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The terms work, power, energy are very familiar to us. We often use them in everyday language.
A student is reading his lesson,
A Lecturer is giving a lecture
A man is pushing against a wall...
In all the above three cases people felt that they are doing work. But actually their workdone is zero. In the above cases work means physical (or) mental labour.
But in physics work is done only when "a force produces motion".
Suppose Ramu has the capacity to work for 12 - 14 hours a day then he is said to have large "Stamina" (or) "Energy". Here these two words are closely related to "work". The capacity to do work is defined as energy. It is the root cause for each and every physical happening occur in the universe. The other word "power" is used in our daily life in different contexts with different meaning.

For example (i) A political party is in power (ii) Vijayendar singh gave a powerfull "Punch". Example (i) is not at all related to the scientific meaning of power. Example (ii) is some what nearer to the meaning power in physics. The aim of this chapter is to study the concept of these three (work, energy, power) physical quantities. These three quantities are scalar quantities.
What is a scalar quantity? 
          A physical quantity which has only magnitude but no direction is called a scalar quantity. e.g.: distance, speed, work, energy, power... etc. A Physical quantity which has both magnitude and direction is called a "vector quantity". e.g.: displacement, velocity, impulse ... etc. When any two vectors can be added or subtracted their resultant is also a vector. But when two vectors are multiplied the resultant may be in a vector form or scalar form. In this chapter we discuss about scalar product of two vectors.
Scalar Product (or) Dot Product: 
          If  and  are two non-zero vectors, the dot product between them is   .  = AB cosθ, 'θ' is the angle between  & . The dot product or scalar product of any two non-zero vectors is defined as the product of their magnitudes and cosine angle between them. The result of  .   is a scalar.

         .  = A(B cosθ) = (A cosθ)B
          The dot product of two vectors is equal to the product of magnitude of one vector and projection or component of other vector along the first vector. In the figure, (B cosθ) is the projection of  in the direction of . (A cosθθ) is the projection of  in the direction of .
Scalar product obeys commutative Law.
        .  =  . 
          (a) The scalar product of two vectors  and  is a scalar:  .   = AB cosθ
          (b) B cosθ is the projection of   on to 
          (c) A cosθ is the projection of  on to 

It obeys distributive law
 . (  + ) =  .  +  . 

k ( .) = (k).  where k is a real number

Example of scalar product: Work ( . ), Gravitational potential energy (U).

Work: Work is said to be done by a force when a body undergoes displacement parallel to the line of action of force consider a constant force 'F' acting on an object of mass 'm'. The object under goes a displacement 'S' in the positive X-direction. 'θ' is the angle between   & . The component of  in the direction of  is S cosθ then
      W = F S cosθ  =  . 
Dimensional formula is [ML2T −2], units are joule, erg.
     1 J = 107 erg
* When displacement is produced in the direction of applied force then θ = 0o, cos 0o = 1
W = F S cosθ

Wmax = F S

Here the nature of workdone is +ve.
e.g.: 1) When a gas in a cylinder is compressed, the workdone by the compressive force is +ve.
2) When a person lifts a body from the ground, the workdone by the lifting force is +ve.
* If the force or its component is in the opposite direction to that of displacement, nature of workdone is −ve.
W = F S cos 180°o
W = − F S
3) When breaks are applied on a moving vehicle, workdone by the breaking force is −ve, which is applied opposite to the motion of vehicle i.e., θ = 180o.
* Workdone becomes zero under three conditions.
(i) when the force acts perpendicular to the displacement, θ = 90o, cos 90= 0.
      i.e. W = F S cos 90= 0
e.g.: When a man moves on a horizontal road with a load on his head.
(ii) If the displacement, S = 0, W = F(0) cosθ = 0

e.g.: A person tries to displace a wall by pushing it, if it does not move, W = 0.
(iii) Resultant force acting on the body becomes zero, F = 0
       W = (0) s cosθ = 0
e.g.: If the body is moving with uniform velocity on a horizontal frictionless surface, W = 0.
Workdone by a force: work is said to be done by two types of forces.
            (i) constant force (ii) variable force.
Workdone by constant force: If a constant force  displaces a body by , then workdone by the force.
W =  . , both  &  are in same direction.
In F − S graph, the area enclosed by the graph on displacement axis gives the amount of workdone by the force.
Area of OABC = OC × OA
                         = F × S
                         = work 
Workdone by a variable force:
          When the magnitude and direction of a force varies with position, the workdone by such force for a infinitesimally small displacement is dw =   . 
         Let us assume that the entire displacement from xi to xf is divided into large no. of small displacements. Let us take infinitesimally small displacement PQ = dx.
The amount of workdone in moving a body from P to Q is
        dw = F(dx) = (PS) (PQ)
                           = area of PQRS
Total workdone in moving the body from A to B is given
         If displacements are allowed to approach zero, then no. of terms in the sum increases without limit, but sum approaches a definite value equal to area under the curve. Then workdone

                                       = area under the curve BCDA

Thus, work done by a variable, force is numerically equal to the area under the force and displacement curve.  


        Energy of a body is its capacity to do work. Units and dimensional formula are same as that of work. It is a scalar quantity. Different forms of energy are mechanical, light, heat, electrical, nuclear, ........., etc. In this chapter we discuss only mechanical energy.
i) A bullet fired into a wall is able to penetrate into the wall by doing work against friction due to its energy.
(ii) Fast blowing wind is able to turn a wheel. Dimensional formula for energy is [ML2T−2], SI unit is joule (J), CGS unit is erg. 1 J = 107 erg. Other units are l ev = 1.6 × 10−19 J.
1 KWH = 36 × 1012 erg = 36 × 105 J.
In mechanics, mechanical energy is divided into two forms.
(i) Kinetic energy (ii) Potential energy.
Kinetic energy: It is the energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion.
Examples: (i) A vehicle is in motion (ii) Water flowing along a river (iii) A bullet fired from a gun.
        Consider a body of mass 'm' is moving with a velocity 'v'. A uniform force opposes its motion to bring the body to rest in a displacement 's'. The uniform retardation of the body due to force is 'a', which is obtained by the kinematic equation v2 − u2 = 2as.

Here, initial velocity u = v (given), final velocity (v) = 0
   -v2 = + 2 as ⇒ a = − 
From Newton's third law, force applied by the body

As the body moves against the applied force, its displacement is along a force applied by the body. Hence Work done

This work done resides in the form of kinetic energy in the body.

Work - Energy theorem: This theorem gives the interrelation between work and KE of the body. 'The change in KE of the particle is equal to the work done on it by the net force'.
          Consider a particle of mass 'm' is moving with an initial velocity 'u'. When it is under the action of a constant force 'F', it gets an acceleration 'a', velocity 'v' after a displacement 's'. Then v2 − u2 = 2as
On multiplying both sides with 

  KEf  − KEi = W

Work -Energy theorem is proved.

Work-Energy theorem for a variable force: 
The time rate of change of kinetic energy is

Integrate on both sides from initial position xi to final position xf.


Thus, the 'Work Energy' theorem is proved for a variable force.
* This theorem is not only applicable for a single particle but also for a system.
* It is also applicable for a system under the action of variable force, conservative and non-conservative forces.
Potential Energy (PE):
The word PE suggests possibility (or) capacity for action. The word potential means 'stored'. Thus, the energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position is called 'PE'. It is defined for conservative forces. It does not exists for non-conservative forces.
Expression for Gravitational Potential Energy:
Consider a body of mass 'm' is on the ground. It is lifted vertically upward to a height of 'h'. If  h < < < R (radius of earth), we can ignore the variation of 'g'. The gravitational force 'mg' is taken to be constant. Work done against gravitational force is 'mgh'. This work gets stored in the form of P.E. of the body. Now PE of the body is a function of 'h' denoted by U(h) = mgh   -------- (1)

The gravitational force 'F' equal to -ve derivative of U(h) with respect to h.

Where −ve sign indicates that the gravitational force is attractive and acts towards downwards.

 F (dh) = −dv
Integrate on both sides

The work done by a conservative force such as gravity depends on initial and final positions only. Dimensions of potential energy are [ML2T−2]. Unit in SI system is joule (J), same as kinetic energy and work.

(i) Stone kept at certain height.
(ii) Energy possessed by a bended bow, wounded spring of a watch.
(iii) Energy possessed by water stored in a tank.
PE of a Spring:
 A spring force is an example of a variable force which is conservative. The figure shows one end of massless spring attached to a rigid vertical support and other end to a block of mass 'm' resting on smooth horizontal surface. Let x = 0 denote the position of block, when spring is at its natural length. In an ideal spring, the spring force Fs is directly proportional to 'x'. When 'x' is the displacement of block from equilibrium position. 'x' and Fs may be +ve or − ve as shown in figure.      

This force law for spring is called ''Hook's Law" which states that Fs = −kx, k - spring constant, unit is N − m−1. 'k' measures the stiffness of spring. When the block attached to spring is pulled out, the extension is xm, then work done by the spring force

Work done by spring force is always -ve. If block moves from initial position xi to final position xf, work done by spring force

If the block is pulled from initial position xi and returned to same position, then


Thus, work done by spring force depends on initial and final positions of the spring and independent on path followed. So, the spring force is a conservative force.
Conservative Force: Work done by the force around a closed path is zero and it is independent of the path, such a force is called conservative force.
Work done by the conservative force is stored in the form of potential energy.
e.g.: Gravitational force, electrostatic force and spring force.

Example: 1) In the absence of air resistance, a body is projected vertically up then work done by the gravitational force in moving the body through a height 'h' is W= −mgh and in return journey W = +mgh. On reaching the ground, the network done by the gravitational force in a round trip is zero.
WTotal = −mgh + mgh = 0
Example: 2) A body of mass 'm' lifted to a height 'h' from the ground level in different paths in between two points A & B. The work done by the gravitational force in all paths is same i.e., W1 = W2 = W3 = mgh. So, work done by the conservative force depends on the path followed by the body.

Non-Conservative force: If work done by the force around a closed path is not equal to zero and it is dependent on the path, such a force is called non-conservative force.
e.g.: Frictional force, viscous force.
      Work done by a non-conservative force will not be stored in the form potential energy.
Example - 1: In the presence of air resistance, when a body is projected up, then it reaches a maximum height 'h'. Work done by the air friction in upward journey is '−fh' and in return journey 'fh'. On reaching the ground net workdone by the air friction is −ve, non - zero.      
Example - 2: A block of mass 'm' is dragged on a rough horizontal surface through distance 's' from the the point 'P' to point 'Q' and then back to the point 'P'.


Work done by the frictional force from P to Q is −ve, Q to P is −ve. So the work done by the frictional force around a closed path is -ve and not equal to zero.
W1 ≠ W2 ≠ W3
Law of conservation of energy:
''Total mechanical energy of the system is conserved if the internal forces doing work on it are conservative and external forces do no work". If some of the forces are non-conservative, part of mechanical energy may get transferred into other forms such as heat, light and sound. The total energy of an isolated system remains constant. ''Energy neither be created nor be destroyed, but one form of energy transferred into another form of energy".
The principle of conservation of energy cannot be proved. However, no violation has been observed.
 Total mechanical energy (E) = PE + KE = u + k = constant.

Under only conservative forces mechanical energy of a system is constant.
         E1 = E2 ⇒ u1 + k1 = u2 + k2
      ⇒  k + u = Constant ⇒ ∆ k + ∆ u = Constant 
                                       ⇒ ∆ (k + u) = ∆ (Constant)
                                       ⇒ ∆ (k + u) = 0
                                     k + u = E = Constant
 Mechanical energy (E) = Constant
  i.e., if K.E. of the body increases, its potential energy will decrease by an equal amount and vice versa.
                 k + u = C
                 k = −u + C
Compare with y = mx + c.
Hence slope m = −1 = tan θ
               ⇒ θ = 135°

 Gain in K.E. = loss in P.E. 

Law of conservation of energy in case of a freely falling body:
 A body of mass 'm' is at a height 'h' from the ground as the body falls freely under gravity, the potential energy decreases and kinetic energy increases.
Total energy at Point A:
PE of the body = mgh
velocity of the body, v = 0
KE of the body =  mv2 = 0
Total Energy (TE)A = PE + KE
                                = mgh + 0 
                                = mgh  ............... (1)
At point B:
As the body falls freely, consider a point 'B' in its path where AB = x
PE of the body = mg(h − x) = mgh − mgx
Let V1 be the velocity of the body at 'B'
Initial velocity u = 0 (at  A),
Final velocity v = v1, acceleration a = g,

Distance travelled s = x
Using v2 − u2 = 2as

Total energy at B = PE + KE
                            = mg(h − x) + mgx
                            = mgh    .............   (2)
At point C: The body touches the ground at C with a velocity 'V2'
PE at C :    = mg(0) = 0      
Again u = 0, v = v2, a = g & s = h

T.E.C = PE + KE = 0 + mgh = mgh  ------ (3)

... From (1), (2) & (3),  TEA = TEB = TEC
Thus, law of conservation of energy is verified.
Various forms of energy: 
Energy comes in many forms which transform into one form to another form. Few forms of energy are discussed below.
1. Heat: A block of mass 'm' sliding on a rough horizontal surface and comes to rest over a distance by work-energy theorem W= change of K.E., here in this case loss of KE by the block due to friction is transferred as heat energy. This raises the internal energy of the block. In winter, in order to feel warm, we generate heat by vigorously rubbing our palms together. A quantitative idea of transfer of heat energy is obtained by noting that 1 kg of water releases 42,000 J of energy when it cools by 10°C.
2. Chemical energy: Chemical energy arises from the fact that the molecules participating in the chemical reaction have different binding energies. A stable chemical compound has less energy than separated parts. If the total energy of the reactants is more than the product of the reaction, heat is released and reaction is said to be an exothermic reaction. If the reverse is true, heat is absorbed, and reaction is endothermic coal consists of carbon and a kilogram of it, when burnt releases about 3 × 107 J of energy. Chemical energy is associated with the forces that give rise to the stability of substances.

3. Electrical energy: The energy associated with an electric current is called electrical energy. The flow of electric current causes bulbs to glow, fans to rotate and bells to ring. An urban Indian household consumes about 200 J of energy per second on an average.
4. Nuclear energy: The most destructive weapons (fission and fusion bombs) made by man. Energy output of the sun and energy of stars is due to fusion of four light hydrogen nuclei form a helium nucleus whose mass is less than mass of reactants. This mass difference is called mass defect (∆m) which is the source of energy (E = ∆mc2). In fission, a heavy nucleus (92U235) splits into two smaller nuclies. The energy released in this reaction can also be related to the mass defect.
The Equivalence of Mass Energy:
        Albert Einstein showed that mass and energy are equivalent and are related by the relation E = mc2, c is speed of light in vacuum ( = 3 × 108 m/s). The energy associated with a kg of matter.
        E = (1) (3 × 108)2 = 9 × 1016 J
This is equivalent to the annual electrical output of a large (3000 MW) power generating station.

Power: Workdone per second (or) the time rate of doing work is called power. If 'w' is the total workdone by a foce in a time interval 't', then the average power is

Instantaneous power is the dot product of force and velocity of body, provided the force does not change with time.
Relation between instantaneous power and average power:
A particle starts from rest and moving with uniform  acceleration and gains a velocity 'v' in time 't', then


Units of Power: Watt (or) Joule per second (SI),
                             erg per second (CGS).
                             1 horse power = 1 hp = 746 watt.       
Watt: When work is done at the rate of one joule per second, the power is said to be one watt. Dimensional formula is [ML2 T−3]

* Slope of w-t curve gives instantaneous power.
* Efficiency of a crane or motor is the ratio of output power to the input power.

Collisions: Generally collision is refered to the case when two bodies come in physical contact with each other. Collision between two billiard balls or between two automobiles on a road, cricket bat hitting a ball are few examples of collision from every day life. In certain situations no physical contact but the path of one body is changed by the influence of another body, collision is said to have taken place.

Example - 1: In Rutherford's scattering, the α − particles are scattered due to electrostatic interaction between the α − particle and the nucleus from a distance, (no physical contact between α − particle & nucleus).
Example - 2: Two similarly charged particles separated by a finite distance may collide by interaction through their electric fields.
In a collision, before and after the impact, the interaction forces between the colliding particles becomes effectively zero.
In a collision the effect of external forces such as gravity (or) friction are not taken into account as due to small duration of collision. The average impulsive force is responsible for collision is much larger than external force acting on the system.

"The strong pyhysical interaction among bodies involing exchange of momenta in small interval of time is called a collision"

Classification of collisions on the basis of direction of motion of colliding bodies: On the basis of direction of motion of colliding bodies, collisions, are classified into two types.
1. Head on (or) one dimensional (or) direct collision
2. Oblique collision.
Head-on-collision: In a collision if the motion of colliding particles before and after collision are along same straight line. Then collision is said to be head on collision.
Oblique collision: If the motion of colliding objects before and after collision are not along the initial line of motion, such collisions are known as oblique collision. In this collision, if the objects travel in a plane before and after collsion, the collision is called two dimensional collision. If the objects travel in space and collide, it is called three dimensional collision.

Types of collisions on the basis of Law of conservation of kinetic Energy: On the basis of conservation of total kinetic energy of colliding objects, collisions are classified into two types. They are (a) Elastic collision (b) Inelastic collision.
Elasitc Collision: The collision, in which both momentum and kinetic energy remains constant are known as elastic collision.
e.g.: (i) Collsions between nuclei
        (ii) Collisions between fundamental particles like electrons, protons, α − particles etc.

(iii) According to kinetic theory of gases, the collisions between gas molecules.
* In elastic collisions, objects regain their shape and size completely. Forces involved during interaction are conservation.
Inelastic Collions: The collisions in which kinetic energy is not conserved but law of conservation of momentum hold good are known as inelastic collisions.
Example: (i) Collision between cricket bal and bat.
                  (ii) Collision between automobiles on a road.
* In this collision the colliding bodies does not regain their shape and size completely after collision.
* Some fraction of mechanical energy is retained by colliding objects in the form of potential energy.
* Some (or) all the forces involved are non conservative in nature.
Perfectly inelastic collisions: If in a collsion, the colliding objects, stick together, and move with common velocity, then collision is called perfectly inelastic collision.
Example: (i) Collision between bullet and block of wood, when bullet is embedded in the block.
                (ii) Collision between clay balls
                (iii) Collision between positively and negatively charged particles.

* In this collision law of conservation of linear momentum is conserved, kinetic energy is not conserved. But total energy is conserved.
Elastic collision in one dimension: Consider two masses m1, m2 suppose u1, u2, and v1, v2 be their velocities before collision and after collision respectively along the same straight line. Apply law of conservation of linear momentum, then momentum of the system before collision is equal to momentum of the system after collision. When two objects collide mutual impulsive forces acting over the collision time ∆t causes a change in their momenta.
     i.e., ∆P1 = F12 ∆t
     ∆P2 = F21 ∆t 

F12 is force exerted on the first particle by the second particle.
F21 is force exerted on the second particle by the first particle.

From Newton's third law, F12 = −F21
 ∆P1 + ∆P2 = 0 ⇒  P = constant
 m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2
m(u1 − v1) = m2(v2 − u2) -------- (1)
According to law of conservation of kinetic energy


u1 + v1 = v2 + u2
(u− u2) = (v2 − v1) ............ (3)
Thus in head on collision (elastic), "The relative velocity of approach before collision is equal to the relative velocity of separation after collision".
From equation (3), v1 = v2 + u2 − u1
Substitute this value in equation (1), we get
m1[u1 − (v2 + u2 − u1)] = m2 (v2 − u2)
2m1u1 − m1v2 − m1u2 = m2v2 − m2u2
2m1u1 + (m2 − m1) u2 = (m1 + m2)v2

From equation (3), v2 = u1 − u2 + v1                                                                          
Substitute this value in equation (1)
m1(u1 − v1) = m2 [(u1 − u2 + v1) − u2]
m1u1 − m1v1 = m2u1 − m2 u2 + m2v1 − m2u2
m1u1 − m2u1 + 2m2u2 = (m1 + m2)v1

(4), (5) are final velocities.
Special cases:
Case (i):
When two spheres have equal masses, m1 = m2 = m then from equations (4) & (5)
                 v= u1 and v1 = u2

i.e., if elastic collision takes place between two spheres of equal masses, they simply exchange their velocities after collision.
Case (ii): (a) First sphere is moving with a velocity (u1) and second body (sphere) is at rest (u2 = 0).

Then from equations (4) & (5)

(b) If  m1 = m2, v2 = u1, v1 = 0
          i.e., the first mass comes to rest and pushes off the second mass with its initial speed on collision.
(c) When a smaller sphere collides with a heavier sphere (m1< < < m2) at rest (u2 = 0), neglect mass 'm' as compared with 'm2'.
         v1 = -u1   and   v2 = 0
 i.e., when a lighter sphere collides with a much heavier sphere at rest, the heavier sphere almost remains at rest and lighter sphere rebounds with same velocity.
* When a heavier sphere collides with a lighter sphere (m1 > > > m2) at rest (u2 = 0), 
neglect 'm1' compared with 'm2' then v1 = u1 and v2 = 2u1
i.e., The velocity of heavier sphere remains unchanged but the velocity of lighter sphere moves with double the velocity of the heavier sphere.
Case-3: Perfectly inelastic collision:
In perfectly inelastic collision, two spheres stick together after collision and move with common velocity 'v' according to law of conservation of linear momentum.

 m1u1 + m2 u2 = m1 v + m2 v
                         = (m1 + m2)v

          A body of mass m1 moves with kinetic energy k undergoes head on collision with another body of mass m2 at rest. k1, k2 and p1, p2 are kinetic energies and linear momentums after collision.

     Transfer of KE are momentum in a head - on collision is maximum (100%) when
      m1 = m2, m2 is initially at rest.
          Let u1 and u2 be the velocities of the bodies before collision and v1 & v2 are their final valocities after colision all along the same line in same direction.
          Then coefficient of restitution is defined as the ratio of relative velocity of separation (v2 − v1) after collision to the relative velocity of approach (u1 − u2) before collision.

'e' depends on nature of colliding bodies, independent of masses and velocities. 'e' has no units and dimensions. When e = 1 means a perfectly elastic collision, e = 0 implies perfectly inelastic collision. Practical values of 'e' lies between '0' and '1'.
Determination of Coefficient of restitution: To determine the coefficient of restitution between two bodies of different materials, one of them is taken in the form of very heavy plate and other body in the form of a small sphere. The small sphere is dropped on to the plate from a height ''h1''. It hits the plate with a velocity 'u1'. Let the sphere rebounds to a height h2 after collision. Let the velocity of plate before and after collision to be zero (u2 = v2 = 0).

      t1, t2 are time in seconds.
* For perfectly elastic collision, h1 = -h2
* For a perfectly inelastic collision, h2 = 0 
* For other collisions, h2< h1
* For any collision h2 can not be greater than h1.     

Equation for height attained for freely falling body after number of rebounds on floor:
Let a small sphere be allowed to fall freely from a height 'h' onto the floor. It strikes the floor with a velocity u1 so that

v2 − u2 = 2as 

     −ve sign indicates that after collision the motion of sphere is opposite to its initial direction of motion. If the sphere rebounds to a height 'h1', then u = v1
   v2 − u2 = 2as
(0)2 − e2 (2gh) = −2gh1 
Similarly after 2nd rebound, the ball rises to a height h2 which is given by
h2 = e2h1 = e2(e2h)

 Similarly  h3 = e6h

The height to which body rebounds after nth rebound is given by 
* Total distance travelled by the sphere before it stops bouncing is


* Total time taken by the ball to stop bouncing is

* Average speed of the body during its entire journey is

* Average velocity of the body during its entire journey

* Total displacement of the body during its entire journey = h
Oblique collision - Application:
 "In oblique collision (elastic) of two particles of equal masses if one is at rest, the recoiling particles move off at right angles to each other".
  In elastic collislon, momentum is conserved. So, conservation of momentum along X-axis yields.

mu = mv1 cos θ1 + mv2 cos θ2
u = v1 cos θ1 + v2 cos θ2 ................... (1)
 along Y-axis yields
0 = v1 sin θ1 − v2 sin θ2 .................. (2)
Squaring and adding (1) and (2), we get

0 = 2v1v2 cos (θ1 + θ2)
v1 ≠ 0, v2 ≠ 0
so, cos (θ1 + θ2) = 0

⇒ θ1 + θ2 = cos−1 (0) = 90°
 θ1 + θ2 = 90°

Posted Date : 27-11-2020


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.