in centripetal succession-
         A) Middle Lamellum          B) Primary cell wall
         C) Secondary cell wall        D) Plasma membrane
Ans: A B D


135. Plasma membrane can be seen under-
Ans: Electron microscope


136. Plasma membrane of Archaebacteria is made of-
Ans: branched chain lipids


137. Plasma membrane before flueid-mosaic model is said to be made of-
Ans: P-L-L-P

138. Common to all models of plasma membrane-
Ans: Bilayered lipids - head


140. Cell wall made of cellulosic plates is seen in-
Ans: Dinoflagellates


141. Plasma membrane of RBC is mainly composed of-
Ans: Phosphoglyceride

142. Which nature of the plasma membrane helps the cell in performing the functions like cell growth, formation of inter cellular junctions, secretion, endocytosis and cell division-
Ans: Fluid nature


143. Chemical composition of plasma membrane is-
Ans: 52% proteins 40% lipids


144. Position of proteins in the plasma membrane-
         1) Integral          2) Peripheral          3) Partly in side          4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


145. Proteins show lateral movements within the bilayered lipid layers. It is because-
Ans: Quasi fluid nature of lipids


146. Plasma membrane in a plant cell is seen clearly in-
Ans: Flaccid cell


147. Match the following functions of plasma membrane.

I. Passive transport A) Against concentration gradient
II. Active transport B) Neutral solutes along concentration gradient
III. Diffusion C) Diffusion of water across the membrane
IV. Osmosis D) No requirement of energy

         I   II  III   IV
Ans: D  A   B   C

148. Plasma membrane forms mesosomes in-
Ans: some Bacteria


149. One of the following process is an energy dependent process-
         1) Passive transport       2) Osmosis      3) Active transport      4) Diffusion
Ans: 3 (Active transport)


150. The following are permeable and semipermeable respectively-
         1) Primary Cell wall, Secondary Cell wall
         2) Plasma membrane, Primary Cell wall
         3) Primary Cell wall, Plasma membrane
         4) Secondary Cell wall, Middle lamellum
Ans: 3 (Primary Cell wall, Plasma membrane)


151. Plasma membrane by nature-
Ans: Selectively permeable


152. Carrier proteins are required in the transportation of-
Ans: polar molecules

153. Assertion (A): Polar molecules can not pass through the non-polar lipid bilayer.
         Reason (R): Carrier proteins are present in the plasma membrane.
Ans: A & R are correct. R do not explains A.


154. Read the following statements and findout correct one-
         1) Carrier proteins of the Cell wall are required to facilitate the polar molecules
         2) Non polar molecules require carrier proteins to pass through the lipid bilayer
         3) Na+/ K+ pumps are associated with active transport
         4) Cell membrane has polar lipid bilayer and carrier proteins
Ans: 3 (Na+/ K+ pumps are associated with active transport)


155. Assertion (A): Several ribosomes attach to a single mRNA and form polysomes.
         Reason (R): These ribosomes are of only type i.e. 70 S type.
Ans: A & R are correct. R do not explains A.


156. The size of the 70 S ribosomes is-
Ans: 15 nm × 20 nm

157. In prokaryotes the ribosomes-
         1) Present in cytoplasm only                   2) Form Polysomes
         3) Associated with plasma membrane   4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


158. Incusion bodies-
         1) Present in Prokaryotes only            2) They are naked
         3) They are reserve food materials    4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


159. The following are not present in prokaryotes-
         1) Polysomes         2) Mesosomes
         3) Plasmids            4) Membrane bounded/ Structures/ Organelles
Ans: 4 (Membrane bounded/ Structures/ Organelles)


160. The following structures do not play a role in motility-
         1) Flagella, Cilia          2) Pili Cilia
         3) Pili, Fimbriae          4) Fimbriae, Flagella
Ans: 3 (Pili Fimbriae)

161. The following are small bristle like fibres-
         1) Fimbriae          2) Pili          3) Flagella          4) Cilia
Ans: 1 (Fimbriae)


162. Flagella in Bacteria are extensions of-
Ans: Cell wall


163. Mesosome consists-
Ans: Vesicles, Tubules, Lamellae


164. Chromatophores are the extensions of-
Ans: Plasma membrane


165. Which of the following is concerned with maximum functions-
         1) Mesosomes      2) Cell wall     3) Gas vacuoles      4) Plasmid
Ans: 1 (Mesosomes)


166. Common between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
         1) Cell wall          2) Nucleoid          3) Plasmid          4) None
Ans: 4 (None)

167. The following part of prokaryotes is structurally similar to that of eukaryotes-
         1) Cell wall          2) Plasmid         3) Plasma membrane          4) Nucleoid
Ans: 3 (Plasma membrane)


168. Cell envelope of prokaryotic cells is-
Ans: 3- layered


169. The position of Cell wall in cell envelope is-
Ans: Between glycocalyx and Plasma membrane


170. The living part of cell envelope is-
Ans: Innermost


171. Slime layer and capsule are different types of-
Ans: Glycocalyx


172. Match the following-

I. Loose sheath A) Staining
II. Thick, Tough B) Cell wall
III. Shape C) Slime layer
 IV. Chemical Composition of cell envelope D) Capsule 

         I   II  III   IV
Ans: C  D   B   A

173. The following structure prevents the bacterium from bursting or collapsing-
         1) Cell wall          2) Cell envelope          3) Capsule          4) Slime sheath
Ans: 3 (Capsule)


174. Assertion (A): Glycocalyx differs in composition and thickness among different bacteria.
        Reason (R): Glycocalyx is follwed by plasma membrane.
Ans: A is correct. R is false.


175. Three layers of cell envelope in Bacteria
         1) Distinct from each other in structure         2) Distinct from each other in function
         3) Act as single protective unit                        4) All               
Ans: 4 (All)


176. The following structure gives response to staining procedure-
         1) Cell envelope          2) Cell wall
         3) Protoplasm            4) Plasma membrane
Ans: 2 (Cell wall)

177. Read the folloiwng statements and find out correct one-
         1) Cell envelope gives response to the gram's stain
         2) Glycocalyx is similar in composition and thickness in different Bacteria
         3) Plasma membrane in Bacteria differs structurally from that of eukaryotes
         4) Mesosomes are the extensions of plasma membrane which are in the form of 
              vesicles, tubules and vacuoles
Ans: 1 (Cell envelope gives response to the gram's stain)


178. The extensions of the plasma membrane in Bacteria are-
         A) Mesosomes          B) Plasmids          C) Chromatophores
Ans: A, C 


179. The parts of bacterial flagellum are
         A. Hook          B. Filament          C. Basal body
Arrange then in a sequence
Ans: C A B


180. The functions of fimbriae are-
         A. Motility      B. Attachment to the host    C. Attachment to the rocks in streams
Ans: B C

181. The surface structures in Bacteria which help in the motility-
         A. Flagella          B. Pili          C. Fimbriae
Ans: A only


182. One of the following is not a prokaryote-
         1) Yeast      2) Bacteria, Cyano Bacteria     3) Mycoplasma      4) PPLO
Ans: 1 (Yeast)


183. Read the following statements-
         1) The prokaryotes multiply rapidly than eukaryotes
         2) Prokaryotes do not show much variations in size and shape as their organisation is simple
         3) Prokaryotes show more variations in the organisation
         4) All bacteria have plasmids
   Which one among the above is correct?
Ans: 1 (The prokaryotes multiply rapidly than eukaryotes)


184. Assertion (A): Genomic DNA of bacteria is circular and naked.
         Reason (R): Plasmid confers certain phenotype characters to the host Bacteria.
Ans: A & R are correct. R do not explains A.

185. Plasmid is a part of Genotype. It is-
Ans: completely incorrect


186. Resistance to antibiotics and monitoring Bacterial transformation with foreign DNA are concerned with respectively-
Ans: Plasmid is concerned with both


187. Which among the following characters do not applies to both prokaryotes and eukaryotes-
Ans: Vacuole


188. Match the following-

I. Bacteria A) 7.0 μ m
II. Mycoplasma B) 3 - 5 μ m
III. Human RBC C) 0.02 - 0.2 μm
IV. Virus D) 0.3 μ m

         I   II   III   IV
Ans: B  D    A   C


189. The shape of the prokaryotic cell varies with-
Ans: function

190. Largest and smallest cells respectively are-
Ans: Ostrich egg, PPLO


191. Non-membrane bound organelles are-
Ans: Ribosomes, Centriole


192. Match the following-

I. No nucleus A) Epithelial cell
II. In distinct nucleus B) Nerve cell
III. Distinct nucleus C) Tracheid
IV. Distinct nucleus in a branched cell D) Prokaryote

          I  II  III    IV
Ans: C  D   A    B


193. A typical eukaryotic cell measures-
Ans: 10 times more than a typical Bacteria


194. Ribosomes are seen in-
         1) Cytoplasm          2) Mitochondria & Chloroplast
         3) 1, 2                       4) Vacuole also
Ans: 3 (Cytoplasm, Mitochondria & Chloroplast)

195. Triple helical structure refers to-
Ans: Collagen


196. Triple helical structure of collagen was discovered by-
Ans:  G.N.Ramachandran


197. Who influenced G.N.Ramachandran to solve the structure of collagen-
Ans: Linus Pauling


198. G.N.Ramachandran published the following and got appreciation from Linus Pauling.
         1) α - helix, β - sheet structures          2) a - helix, β - helix structures
         3) a - helix, β - sheet structures          4) α - helix, β - helix structures
Ans: 3 (a - helix, β - sheet structures)

Posted Date : 30-11-2020


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.