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Basic Concepts of  Chemistry Atomic Structure

1. Number of oxygen atoms in 1.89 of Glucose is
1) 36.023 × 1023          2) 3.614 × 1023            3) 3.614 × 1022            4) 36.14 × 1022


2. Oxidation state of Hydrogen in H2O2, H2O MgH2 and H2 are
1) +1, +1, +1, +1         2) -1, +1, -1 + 1           3) +1, +1, -1, 0          4) -1 + 1, -1, 0


3. Total number moles of ions present in 250 ml of 0.1 M MgCl2 aqueous solution is
1) 0.05 moles       2) 0.075 moles              3) 0.025 moles            4) 0.1 moles


4. When 100 ml of 0.1 M HCl is mixed with 200 ml of 0.25 M HCl solution. The concentration of resultant solution is
1) 0.2 M           2) 0.175 M            3) 0.25 M            4) 0.150 M


5. Total number of atoms present in 1.7g of NH3 is
1) 2.41 × 1024            2) 24.1 × 1024               3) 2 × 1023         4) 2.41 × 1023 


6. What will be the mass of 200 atoms of Hydrogen?
1) 200 g            2) 3.32 × 10-24 g           3) 3.32 × 10-22 g           4) 33.2 × 10-23 g


7. How much oxygen is required for complete combustion of 100 g methane?
1) 400 g            2) 200 g             3) 300 g                 4) 100 g


8. Number of significant figures in 0.00200 × 103
1) 5          2) 7           3) 3             4) 1


9. The mass of Hydrochloric acid required to completely react with 530 g of washing soda
1) 36.5 g          2) 365 g             3) 3.65 g                4) 5.30 g


10. Amount of silver present in 50 g of silver nitrate?
1) 3.18 g         2) 318 g           3) 0.318 g              4) 31.8 g


11. A compound contains two elements A and B in the ratio of 25%  and 75% respectively. Atomic mass of A is 10 and B is 30. What can be its simple formula?
1) A2B          2) AB2            3) AB  4) A2B3


12. If 40 g of NaCl is treated with 40 g of AgNO2, the amount of silver chloride formed is?
1) 40 g           2) 35.1 g            3) 33.8 g           4) 30.1 g


13. Mass percent of oxygen in calcium carbonate is
1) 12%           2) 40%            3) 52%         4) 48%


14. Oxidation state of Ni in Ni(CO)4 is
1) +1             2) +2           3) +3             4) 0


15. Maximum number of emission lines when excited electron of a hydrogen atom in n. 7 to ground state
1) 42           2) 30            3) 36            4) 40


16. Number of electrons can fit in the orbital for n = 4 and l = 2
1) 10          2) 6            3) 8            4) 2


17. The species which is iso electronic with CN-
1) O2        2) N-2          3) CO         4) O2+


18. For which of the following sets of 4 quantum numbers, an electron will have the highest energy?


19. An element with mass number 75 contains 27% more neutrons as compared to protons symbol of element is 


20. Energy of photon which corresponds to λ of 2.48 A°
1) 8 × 10-15 J            2) 8 × 10-15 J         3) 8 × 10-34 J            4) 8 × 1034 J


21. Bohr's theory can be applied to
1) Li+           2) He         3) Be3+            4) Be2+


22. The λ of electron moving with velocity of 109 m/sec is
1) 8.15 × 10-5 m           2) 7.28 × 10-13 m             3) 2.87 × 10-13 m            4) 1.58 × 10-10 m

23. Which of the following is not permissible set of quantum numbers? 


24. The orbital diagram in which both Pauli's and Hund's  rule are violated


25. The angular momentum of electron in d-orbital is equal to
1) √12 h         2) h         3) √2 h           4) √6 h


26. Number of nodes present in 5 d orbitals
1) 3            2) 2              3) 4              4) 0


27. Which of the following sub-shell can accommodate as many as 6 electrons?
1) 3s             2) 3p              3) 3px              4) 3py


28. If an electron is moving with 100 m/s velocity with 1 m/s uncertainty, then the  uncertainty position is
1) 14.5 µm             2) 87 µm              3) 73 µm                4) 58 µm


29. The correct order of increasing energy of the orbitals is?
1) 4s < 3s < 3p < 3d                    2) 3s < 3p < 4s < 3d
3) 3s < 3p < 3d < 4s                    4) 3s < 4s < 3p < 3d


30. Oxidation state Cr in CrO5 is
1) +10        2) +5          3) +6          4) -10


31. The species which acts as reducing agent in 6Fe+2 + Cr2O72− + 14H+ 6Fe+2 + 2Cr3+ + 7H2O is
1) Fe+2             2) Cr2O72−             3) H+           4) H2O


32. 49 g of  Sulfuric acid is dissolved in 500 ml of water. Molarity of the solution is
1) 2 M                  2) 1 M                  3) 1.5 M                 4) 0.5 M


33. Which of the following concentration determination method is temperature independent?
1) Molarity            2) Normality           3) Molality            4) All


34. A metal chloride contains 47.22% of metal. Equivalent weight of the metal is
1) 39.68             2) 31.76               3) 36.35               4) 33.46


35. Number of moles of Na2CO3 present in 100 ml of 0.25 M Na2 CO3 is
1) 0.25 moles            2) 2.5 moles            3) 0.025 moles            4) 25 moles

36. Mass of 1 molecule of  CO2 is
1) 7.30 × 1023 g            2) 73.0 × 1023 g           3) 7.30 × 10-23 g            4) 73.0 × 10-23 g


37. 7.5g of a gas occupy 5.6 L of volume at STP. The gas is
1) N2O        2) NO         3) CO       4) CO2     


38. Which has maximum number of molecules?
1) 7 g of  N2              2) 2 g of H2                    3) 4.6 g of NO2               4) 16 g of O2


39. The increasing order of e/m value is
1) e, p, n, α          2) n, p, e, α          3) n, p, α, e            4) n, α, p, e


40. Which Bohr's orbit of Be3+ has the same orbit radius as that of the ground state of hydrogen atom?
1) 3           2) 2              3) 4             4) 5


41. Empirical formula of a compound is CHCl3. It’s molar mass 239 g/mol. molecular formula is
1) CHCl3          2) C3H3Cl6          3) C2H2Cl6           4) C2H2Cl3


42. Which one of the following pairs of compounds illustrates the law of multiple proportions?
1) H2O, Na2O              2) MgO, Na2O             3) Na2O, BaO               4) SnCl2, SnCl4


43. What is % of H2O in Fe(CNS)3.3H2O
1) 45          2) 30            3) 19           4) 25


44. The number of moles of BaCO3 which contains 1.5 mole of oxygen atom.
1) 0.5        2) 1       3) 3           4) 6.023 × 1023


45. A compound made of 2 elements X, Y are found to contain 25% X (atomic mass: 12.5) and 75% Y (atomic mass: 37.5) the simplest formula is
1) XY             2) XY2            3) XY3           4) X2Y


46. Phosphorous has the oxidation state of +1 in
1) Orthophosphoric acid              2) Phosphorous acid
3) Hypo phosphorous acid        4) Meta phosphorous acid


47. For the redox reaction, MnO4 + C2O42− + H+ Mn2+ + CO2 + H2O. The sum of the coefficients of the reactants for the balanced reaction is
1) 24          2) 23          3) 25            4) 22


48. Which of the following is a redox reaction?
1) BaCl2 + Na2SO4 2 NaCl + BaSO4
2) KCl + AgNO3 AgCl + KNO3
3) 2Na[Ag(CN)2] + Zn Na2[Zn(CN)4] + Ag          
4) N2O5 + H2O 2 HNO3


49. Which of the following does not represent disproportionation reaction?
1) 2 H2O2 H2O + O2              2) 2 Cu+ Cu2+ + Cu
3) Cl2 + OH Cl + ClO3 + H2O      4) (NH4)2Cr2O7 N2 + Cr2O3 + 4 H2O


50. What is the shortest wave length line in the Paschen series of Li2+ ion? 


51. The ratio of radius difference between 4th and 3rd orbit of H atom and that He+ atom is
1) 1 : 1         2) 2 : 1          3) 1 : 2          4) 2 : 3


52. Which electronic transition in a hydrogen atom, starting from the orbit n = 7, will produce light of wavelength 1005 nm? (RH = 109677 cm−1)
1) n = 7 to n = 4           2) n = 7 to n = 3         3) n = 7 to n = 5        4) n = 7 to n = 2


53. With increasing ‘n’ value, the energy difference between adjacent energy levels
1) increase                2) decrease             3) remains constant             4) can’t be predicted


54. The ratio between the wavelengths of first line of Balmer series and 3rd line of Lyman series is
1) 32 : 5            2) 5 : 32             3) 10 : 16              4) 8 : 5


55. In an element with Z = 27, then number of electrons with n = 3, l = 2 are
1) 6            2) 7              3) 5              4) 8


56. Which of the following pair is isodiaphers?


57. Size of atom is of the order of

1) 10-8 m             2) 10-8 cm           3) 108 m      4) 108 cm 


59. The wavelength of β - line of Balmer series of hydrogen atom is
1) 656.28 A°          2) 6562.8 A°            3) 4862 A°             4) 486.2 A°


60. Electronic configuration of Fe3+ is
1) [Ar]4s2 3d3            2) [Ar]4s1 3d4              3) [Ar]4s0 3d6             4) [Ar]4s° 3d5


61. What is the maximum number of electrons that can be associated with the following set of quantum numbers n = 4, l = 1, m = -1
1) 4            2) 1            3) 2               4) 16


62. The outer electronic configuration of Gd (Z = 64) is
1) 4f4 5d6 6s1           2) 4f7 5d1 6s2           3) 4f5 5d4 6s1            4) 4f3 5d5 6s2


63. The energies E1 and E2 of two radiations are 50 ev and 75 ev respectively. The relation between their wavelengths is λ1, λ2 will be
1) λ1 = λ2             2) λ1 = 2λ2             3) λ1 = 2.5λ2              4) λ1 = 1.5 λ2


Answers: 1-3;  2-4;  3-2;  4-1;  5-4;  6-2;  7-1;  8-3;  9-2;  10-4; 11-3;  12-3;  13-4;  14-4;  15-1;  16-4;  17-3;  18-2; 19-3;  20-2;  21-3;  22-2;  23-4;  24-4;  25-4;  26-3; 27-2;  28-4; 29-2;  30-3;  31-1; 32-2;  33-3;  34-2; 35-3;  36-3;  37-2; 38-2;  39-4; 40-2; 41-3; 42-4; 43-3; 44-1; 45-1; 46-3; 47-2; 48-3; 49-4; 50-2; 51-2; 52-2; 53-2; 54-1; 55-2; 56-1; 57-2; 58-2; 59-3;  60-4;  61-3;  62-2;  63-4.

Posted Date : 09-04-2021


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.