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Structure of atom

1. The ratio of energy to frequency of electromagnetic radiation is called                   
      A) Bohr's Constant       B) Planck's Constant      C) Avogadro's Constant       D) None


2. The value of Planck's Constant is                                                                                        
    A) 6.626 × 1027 erg - sec             B) 6.626 × 10–27 erg - sec
    C) 6.626 × 10–34 erg - sec           D) 6.626 × 1034 erg - sec


3. The value of Planck's Constant is                                                                                   
      A) 6.626 × 1027 Joul - sec            B) 6.626 × 1034 Joul - sec
      C) 6.626 × 10–34 Joul - sec          D) 6.626 × 10–27 Joul - sec


4. The electronic configuration of an atom containing quantum numbers n = 1, l = 0, m = 0, s = +  is                                                                                                   

A) 1s1          B) 1s2          C) 2s1          D) 1s2 2s1

5. The four quantum numbers of an electron is an atom are as follows                         

     A) 2s1          B) 2s2          C) 1s1          D) 3s1

6. Strontium chloride produces ........ colour flame                                                             
      A) Red         B) Yellow         C) Blue         D) Green


7. Which is not an electromagnetic radiation of following?                                                
      A) IR - Rays         B) X - Rays        C) γ - Rays         D) Cathode Rays


8. In which of the following all types of electromagnetic radiation posses same?          
      A) Energy         B) Velocity         C) Frequency         D) Wavelength


9. The size of the orbit is represented by                                                                             
      A) Principal quantum number          B) Azimuthal quantum number
      C) Magnetic quantum number         D) Spin quantum number


10. Which of the following quantum numbers gives size and energy of stationary orbit?                                            
      A) n          B) l         C) m         D) s

11. Which orbit is nearer to the nucleus?                                                                           
      A) K         B) L        C) M         D) N


12. The number of electrons present in an orbit is                                                           
      A) 1n2        B) 2n2         C) 3n2         D) 4n2


13. The number of subshells in n = 3 orbital                                                                     
      A) 3          B) 2          C) 4         D) 1


14. If n = 3 and l = 2 then the energy level represented as                                             
      A) 3s         B) 3p         C) 3d         D) 3f


15. The angular - momentum quantum number indicates                                             
      A) Energy of the orbit       B) Size of the orbit      C) Sub -shell       D) None


16. If n = 2, and l = 1 the energy level represented as                                                      
      A) 2s         B) 2p          C) 3s         D) 3p


17. The quantum numbers of an electron in 3d orbital are                                              
      A) n = 2, l = 2, m = 0, s = +        B) n = 1, l = 2, m = 1, s = + 
      C) n = 3, l = 3, m = 1, s = -          D) n = 3, l = 2, m = 1, s = + 
18. Which of the following is a wrong set of quantum numbers?                                   
      A) n = 1, l = 1, m = -1 s = -          B) n = 2, l = 1, m = -1, s = + 
      C) n = 2, l = 0, m = +1, s = -       D) n = 1, l = 0, m = 0, s = + 


19. What are the correct n, l, m, s values for the fourth electron of Beryllium?                                                           
      A) 1, 1, 1, +        B) 2, 1, 0, +      C) 2, 0, 0, –        D) 1, 0, 0, + 


20. Which of the following is a wrong set of quantum numbers?                                   
      A) n = 2, l = 1, m = 0, s = +          B) n = 2, l = 2, m = -1, s = -  
      C) n = 3, l = 2, m = +1, s = +        D) n = 3, l = 0, m = 0, s = -  


21. The maximum number of electrons in a subshell for which = 3 is                          
      A) 8         B) 10         C) 6         D) 14

22. The (n + l) value for a 3f orbital is                                                                               
      A) 3          B) 4          C) 6          D) 7

23. Mention the total number of electrons present in the p - orbital of the atom having atomic number 17
       A) 9         B) 10         C) 11         D) 5

24. The orbital with highest energy in the given set                                                      
      A) 4d       B) 5d       C) 6s       D) 6d

25. The magnetic quantum number defines                                                                   
      A) Shape of the orbit       B) Size of the orbit      C) Orientation of the orbit       D) None

26. According to Hund's rule, one of the following supports the proper arrangement of electrons in Carbon atom.                                                                                                    (       )

27. Which orbital notation correctly represents the outermost principal energy level of Oxygen in the ground state?                                                                                                    (       )

28. Which of the following electronic configuration obeys Hund's rule?                        

29. Which of the following is against of Hund's rule?                                                         

30. To which boundary surface diagram of d-orbital it indicates?                                  

A) dxy     B) dyz     C) dzx    D) dx2 - y2

31. To which boundary surface diagram of d-orbital it indicates?

A) dxy       B) dyz       C) dz2       D) dx- y2        

32. Arrangement of p-orbital indicate, in the picture is                 

A) px        B) py     C) pz       D) pxy

33. Arrangement of p-orbital indicate in the picture is

     A) px     B) py     C) pz        D) pxz

34. According to (n + l) values energies of various atomic orbitals order is                 

      A) 3s < 3p < 3d < 4s < 4p       B) 3s < 4s < 3p < 4p < 3d
      C) 3s < 3p < 4s < 3d < 4p       D) 3s < 3p < 4s < 4p < 3d

35. The element with electronic configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2                      
      A) Ne         B) Ar         C) K         D) Ca

36. The relation between wavelength (λ), Frequency (υ) and velocity of light (V) is  
         A) V = υλ       B) V =        C) V =        D) υ = Vλ 
      A) Frequency       B) Wavelength      C) Visible spectrum       D) Magnetic spectrum

38. In the electromagnetic spectrum, which of the following rays have less wavelength                                                                                                                               
      A) γ -rays       B) IR - rays       C) Radio - rays       D) X - rays

39. In the electromagnetic spectrum, which of the following rays have more wavelength                                                                                                                               
 A) γ -rays       B) IR - rays       C) Radio - rays       D) X - rays

40. The energy for a certain frequency E can be represented by the equation (E) =  
      A) hυ       B) hr       C) hv       D) h

41. ......... proposed electromagnetic theory of radiation.                                                
      A) Thomson       B) Bohr       C) Rutherford       D) Maxwell

42. E = hυ equation 'h' represents                                                                                      
      A) Planck's Constant             B) Joul's Constant      
      C) Faraday's Constant        D) None of the above

43. Which of the following produce yellow light in street lamps?                                    
      A) Neon vapours       B) Nitrogen vapours      C) Sodium vapours       D) Helium vapours

44. The main draw back of Bohr's model is                                                                     
      A) Could account for the spectra of He+.
      B) Could account for the spectra of Hydrogen.
      C) Could account for the spectra of He+ and Could account for the spectra of Hydrogen.
      D) None of these

45. The Limits of magnetic quantum number is                                                            
      A) 0....          B) +l... 0....+l        C) -l... 0... +       D) (2+ 1) ... (2- 1)


46. Which of the following represents the spin values of an electron?                         
      A) +  , +          B) +  , –
      C) –  , –           D) None of the above

47. The +  spin value of an electron represents                                                            
      A) Clock wise       B) Anticlock wise       C) Parallel       D) None

48. Which quantum number refers the two possible orientations of the spin of an electron? 
      A) Spin       B) Magnetic      C) Angular momentum       D) Principal

49. The maximum number of electrons in a subshell is given by                                
      A) 2+ 1       B) 2(2+ 1)       C) 2-1       D) 2(2- 1)

50. ....... is a representation of the occupation of electrons in the orbitals                 
      A) Electron spin                         B) Speed of electron      
      C) Electronic configuration       D) None of the above

51. According to whose principle, the electron occupies the orbital having lowest energy
A) Aufbau         B) Pauli         C) Hund         D) None of these

52. The meaning of the word Aufbau is                                                                            
      A) Building down       B) Building up      C) Building laterally       D) None of the above

53. Whose rule states that electron pairing takes place only after all the available degenerate orbitals are occupied by one electron each                                                        
      A) Hund       B) Aafbau      C) Paul       D) None of the above

54. Select the correct matching of the following.                                                              
      A) Bohr's model of an atom - Neils Bohr      B) Elliptical orbits - Sommerfeld
      C) Electromagnetic theory - Max Planck       D) All the above

55. Which of the following matching is incorrect?                                                              
      A) Ca - 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2      B) N - 1s2 2s2 2p3
      C) Ar - 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5             D) Na - 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1

56. Select the correct order of electrons filling in the following orbitals                          
      a) 1s       b) 3s       c) 4s       d) 2s       e) 3p       f) 4p
      A) a, d, b, c, f, e       B) a, d, b, e, c, f      C) a, b, c, d, e, f       D) c, d, b, a, e, f

57. The orbital diagram in which the Aufbau principle if violated is                            

58. Identify the wrong set of quantum numbers from the following                            
      A) n = 1, = 0, m = 0, s = -       B) n = 2, = 1, m = 0, s = + 
      C) n = 2, = 2, m = 5, s = -       D) n = 2, = 1, m = 0, s = + 

59. The sub levels of n = 4 are                                                                                             
      A) s, p         B) s, p, d         C) s, p, d, f         D) p, d

60. Principle quantum number 'n' indicates                                                                       
      A) The number of electrons       B) The shape of the orbit
      C) The size of the orbit               D) The charge of the nucleus

61. The distance between two consecutive crests in the wave is known as                   
      A) Wavelength       B) Frequency      C) amplitude       D) None of the above

62. The distance between two consecutive troughs in the wave is known as                 
      A) Frequency       B) Wavelength      C) Amplitude       D) None of the above

63. The Wavelength in a wave is                                                                                            
       A) λ         B)          C)         D) 2λ 

64. The number of wave peaks that pass by a given point per unit time is                     
      A) Frequency       B) Wavelength      C) Amplitude       D) None of the above

65. The relation between wavelength (λ), a frequency (υ) and velocity of light (C) is 

      A) C =        B) C =        C) C = υλ       D) υ = Cλ

66. When an electron jumps from a higher orbit to a lower one, there is                         
A) absorption of energy in continuous manner 
B) emission of energy in continuous manner
C) emission of energy occurs in integral multiples of a certain unit
D) absorption of energy in quanta

67. Sodium chloride imparts a yellow colour to the Bunsen flame. This can be interpreted due to the    
A) low ionisation energy of sodium
B) sublimation of metallic sodium
C) photo sensitivity of sodium
D) emission of excess energy absorbed as radiation in the visible region

68. The only quantum number which is independent other quantum numbers is         
      A) principal        B) angular momentum         C) magnetic           D) spin

69. The angular momentum quantum number gives information about                         
       A) size of the orbital                                           B) shape of the orbital
       C) size of the orbital, shape of the orbital        D) orientation of orbital

70. None of the four quantum numbers can have a value which is                                  
       A) zero        B) infinity        C) negative          D) positive

71. The two electrons in the 'K' shell will differ in                                                                
      A) principal quantum number           B) angular momentum quantum number
      C) magnetic quantum number           D) spin quantum number

72. The spin quantum number of an atom is related to                                                
       A) size of the orbital                                     B) orbital angular momentum
       C) orientation of the orbital in space          D) spin angular momentum

73. The quantum numbers for the last electron in an atom are n = 3, l = 1, ml = 1 and ms = ±  the atom is that of           
       A) Mg           B) Al          C) Si           D) P

74. 4th electron of 'Be' will have the four quantum numbers                                       
75. The last electron of an atom has the set of quantum numbers 3, 2, -2, + . Its atomic number could be        
       A) 19           B) 20              C) 21               D) 22

76. The correct set of quantum numbers for the unpaired electron of chlorine atom is 
      n     l    ml                n     l     ml             
        A) 2    0    0         B) 2    1     1       
        C) 3    0    0         D) 3    1     1

77. The correct set of three quantum numbers (n, l, ml) for electron in 3pz orbital      
       A) n = 2, l = 1, ml = 2                  B) n = 3, l = 2, ml = 1
       C) n = 3, l = 0, ml = 0                  D) n = 3, l = 1, ml = −1

78. The magnetic quantum number for valence electron of sodium is                            
       A) 0            B) 1          C) 2               D) 3

79. Maximum number of electrons 'd' orbitals can accommodate is                               
       A) 2           B) 6           C) 10            D)18

80. The first energy level that can have 'f' orbitals is                                                          
       A) K           B) L          C) M             D) N

81. Simultaneous determination of exact position and energy of an electron is              
      A) Possible         B) Sometimes Possible      C) Impossible        D) None of these

82. The maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in the 'L' shell of an atom is   
A) 2           B) 6           C) 8              D) 10

83. What is the total electron capacity of the energy level for which n = 4?                     
       A) 8           B) 10        C) 18             D) 32

84. For energy level quantum number n = 3 the number of possible orbitals are          
       A) 3           B) 4          C) 8                D) 9

85. Maximum number of electrons in any orbit is                                                              
       A) n           B) 2n        C) n2              D) 2n2

86. The outermost electronic configuration of most electronegative element is              
       A) ns2np3         B) ns2np4            C) ns2np5            D) ns2np6

87. The preference of 3 unpaired electrons in the nitrogen atom can be explained by  
       A) Pauli's exclusion principle                  B) Aufbau principle
       C) Hund's rule                                           D) None of these

88. The orbital diagram in which both the Pauli's exclusion principle and Hund's rule are violated is 

89. Which of the following is violation of Paulis exclusion principle                      

90. Nitrogen has the electronic configuration 1s2 2s2 2px1 2py1 2pz1 and not 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py1 2pz0 which is determined by                                                                                       
       A) Aufbau principle                     B) Pauli's exclusion principle
      C) Hund's rule                              D) None of these


91. Number of p orbitals of electrons in Cl ̅. ion?
A) 6
B) 5
C) 11
D) 12


92. Who introduced elliptical orbits?
A) Bohr
B) Sommerfeld
C) Scrowdinger
D) Zeeman


93. The valency electronic configuration of sodium .......
A) [Ne]3s1
B) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1
C) 3s1
D) 3s1 3p2


94. The maximum number of electrons in M - shell is .....
A) 2
B) 12
C) 32
D) 18


95. The value of Planck constant is
A) 6.626 × 10-34 J.S.
B) 6.626 × 10-34 erg.S
C) 6.626 × 10-34 cm
D) 6.626 × 10-34 m


96. Which of the following has shorter wavelength of rays?
A) X-rays
B) Gamma rays
C) UV rays
D) IR Rays


97. The number of degenerated orbitals in d-sub shell .........
A) 2
B) 3
C) 7
D) 5


98. Which law states that no two electrons of the same atom can have all four quantum numbers the same?
A) Pauli Exclusion Principle
B) Hund rule
C) Aufbau rule
D) (n + l) rule


99. The maximum number of electrons in p-orbital .........
A) 2
B) 4
C) 6
D) 10


100. Which of the following is a correct energy of orbitals?
A) 3s < 3d < 5p < 6s
B) 3s < 4s < 3p < 3d
C) 3p < 3s < 4s < 3d
D) 3s < 3p < 4s < 3d


101. Which of the following is not true?
A) Orbital is the space around the nucleus where the probability of finding the electron is maximum.
B) Quantum numbers represent probability of finding electron.
C) l = 2 represents 'p' orbital
D) None of these

102. Which of the following Quantum numbers is not possible?
A) n = 2, l = 1, m = +1, ms = -1/2
B) n = 2, l = 2, m = +1, ms = +1/2
C) n = 3, l = 2, m = +2, ms = -1/2
D) n = 3, l = 2, m = -2, ms = -1/2


103. In the Aufbau principle, the term "Aufbau" refers to ...........
A) Scientist name
B) Place
C) Building up
D) Discovery


Answers:  1-B;   2-B;   3-C;   4-A;   5-C;   6-A;   7-D;   8-B;   9-A;   10-A;  11-A;   12-B;   13-A;   14-C;   15-C;   16-B;   17-D;   18-A;   19-C;   20-B;  21-D;    22-C;   23-C; 24-D;   25-C;   26-B;   27-D; 28-D;   29-C;   30-A; 31-D;   32-C;   33-C; 34-C;   35-D;   36-A;   37-C;    38-A;   39-C;   40-A; 41-D;   42-A;   43-C;   44-A;   45-C; 46-B;   47-A;   48-A;   49-B;   50-C;   51-A; 52-B;   53-A;   54-D;   55-C;   56-B; 57-B;   58-C;   59-C;   60-C;   61-A; 62-B;   63-A;   64-A;   65-C; 66-C; 67-D; 68-D; 69-B; 70-B; 71-D; 72-D; 73-B; 74-C; 75-C; 77-D; 78-A; 79-C; 80-D; 81-C; 82-C; 83-D; 84-D; 85-D; 86-C; 87-C; 88-A; 89-C; 90-C; 91-D;   92-B;   93-A;   94-D;   95-A;   96-B;   97-D;   98-A;   99-C;   100-D;  101-C;  102-D;   103-B.

Posted Date : 26-06-2021


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.