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1. Match the following-

I) Unicellular flagellated A) Spirogyra
II) Unicellular non flagellated B) Chara
III) Filamentous C) Chlorella
IV) Filamentous, Branched D) Chlamydomonas
  E) Ulothrix

       I    II     III    IV 
A:  D    C    A     E


2. All kinds of sexual reproduction are present in-
A: Chlorophyceae

3. Match the following.

I) Isogamy (not flagellated gamets) A) Chlamydomonas
II) Anisogamy B) Volvox
III) Isogamy (Flagellated gamets) C) Phaeophyceae
IV) Oogamy D) Spirogyra

       I     II    III    IV
A:   D    C     A    B


4. Match the following.

I) Chl - a, Chl - b A) Rhodophyceae
II) Chl - a B) Phaeophyceae
III) Chl - a, Chl - c C) Cyanophyceae
IV) Chl - a, Chl - d D) Chlorophyceae

         I     II    III    IV
A:    D    C    B     A

5. Identifiy incorrect pair-
        1) Chloroplasts variously shaped - Chlorophyceae
        2) Fucoxanthin - Reserve food
        3) Floridean starch - Rhodophyceae
        4) Mannitol - Reserve food
A: 2 (Fucoxanthin - Reserve food)


6. The following reserve food is similar to Glycogen of Fungi-
       1) Starch   2) Mannitol     3) Floridean starch  4) Laminarin
A: 3 (Floridean starch )


7. Kelps belong to-
A: Phaeophyceae


8. The algal plant used by Astronauts-
A: Chlorella


9. Phyrenoids are present in-
A: Chloroplasts of Chlorophyceae

10. The algae which grow to a height of 100 metres are called and they belong to-
A: Kelps, Phaeophyceae


11. Pear shaped gametes with laterally attached flagella are seen only in-
A: Phaeophyceae


12. Flagellated bodies are absent in-
A: Rhodophyceae


13. The following algae are olive green to various shades of brown-
      1) Chlorophyceae           2) Cyanophyceae          

      3) Chrysophytes             4) None
A: 4 (None)


14. Identify incorrect pair-
     1) No flagella - Rhodophyceae         2) No flagella - Cyanobacteria
     3) Lateral flagella - Phaeophyceae     4) Colonial form - Chlamydomonas
A: 4 (Colonial form - Chlamydomonas)


15. The outer layer in the Cell wall of Chlorophyceae is made of-
A: Pectose

16. Different shades of Phaeophyceae members is due to the presence of amount of the following pigment-
      1) Carotenoids              2) Xanthophylls            

       3) Fucoxanthin            4) Chl - a
A: 3 (Fucoxanthin)


17. Outer layer of the Cell wall of Phaeophyceae is made of-
A: Algin


18. Leaf like Photosynthetic organ in Phaeophyceae is-
A: Frond


19. Identify incorrect statement
      1) Zoospores in Phaeophyceae are pear shaped and biflagellated laterally
      2) Gamets in Phaeophyceae are pear shaped and biflagellated laterally
      3) The flagella in Phaeophyceae are unequal
      4) Minimum number of flagella in Chlorophyceae is 4
A: 4 (Minimum number of flagella in Chlorophyceae is 4)


20. The Cell wall of Rhodophyceae members is made of-
       1) Cellulose                    2) Pectin                

      3) Polysulphate esters      4) All
A: 4 (All)

21. One of the following is not a set members of Phaeophyceae
       1) Ectocarpus, Dictyota, Laminaria      2) Laminaria, Sargassum, Fucus
       3) Dictyota, Porphyra, Sargassum        4) Fucus, Ectocarpus, Laminaria
A: 3 (Dictyota, Porphyra, Sargassum)


22. Sexual reproduction occurs by Oogamy only in-
A: Red algae


23. The Characteristic feature of Rhodophyceae
       A. Chl - d
       B. Phycoerythrin
       C. Non-motile spores and gamets
       D. Absence of Isogamy and Anisogamy
       E. Flask shaped female sex organ called carpogonium
       F. Spermatium
       G. Post fertilisation developements
       H. All
       1) A B C   2) D E F G H     3) 1 & 2      4) A B D F G H
A: 3 (1 & 2)

24. Air Bladder is present and frond is absent in-
A: Fucus, Polysiphonia


25. Sexual reproduction is Oogamous and internal in -
A: Phaeophyceae


26. Find out incorrect set members of Rhodophyceae-
       1) Polysiphonia, Porphyra    2) Gelidium, Polysiphonia
       3) Gracilaria, Gelidium         4) Fucus, Gelidium
A: 4 (Fucus, Gelidium)


27. Marine speices of Algae used as food-
       1) Sargassum     2) Laminaria     3) Porphyra     4) All
A: 4 (All)


28. Rhodophyceae member used as food-
A: Laminaria


29. Phaeophyceae members used as food-
A: Sargassum, Laminaria

30. Iodine is obtained from the following phaeophyceae edible member-
       1) Laminaria    2) Sargassum    3) Porphyra    4) Ectocarp
A: 1 (Laminaria)


31. Air bladder is present in-
A: Fucus


32. Rhodophyceae member with frond-
A: Porphyra


33. The hydrocolloid of Rhodophyceae is-
A: Carrageen


34. The hydrocolloid of Phaeophyceae is-
A: Algin


35. Algae is divided into classes based on-
       A. Cell wall            B. Pigments              

     C. Reserve food       D. Sexual reproduction
A: A B C


36. Source of Agar Agar-
A: Gelidium, Gracilaria

37. The female sex organ in Rhodophyceae-
A: Club shaped, Carpogonium


38. Life cycle of Rock weed is-
A: Diplontic


39. Rock, weed is a member of-
A: Phaeophyceae


40. If the haploid stage is restricted to the gamets the life cycle of that organism is called-
A: Diplontic

41. Match the following life cycles-

I) Haplontic A) Rockweed or Fucus
II) Diplontic B) Vascular plants
III) Haplodiplontic C) Many Algae
IV) Diplobiontic D) Bryophytes
  E) Polysiphonia

           I    II   III    IV
Ans: C    A     D     E

42. The life cycles of Bryophytes and Vascular plants respectively are-
Ans: Haplodiplontic, Diplohaplontic


43. The life cycle of Bryophytes is similar to-
       A. Ectocarpus        B. Polysiphonia        C. Laminaria        D. Rockweed
Ans: A C


44. Match the following events with life cycles

I. Diploid stage is restricted to Zygote only A. Diplontic
II. Haploid stage is restricted to gametes only B. Haplontic
III. Leading gametophyte, dependent sporophyte C. Diplohaplontic
IV. Dependent gametophyte, leading sporophyte D. Haplodiplontic

          I    II   III  IV
Ans: B    A    D    C


45. Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms resemble each other in the following characters-
       1) Life cycle type               2) Sex organs               3) Seed               4) Flower
Ans: 1 (Life cycle type)

46. Life cycle of the following shows an intermediate condition-
       1) Algae                 2) Fungi                      3) Bryophytes                4) Rockweed
Ans: 3 (Bryophytes)


47. Vascular, non-archegoniates-
Ans: Angiosperms


48. Highly Advanced archegoniates-
Ans: Gymnosperms


49. Highly advanced non vascular plants-
Ans: Bryophyta


50. Smallest and tallest angiosperms-
Ans: Wolfia, Eucalyptus


51. Giant redwood tree is also called-
Ans: Sequoiadendron


52. Long shoot, dwarf shoot and seeds are seen in-
Ans: Ginkgo

53. Leaves are needle like in-
Ans: Pinus


54. The following plant is considered as living fossil-
      1) Cycas  2) Cedrus      3) Gnetum      4) Ginkgo
Ans: 4 (Ginkgo)


55. Find out incorrect matching-
      1) Smallest angiosperm - Wolfia                   2) Tallest angiosperm - Eucalyptus
      3) Tallest gymnosperm - Sequoia               4) Compound leaves - Ginkgo
Ans: 4 (Compound leaves - Ginkgo)


56. Roots are specialised in-
Ans: Cycas, Pinus


57. Stem is branched in-
Ans: Cedrus, Pinus


58. Assertion (A): The leaves in Gymnosperms are well adapted to reduce water loss.
       Reason (R): Flowers in Gymnosperms are produced in the form of strobili.
Ans: A & R are correct. R do not explains A.

59. Vascular bundles in stems of Gymnosperm resemble those of-
Ans: Only dicots


60. Pick out the odd group basing on homosporous and heterosporous condition-
        1) Bryophytes          2) Pteridophytes            3) Gymnosperms          4) Angiosperms
Ans: 2 (Pteridophytes)


61. Male and Female strobilus are produced in the same and different plants respectively in-
Ans: Pinus, Cycas


62. Assertion (A): Seeds are formed in Gymnosperms for the first time.
       Reason (R): Female gametophytes is retained within the megasporium.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


63. Gametophytes have no independent existence in-
Ans: Phanerogams


64. Oogamy is siphonogamous in all the plants of-
Ans: Angiosperms

65. Match the following-

I) Siphonogamy A) Rhodophyceae
II) Zoidogamy & Siphonogamy B) Pteridophyta
III) Zoidogamous Oogamy C) Cycas
IV) Oogamy D) Angiosperms 

            I    II   III   IV
Ans:  D   C    B      A


66. Assertion (A): Seeds are naked in Gymnosperms.
      Reason (R): Seeds are not covered by Seed Coat.
Ans: A is correct. R is false.


67. Multiciliated male gametes are seen in-
Ans: Cycas


68. Fern Characters in Cycas-
    1) Circinate Vernation      2) Ramenta, Archegonia      3) Multiciliated sperms         4) All
Ans: 4 (All)

69. Arrange the following in ascending order basing-
       A) Maximum number of structures useful in movements in the gametes of Bryophytes.
       B) Number of flagella present on the sides of gametes in Phaeophyceae.
       C) Number of flagella on the anterior end of gametes in Rhodophyceae.
       D) Types of sexual reproductions in Phaeophyceae.
       E) Maximum number of flagella in members of Chlorophyceae.
       F) Number of cilia in the sperms of ferns.


70. Assertion (A): Bryophytes are also called Amphibians of plant kingdom.
       Reason (R): They are primitive land plants.
Ans: A & R are correct. R do not explains A.


71. Find out incorrect statement.
       1) Bryophytes plants play an important role in hydrarch succession
       2) Bryophytes are dependent on water to live on moist soils
       3) Male sex organs are called antheredia for the first time in Bryophytes

       4) Flask shaped female sex organ is found in Bryophytes for the first time
       5) All are correct
Ans: 5 (All are correct)


72. Assertion(A): Mosses are highly advanced Bryophytes.
     Reason(R): They have vegetative structures analogous to those of angiosperms or phanerogams.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


73. Assertion (A): Bryophytes are gametophytes.
      Reason (R): The main plant body produces gametes.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


74. Multicellular, jacketed, stalked sex organs are present only in-
      A) Bryophytes             B) Thallophytes             C) Pteridophytes
   1) A, B, C                            2) A, C                        3) A, B                          4) A only 
 Ans: 4 (A only)


75. Biflagellated antherozoids and archegonia are seen in-
Ans: Bryophytes, Pteridophytes

76. Zygote shows meiosis in-
       1) Algae                                      2) Fungi                

    3) Non Vascular Cryptogams        4) 1 & 2
Ans: 4 (Algae, Fungi)


77. Read the following statements and find out incorrect one.
      1) Bryophytes are homosporous and show haplodiplontic life cycle
      2) Some pteridophytes are heterosporous and show diplohaplontic life cycle
      3) Some pteridophytes are homosporous and show haplodiplontic life cycle
      4) All phanerogams are heterosporous and show diplohaplontic life cyle
Ans: 3 (Some pteridophytes are homosporous and show haplodiplontic life cycle)


78. Common between Bryophytes and Pteridophytes-
      1) Structure of sex organs                   2) Type of division in Zygote 
      3) Zoidogamous oogamy                    4) 2 & 3                    5) 1, 2 & 3
Ans: 4 (Type of division in Zygote, Zoidogamous oogamy )


79. Assertion (A): Sphagnum is used in the transshipment of living material.
      Reason (R): Peat has capacity to hold water.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.

80. Assertion (A): Mosses have great ecological importance.
       Reason (R): They are the first organisms along with lichens to colonise on rocks.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


81. Assertion (A): Some mosses reduce the impact of falling rain and prevent soil erosion.
      Reason (R): They form dense mats on the soil.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


82. Match the following-

I) Protonema A) Fungi
II) Pseudoelaters B) Marchantia
III) Gemmae C) Funaria
IV) Gemmae and elaters D) Hornworts

The correct matching is
          I    II   III   IV
Ans:  C    D    A     B

83. Find out mis-match.
       1) Anthoceros - Hornwort                         2) Polytrichum - Haircap Moss
       3) Funaria - Cord Moss                             4) Sphagnum - Peatwort
Ans: 4 (Sphagnum - Peatwort)


84. Match the following-

I) Second stage in Mosses A) Protonema
II) Dominant stage in Bryophytes B) Moss
III) Juvenile stage C) Gametophyte
IV) Paraphyses D) Gametophore

           I   II   III   IV
Ans:  D   C    A     B


85. Leefy bryophytes are seen in
           A) Hepaticopsida              B) Anthocerotopsida              C) Bryopsida
           1) A, B              2) A, C         3) B, C                  1) A, B, C    
Ans: 2 (A, C)

86. The sporophyte is divided into foot, seta and capsule in-
          A) Hepaticopsida                B) Anthocerotopsida              C) Bryopsida
Ans: C


87. Intercalary meristamatic zone is seen in and in the place of-
Ans: Hornworts, seta


88. Elaters are useful in the spore dispersal of-
Ans: Marchantia


89. Horn like structure in Anthocerotopsida represents-
Ans: Sporophyte


90. Number of Classes in Algae, Fungi and Bryophyta in Whittaker's classification-
     1) 3, 3, 4                       2) 3, 4, 3                         3) 4, 4, 3                    4) 4, 4, 4
Ans: 2 (3, 4, 3)


91. Marchantia is-
Ans: Gametophytic, homosporous, dioecious


92. Horn like structure in Anthocerotopsida represents-
Ans: erect, diploid structure on the gametophyte

93. Assertion (A): Bryophytes show heteromorphic alternation of generations.
      Reason (R): Their dominant sporophyte body is conspicuously different from gametophyte.
Ans: A is correct. R is false.


94. The following plants grow as dense mats on the soil-
        1) Blue green algae                2) Hornworts             3) Mosses            4) Liverworts
Ans: 3 (Mosses)


95. Match the following.

I) Club Moss A) Polytrichum
II) Haircap Moss B) Funaria
III) Peat Moss C) Pteridophyte
IV) Cord Moss D) Sphagnum

           I     II   III   IV
Ans:  C     A    D     B

96. Match the following.

I) First terrestrial plants A) Gymnosperms
II) First Vascular plants B) Angiosperms
III) First Seed plants C) Bryophytes
IV) First Vascular, with out archegonia D) Pteridophyta

           I    II    III   IV
Ans:  C    D     A      B


97. First tracheophytic cryptogams-
Ans: Pteridophytes


98. Pteridophytes are-
       A) Highly advanced cryptogams                      B) Primitive vascular plants
       C) First terrestrial tracheophytes                   D) First vascular embryophytes
       E) First sporphyte dominant plants

99. Macrophyll bearing pteridophytes belong to-
Ans: Pteropsida


100. Match the following.

I) Central core of xylem surrounded by phloem A) Siphonostele
II) Medullated protostele B) Dictyostele
III) Siphonostele with scattered leaf gaps C) Protostele
IV) Dissected siphonostele with overlapping leaf gaps D) Solenostele

          I   II   III   IV
Ans:  C   A    D     B


101. Medullated protostele is called-
Ans: Siphonostele


102. Leaf gaps are overlapping in-
Ans: Dictyostele


103. Scattered leaf gaps are the characteristic feature of-
Ans: Solenostele

104. Leaf gaps are not seen in-
Ans: Protostele and Siphonostele


105. Majority of the Pteridophytes resemble the following group regarding the types of spores the plants produce-
      1) Bryophytes            2) Gymnosperms            3) Phenerogams            4) Angiosperms
Ans: 1 (Bryophytes)


106. The following set of pteridophytes are heterospore-
      1) Psilotum, Equisetum                             2) Selaginella, Salvinia
      3) Salvia and Selaginella                           4) Equisetum, Lycopodium
Ans: 2 (Selaginella, Salvinia)


107. The gametophyte of pteridophytes is-
       1) Prothallus, indepdenent                      2) Thallus, independent, non-vascular
       3) Non vascular                                         4) 1 & 3
Ans: 4 (Prothallus, indepdenent & Non vascular)

108. Assertion (A): The spread of pteridophytes is limited and restricted to narrow geographical regions.
         Reason (R): Their gametophytes grow in cool, damp, shady places and need water for fertilisation.
Ans: A & R are correct. R explains A.


109. Female gametophyte is partly retained on the sporophyte for the first time in-
Ans: Pteridophytes


110. Female gametophyte is completely retained on the sporophyte for the first time in-
Ans: Gymnosperm


111. Precursor to the seed habit-
Ans: Development of Zygote into embryo within the female gametophyte while in megasporangium.


112. If the young leaves in pteridophytes coil from the tip to the base, it is called-
Ans: Vernation

113. Match the following-

I) Indusium A) Pteris
II) False indusium B) Dryopteris
III) Ramenta C) Venation
IV) Dichotomous D) Petiole

           I    II   III  IV
Ans:  B   A     D    C


114. Sporophylls produce sporangia on-
Ans: Ventral side


115. Identify wrong matching-
          1) Sorus - Sporangia                                   2) Sporophylls - Strobilus/ cone
          3) Multiciliate - Antherozoids                    4) Indusium - Archegonium
Ans: 4 (Indusium - Archegonium)


116. Multiciliated antherozoids are present in-
Ans: Dryopteris


117. Sorus in Pteris is protected by-
Ans: Reflexed margin of the sporophyll

118. Match the following.

I) Psilotum A) Lycopsida
II) Adiantum B) Sphenopsida
III) Selaginella C) Pteropsida
IV) Equisetum D) Psilopsida

          I    II   III   IV
Ans: D   C     B     A


119. One of the following is not a fern character-
      1) Indusium              2) Furcate venation            3) Microphylls             4) Ramenta
Ans: 3 (Microphylls)


120. Match the following.

I) Oogamy A) Pteridophytes
II) Zoidogamy B) Angiosperms
III) Siphonogamy C) Cycas
IV) Siphonogamy & Zoidogamy D) Chlorophyceae

            I    II   III   IV
Ans:  C    A    B     D

121. Common character in tracheophytes is-
Ans: Complex tissue


122. Match the following-

I) Highly reduced archegonia A) Plants with post fertilized endosperm
II) Highly developed archegonia B) First true land plants
III) No Archegonia C) First flowering plants
IV) Sessile Embedded archegonia D) First embryo bearing plants

           I   II   III   IV
Ans:  C   D    A     B


123. Uncommon between archegoniates and embryophytes
Ans: Angiosperms


124. Uncommon between tracheata and archegoniates-
Ans: Angiosperms

Posted Date : 30-11-2020


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.


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