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1. 50% to 70% of Biogas is-
A: Methane


2. Chitinous wall is present around-
A: Oospore


3. Assertion (A): Mycorrhizae are used as bio - fertilisers.
     Reason (R): They help to absorb more phosphate.
A: A & R are correct. R explains A.


4. A colonial aggregate of immobile non-flagellated individual cells occuring in the life cycle of some flagellated green algae is called-
A: Palmella stage


5. The spores on germination produce gametophyte. The spores are produced-
      A) By mitosis in higher plants                               B) By meiosis in higher plants
      C) By mitosis in lower plants (Thallophytes)        D) By meiosis in thallophytes

6. Small plants which float passively in water currents are called-
A: Phytoplanktons


7. The following are treated as orphans in the classification of plant kingdom-
      1) Viruses       2) Prions       3) Viroids       4) All
A: 4 (All)


8. Lichens are included in-
      1) 2 kingdom classification       2) 5 kingdom classification
      3) 6 kingdom classification       4) None
A: 4 (None)


9. Cellular Organisation is seen in-
A: Lichens


10. The following relationship between Algae and Fungi is correct

A: (2) 

11. The following consists neither DNA nor RNA-
      1) Virus       2) Virion       3) Prion       4) Viroid
A: 3 (Prion)


12. Bacteriophage is a-
A: Virus


13. Find out mis-match
      1) Virus - Obligatory parasite                   2) Viroid - Potato spindle tuber disease
      3) Prion - Scrapie disease of women        4) Woese - Three domains
A: 3 (Prion - Scrapie disease of women)


14. RNA is present in-
      1) TMV       2) Viroid       3) HIV       4) All
A: 4 (All)


15. Assertion (A): The infectious agent of Potato spindle tuber disease is a viroid.
       Reason (R): It has free RNA.
A: A & R are correct. R explains A.

16. Assertion (A): Lichens are very good pollution indicators.
       Reason (R): They do not grow in polluted areas.
A: A & R are correct. R explains A.


17. DNA is present in-
A: Bacteriophage


18. The following are closely related-
      1) Archaea & Eukarya       2) Prion & Viroid
      3) Prion & Virion                4) Archaea & Bacteria
      5) Eukarya & Bacteria
A: 1 (Archaea & Eukarya)


19. One of the following is a Kingdom as well as domain-
      1) Bacteria       2) Archaea       3) Eukarya       4) Protista
A: 1 (Bacteria)


20. Assertion (A): Viruses do not find a place in classification.
       Reason (R): Viruses are not truely living.
A: A & R are correct. R explains A.

21. The following are not non-cellular-
      1) Lichens       2) Viruses       3) Viroids       4) Virions
A: 1 (Lichens)


22. The domains of Carl Woese-
      (A) Archaebacteria       (B) Bacteria
      (C) Protista                   (D) Cyanobacteria
      (E) Archaea                   (F) Monera      (G) Eukarya


23. The following is used as a marker in the 6 Kingdom Classification-
      1) 23s rRNA    2) 16s rRNA       3) 30s       4) 50s
A: 2 (16s rRNA)


24. Monera of Whittaker is divided into the following by Carl Woese-
      1) Bacteria, Archaea             2) Archaebacteria and Eukarya
      3) Protista & Eukarya          4) Archaebacteria and Archaea
A: 1 (Bacteria, Archaea)

25. One of the following is not a characteristic feature of Animalia-
      1) Holozoic Nutrition              2) Elaborate sense organs
      3) Definite growth & shape     4) Presence of Cell wall
A: 4 (Presence of Cell wall)


26. Match the following-

I. Absorptive mode of nutrition A) Prions
II. Ingestion of food B) Animals
III. Absence of genetic material  C) Viroids
IV. Absence of proteins D) Animals
  E) Plants

The correct matching is
       I    II    III   IV
A:  E    D    A    C


27. Assertion (A): All the members under the Kingdom Plantae of Whittaker are eukaryotes and autotrophic.
Reason (R): All eukaryotic and chlorophyll containing plants are kept in Plantae of Whittaker.
A: A & R are correct. R explains A.

28. Match the following.

I. Sexual rep absent A) Basidiomycetes
II. Asexual rep absent B) Phycomycetes
III. Sexual rep is reduced C) Deuteromycetes
IV. All 3 types of sex rep. present D) Ascomycetes
  E) Basidiomycetes

The correct matching is
       I     II    III    IV
A:  C    E    A     B


29. Match the following.

I. Edible A) Basidiomycetes
II. Biochemical & Genetic studies B) Deuteromycetes
III. No asexual spores C) Neurospora
IV. No sexual spores D) Truffles

The correct matching is-
       I     II     III    IV
A:  D    C     A     B

30. Find out mis-match.
      1) Polypores - Bracket fungus          2) Lycoperdon - Puff-ball
      3) Trichoderma - Ascomycetes        4) Albugo - Brassica
A: 3 (Trichoderma - Ascomycetes)


31. Sexual spores of Ascomycetes are called-
A: Ascospores


32. One of the following is not the shape of fruiting body of Ascomycetes-
      1) Club shape       2) Cup shape       3) Globose       4) Flask
A: 1 (Club shape)


33. Identify an odd pair-
      1) Pencillium - Neurospora       2) Aspergillus - Claviceps
      3) Yeast - Albugo                       4) Neurospora - Aspergillus
A: 3 (Yeast - Albugo)


34. Exogenous asexual spores are found in-
      1) Phycomycetes             2) Basidiomycetes
      3) Deuteromycetes          4) Ascomycetes
A: 4 (Ascomycetes)

35. Dikaryotic mycelium is found in-
      1) Deuteromycetes       2) Ascomycetes
      3) Phycomycetes          4) Basidiomycetes
A: 4 (Basidiomycetes)


36. Karyogamy and Meiosis occur in a separate structure in-
      1) Ascomycetes        2) Phycomycetes
      3) Basidiomycetes    4) None
A: 4 (None)


37. Some of the members of the following class are aquatic-
      1) Phycomycetes           2) Ascomycetes
      3) Basidiomycetes        4) Deuteromycetes
A: 1 (Phycomycetes)


38. Oogamy occurs in-
A: Phycomycetes

39. Read the following statements and find out how many of them are not incorrect?
        I. Aquatic fungi belong to Ascomycetes
        II. Algal fungi are aseptate and coenocytic
        III. Sac fungi do not have dikaryotic mycelium
        IV. Dikaryotic mycelium produce basidia
        V. Deuteromycetes produce flagellated bodies
        VI. Zygospores are formed in algal fungi only
A: 2


40. A large number of the following help in mineral cycling-
      1) Phycomycetes             2) Deuteromycetes
      3) Ascomycetes               4) Basidiomycetes
A: 2 (Deuteromycetes)

41. Match the following-

I. Puff ball A) Algal fungi
II. Bread mould B) Sac fungi
III. Red rot C) Club rungi
IV. Morels D) Imperfect fungi

The correct matching is
           I  II  III  IV
Ans: C  A   D   B

42. The effective fungal biocontrol agent is-
Ans: Trichoderma


43. One of the following character is not considered in the classification of Fungi-
      1) Mode of spore formation       2) Fruiting body
      3) Cell wall                                   4) Structure of Mycelium
Ans: 3 (Cell wall)


44. Phycomycetes is known for-
      1) Zoospores                         2) Zygospores
      3) Coenocytic mycelium      4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


45. Sexual spores in sac fungi-
Ans: Exogenous ascospores


46. Fruiting body without opening is called-
Ans: Cleistothecium

47. Read the following statements and find out incorrect one-
      1) Genus is Deuteromycetes indicates vegetative or asexual phase
      2) Rusts and smuts belong to Club fungi
      3) Dikaryotic stage is seen in ascomycetes & basidiomycetes
      4) Karyogamy & Meiosis occur simultaneously in Ascomycetes & Basidiomycetes
Ans: 4 (Karyogamy & Meiosis occur simultaneously in Ascomycetes & Basidiomycetes)


48. In fungi sexual reproduction occurs by-
      1) Oospores       2) Ascospores       3) Basidiospores       4) All
Ans: 4 (All)


49. Toad stools belong to-
Ans: Fungi


50. Match the following.

I. Bread & Beer A) Morels & Truffles
II. Wheat Rust B) Penicillium
III. Antibiotic C) Yeast
IV. Delicacies D) Puccinia

           I  II  III  IV
Ans: C  D   B   A

51. The common character in the members of Plantae of 2 kingdom classification-
Ans: Presence of Cell wall


52. Match the following-

I) Cellulose A) Fungi
II) Chitin B) Blue green algae
III) Prokaryotic C) Plants
IV) Multicellular Prokaryotic D) Bacteria

The correct matching is
           I   II  III  IV
Ans: C   A   D   B


53. The members of the first 3 kingdoms of Whittaker's classification belong to the following of Linnaeus-
Ans: Plantae & Animalia

54. Unicellular prokaryotic and eukaryotic micro organisms are kept under the following kingdoms of Whittaker's respectively-
      1) Eubacteria, Protista       2) Arechaebacteria, Chrysophyta
      3) Monera, Protista            4) Monera, Euglenoids
Ans: 3 (Monera, Protista)


55. White spots on Mustard leaves are caused by-
Ans: Albugo


56. Assertion (A): All fungi are filamentous.
       Reason (R): Yeast is unicellular.
Ans: A is false. R is correct.


57. Assertion (A): Gamets are absent in Basidiomycetes.
       Reason (R): Sexual reproduction occurs by basidiospores.
Ans: A, R are correct. R do not explains A.


58. Find out the odd one belonging to Fungi
      1) Zoospores                   2) Conidia
      3) Sporangiospores        4) Ascospores
Ans: 4 (Ascospores)

59. Match the following-

I) Plasmodium A) Thousands of cilia
II) Entamoeba B) Several feet length
III) Paramecium C) Sleeping sickness
IV) Trypanosoma D) Parasite

The correct matching is
          I   II   III  IV
Ans: B   D   A   C


60. Fruiting bodies are formed by-
Ans: Slime moulds


61. Match the following-

I) Silica shell A) Plasmodium
II) Silicated cell wall B) Amoeboid protozoans
III) Spore with true wall C) Protozoans
IV) No cell wall D) Diatoms
  E) Slime moulds

The correct matching is
           I   II  III  IV
Ans:  B  D   E   C

62. Protoplasm is surrounded by plasma membrane only but not Cell wall in-
      1) Slime moulds       2) Protozoans
      3) 1 & 2                     4) Dinoflagellates
Ans: 3 (Slime moulds, Protozoans)


63. Cell wall is replaced by protein rich layer called pellicle in-
Ans: Euglenoids


64. Match the following-

I) Noctiluca A) Euglena
II) Gonyaulax B) Rejuvenatory spores
III) Auxospore C) Diatoms
IV) Palmella D) Bioluminescence
  E) Red tides in Mediterranean sea

The correct matching is
           I   II  III  IV
Ans:  D  E   C   A

65. Find out mis-match-
      1) Red dinoflagellate - Gonyaulax
      2) Marine dinoflagellate - Noctiluca
      3) Chief producers in Ocean - Diatoms
      4) Dinoflagellates - Histone rich chromosomes
Ans: 4 (Dinoflagellates - Histone rich chromosomes)


66. Assertion (A): Dinoflagellates are called whirling whips.
      Reason (R): Their flagella produce spinning movements.
Ans: A, R are correct. R explains A.


67. Dinoflagellates differ from other protists in the following characters-
      A. Cell wall has stiff cellulose plates      B. Protein rich layer called pellicle is present
      C. Nucleus is called mesokaryon          D. Variously coloured
      E. Cell walls are indestructible
Ans: A C D

68. Assertion (A): The nucleus of Dinoflagellates is called Mesokaryon.
       Reason (R): Chromosomes show condensation even in interphase.
Ans: A, R are correct. R explains A.


69. Match the following-

I) No Cell wall but PellicleI) No Cell wall but Pellicle A) Diatoms
II) Cell wall diveded into 2 shells B) Marine amoeboid protozoa
III) Silica shell C) Euglena
IV) Cell wall with cellulosic plates D) Dinoflagellates
  E) Chryophytes

          I   II  III  IV
Ans: C  A   B   D


70. Find out the correct statement-
      1) Fruiting bodies in slime moulds enclose spores.
      2) The life cycle of slime moulds never show Cell wall.
      3) Euglena body is rigid due to pellicle.
      4) All are incorrect
Ans: 4 (All are incorrect)

71. Desmids are also called-
Ans: Golden algae


72. Chromosomes without histones are present in-
Ans: Whirling whips


73. One of the following is toxic-
      1) Noctiluca                    2) Euglena
      3) Gonyaulax                4) Diatoms
Ans: 3 (Gonyaulcax)

74. Match the following.

I) Radially symmetrical A) Diatoms
II) Longitudinal binary fission B) Pennales
III) Binary fission C) Euglena
IV) Bilaterally symmetrical D) Centrales

          I   II  III   IV
Ans: D  C   A   B

75. Soap box like cells are present in-
Ans: Diatoms


76. The age of Kieselguhr is (in years)-
Ans: Billions


77. Smallest, obligatory anaerobic cells belong to
Ans: Mycoplasmas


78. One of the following is not a related disease to Mycoplasmas-
      1) Cattle - Pleuropneumonia                2) Plants - Witches broom
      3) Man - Mycoplasmal urethritis    4) Woman - Mycoplasmal urethritis
Ans: 2 (Plants - Witches broom)


79. Mycoplasmas were first called as-

80. Match the following Cell wall substances-

I) Mycolic acid A) Chrysophytes
II) Peptidoglycan B) Archaebacteria
III) Pseudomurein C) Dinoflagellates
IV) Cellulose plates D) Bacteria
V) Silica E) Actinomycetes

The correct matching is
          I   II   III  IV  V
Ans: E   D   B   C   A


81. Genetic material is naked in- 
      A. Virus       B. Bacteria       C. Blue green algae
Ans: ABC


82. Most extensive metabolic diversity is observed in-
Ans: Bacteria

83. Assertion (A): All the bacteria are heterotrophic.
       Reason (R): Some bacteria are saprophytes.
Ans: A is false. R is correct.


84. The following play a greater role in recycling nutrients like N, P & S-
      1) Bacteria                   2) Chemoautotrophs
      3) Archaebacteria       4) Cyanobacteria
Ans: 2 (Chemoautotrophs)


85. Large number of Deuteromycetes are-
Ans: Decomposers


86. Majority of the bacteria are-
Ans: Decomposers


87. Assertion (A): Kieselguhr is useful in polishing, filtration of oils and syrups.
       Reason (R): It is gritty.
Ans: A, R are correct. R explains A.


88. Asexual reproduction in Bacteria occurs by-
Ans: Endospores

89. One of the following is not a member of Actinomycetes.
      1) Mycobacterium       2) Streptomyces
      3) E.Coli                     4) Corynebacterium
Ans: 3 (E.Coli)


90. Find out the incorrect one-
      1) Fragments of blue green algae are called Hormogonia.
      2) Nitrogen fixing blue green algae have specialised cells called Heterocysts.
      3) The filament in blue green algae are surrounded by gelatinous sheath & generally  called as Trichomes.
      4) Some members of blue green algae are branched.
Ans: 4 (Some members of blue green algae are branched.)


91. Blooms in polluted water bodies are formed by-
Ans: Cyanobacteria


92. Asexual reproduction in cyanobacteria occurs by-
Ans: Akinetes

93. The red colour of the red sea is due to
Ans: Trichodesmium


94. The most primitive and first oxygenic photosynthetic organisms are-
Ans: Blue green algae


95. Assertion (A): Archae bacteria live in most harsh habitats.
       Reason (R): The cell membrane in them have branched chain pseudomurein.
Ans: A, R are correct. R explains A.


96. Find incorrect statement-
      1) Some cyanobacteria are terrestrial
      2) Chl-a is present in cyanobacteria
      3) Cell membrane in Archaebacteria has branched chain lipids
      4) Flagellated bodies are present in cyanobacteria
Ans: 4 (Flagellated bodies are present in cyanobacteria)


97. Scientific basis of classification was first attempted by-
Ans: Aristotle

98. The fruiting bodies of Ascomycetes can be identified basing on-
Ans: Shape


99. Match the following-

I) One flagellum longitudinal and one flagellum transverse. A) Trypanosoma
II) One flagellum long and one flagellum short. B) Chrysophytes
III) Thousands of cilia. C) Dinoflagellate
IV) Neither flagella nor cilia. D) Euglenoids
  E) Paramecium

The correct matching is
           I   II  III  IV
Ans:  C  D   E   B


100. Archaebacteria do not show following habitat-
         1) Hot springs - Thermo acidophiles         2) Extremely salty areas - Halophiles
         3) Salty areas - Thermohalophiles            4) Marshy areas - Methanogens
Ans: 3 (Salty areas - Thermohalophiles)

101. The members of Eubacteria are the following except
         1) Bacteria, Cyanobacteria          2) Protozoans
         3) Actinomycetes                        4) Mycoplasmas
Ans: 2 (Protozoans)

Posted Date : 30-11-2020


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.


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