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• There are four main directions -

⇢ East,
⇢ West,
⇢ North and
⇢ South as shown.

• There are four cardinal directions –

⇢ North-East (N-E),
⇢ North-West (N-W),
⇢ South-East (S-E),and
⇢ South-West (S-W) as shown.

1. At the time of sunrise if a man stands facing the east, his shadow will be towards west.
2. At the time of sunset the shadow of an object is always in the east.
3. If a man stands facing the North, at the time of sunrise his shadow will be towards his left and at the time of sunset it will be towards his right.
4. At 12:00 noon, the rays of the sun are vertically downward hence there will be no shadow.
5. By default the direction of a man facing becomes north unless it is mentioned.

Directions (Qs. 1 - 2): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Point A is 5m East of point B. Point C is 4m North of point B. Point D is 2m East of point C. Point E is 3m North of point D. Point F is 3m East of point E. Point H is 10m South of point F. Point G is 5m West of point H.


1. What is the direction E with respect to G?
A) North     B) South     C) South West     D) East      E) North-East

Ans: E

2. What is the distance between G and B?
A) 5m              B) 4m       
          D) 3m              E) 2m

Ans: D

Directions (Qs. 3 - 5): Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions.
Manaswini starts walking from her hostel to her library. After walking 16m North, she turns left and walks 10m. Then she turns to her left and walks 7m and then turns to her right walks 20m. Finally, she turns to her right and walks 12m to reach the library.

3. Which of the following direction is manaswini facing at the final position?
A) East     B) West     C) North       D) South      E) South-West

Ans: C

4. If manaswini turns to her right and walks for 30m from the library to reach the canteen, then how far is manaswini’s hostel from the canteen?
A) 21m      B) 20m      C) 28m     D) 35m       E) None of these

Ans: A

5. What is the direction of her library with respect to the hostel?
A) East    B) North     C) North-West      D) South       E) South-West

Ans: C

Directions (Qs. 6 - 8): Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions.
Point B is 4m West of point E. Point F is 5m East of point A. Point C is 4m South of point G. Point A is 9m South of point E. Point D is 5m West of point G. Point I is 6m North of point F. Point H is 6m South of point D. Point I is 8m West of point C.

6. In which direction point E is with respect to point H?
A) North-East      B) South     C) North    4) South-West      E) North-West

Ans: E

7. What is the shortest distance between point I and point G?

Ans: A

8. If point R is 5m West of point I, then what is the distance between point R and point E?
A) 6m     B) 3m     C) 7m     4) 5m      E) 2m

Ans: B

Directions (Qs. 9 - 11): Study the following information carefully and answers the questions given below:
Ramesh is going for walk in a garden. From his initial point, he goes 250m in the West direction and reaches point B. Then he takes his left turn and goes 200m to reach point K. From point K, he takes another left turn and goes 200m to reach point N. After that he takes his left turn and goes 100m to reach point U. From point U, he takes his right turn and goes 100m to reach point H. Finally, from point H, he takes his right turn and goes 220m to reach his finish point.

9. Find the total distance covered by Ramesh from point B to point H?
A) 850m    B) 650m    C) 750m     D) 600m      E) 700m

Ans: D

10. In which direction point H situated with respect to point K?
A) South     B) North-West    C) South-East    D) North    E) None of these

Ans: E

11. Find the average distance covered by Ramesh from point B to point N and point H to point K?
A) 450m     B) 425m    C) 550m      D) 625m      E) 400m

Ans: E

Directions (Qs. 12 - 14): Study the following information carefully and answer the below question:
Point U is 12m to the South of point R, which is 20m to the North of point S. Point T is 8m to the East of point R. Point P is 14m to the West of point U and 16m to the North of point W. Point Q is 12m to the South of point T. Point O is 18m to the East of point W. Point V is exactly between the points Q and U.

12. In which of the following direction is point V with respect to point O?
A) North      B) South      C) North-East    D) South-West     E) North-West

Ans: A

13. What is the shortest distance between the points R and Q?

Ans: A

14. In which of the following direction is point S with respect to point L, which is 5m to the West of point V?
A) North          B) South-East
C) North-East           D) Cannot be determined       E) None of these

Ans: B

Directions (Qs. 15 - 17): Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions.
Point Q is 10m West of point N which is 12m North of point G. Point A is 6m North of point P. Point L is 18m South of point I which is 7m West of point P. Point S is 9m West of point L. Point V is 8m East of point G. Point S is 12m South of point V. If Mr.Vinod walks from point V, he walks for 6m towards the East direction to reach point C then takes a left turn walks for 12m to reach point B.

15. What is the distance between B and Q?
A) 24m     B) 25m     C) 23m      D) 20m      E) None of the above

Ans: A

16. Four of the following are alike in a certain way. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A) AI     B) IS      C) BG      D) AS      E) LQ

Ans: E

17. If point D is 3m West of point L, then what is the distance and direction of D with respect to B?
A) 22m towards South     B) 23m towards South
C) 24m towards South     D) 24m towards North       E) 22m towards North

Ans: C

Directions (Qs. 18-20): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Chikky is 5 km towards East direction from Bindhu. Anish is 3 km towards East direction from shyamala. Finch is 7 km towards West direction from Dany. Dany is 2 km towards North direction from Chikky. Shyamala is 5 km towards North direction from Sindhu. Bindhu is 4 km towards South direction from Anish.

18. If Akhila is going 3km towards South direction from Finch then what is distance between Sindhu and Akhila, what is the
direction of Sindhu with respect to Akhila?
A) 1 km, East      B) 2 km, East   C) 2 km, West    D) 1 km, West    E) 3 km, East

Ans: D

19. If Reena going 3 km towards East direction from Anish then what is the distance between Bindhu and Reena?
A) 7 km    C) 6 km     C) 5 km     D) 4 km      E) 3 km

Ans: C

20. What is the distance between Anish and Chikky (approx.)?
A) 7 km    B) 6 km    C) 5km    D) 8 km      E) 9 km

Ans: B

Directions (Qs. 21 - 23): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Point U is 3m West of point Q.
Point R is 8m North to point P.
Point W is 8m East to point S.
Point Q is 7m North to point W.
Point U is 4m North to point V.
Point P is 5m West to point V.
Point R is 6m East to point T.

21. How many points are North to point S?
A) One    B) Two     C) No one     D) Three      E) More than three

Ans: B

22. Point P is in which direction and how much distance from point W?

Ans: B

23. Which among the following is odd one?
A) VU     B) QW     C) PS     D) RP       E) TR

Ans: E

Directions (Qs.1-10): Select the correct alternative from the given choices.

1. Karuna is facing South-West. She turns 270° in clockwise direction and then 135° clockwise direction. Which direction is she facing now?
1) North-East          2) West          3) South          4) South                5) North-West


2. One morning Rakesh facing to the sun. He turns 540° in clockwise and then 135° in anitclokwise direction. Which direction Rakesh facing now?
1) South-East         2) East         3) North-West           4) South-West          5) North-East
Sol: Morning facing sun means he is facing East.


3. Raju facing towards South moved straight 12km and from there turned to his left 90° and travelled 10km. Then he took a 45° turn to his right and travelled 5km. In which direction was his staring point with respect to his reaching point?
1) North-East            2) South-East          3) East          4) South          5) North-West 


4. Mounika travels 40km North, turns right and goes another 58km. Then turning to South travels 40km. Again turn to the West and walks 43km How far she is from her starting point?
1) 101km            2) 43km            3) 15km           4) 83 km            5) None of these


5. Shankar walks 40m towards North then turning to his right he walks 50m. Then tuning to his left, he walks 30m. Again he turns to his left and walks 40m. How far is he from initial position?
1) 50                  2) 60                  3) 50√2            4) 60√2              5) None of these 


6. Amla walking towards East and covers 200 meters, then she turns left and walks 300 meters. Finally turns to right and walks 200m. How far(short distance) and in which direction is the final point with respect to the starting point?
1) 500m, North-East             2) 700m, North-West
3) 400m, East         4) 500m, East          5) 700m, South


7. Point A is 30m to the South of point B. Point C is 15m to the East of point A. Point D is 5m to the South of point C. Point D is exactly midway between points E and F in such a manner that point E. D and F from a horizontal straight line of 30m. Point E is to the West of pint D. How far and in which direction is point E form point B?
1) 35m, North        2) 30m, South          3) 25m, North        4) 35m, South          5) 25m, South 

Point E is South from point in 35m distance.  
Ans: 4


8. A compass was damaged and it's needle turned in such a manner that the pointer, which was showing North-East, is now showing East. One person went towards SouthWest as per above compass in which direction did he actually go?
1) West          2) North-West         3) East         4) North           5) South 

North-East turns to East, person went according to damaged compass. South-West but it is West actually, South-West means  actually it is West.
Ans: 1


9. One morning shiva observed that his shadow is falling behind him, which direction is he facing?
1) West              2) East           3) North           4) South            5) Cannot be determined
Sol: Early morning sun rises at East, if his shadow falls exactly behind shiva that means he is facing towards East.
Ans: 2


10. One evening Nitya and Navya were talking to each other face to face. If Navya's shadow was exactly to the right of Nitya, which direction Navya was facing?
1) West              2) North              3) South            4) East              5) Cannot be determined
Sol: In the evening sun is in West and so the shadow falls towards East. Navya's shadow falls towards right of Nitya so Navya is facing South.
Ans: 3 


Directions (Qs.11-12): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions. Point L is 15m to the North of point M. Point N is 15m to the East of point M. Point O is 10m to the South of point N. Point P is 7.5m to the West of point O. Point K is 10m to the North of point P.

11. How far is point K from point M?
1) 10 meters          2) 10.5 meters          3) 7.5 meters           4) 5.5 meters           5) 4 meters


12. Which of the following represents the direction of point L with respect to point P?
1) South-East         2) North-East         3) North-West          4) South           5) South-West 

11-3; Distance between point K from point M is 7.5 meters


12-3; Point L is in North-West with respect to point P.

Directions (Qs.13-14): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions. Bhuvana starts from her home, walks 225m towards West and turns to her right and walks 120m, again she turns to the North and walks 120m, then she turns to her right and walks 85m, then she turns South and walks 160m, then she turns to her left and walks 140m. Again she turns left and walks 160m and stopped.

13. Finally how much distance Bhuavana travelled vertically?
1) 350m                 2) 410m             3) 560m            4) 660m          5) None of these         


14. What is the vertical distance between Bhuvana’s stating point to final point?
1) 410m             2) 160m             3) 350m           4) 240m             5) None of these 

13-3; Total Vertical distance travelled by Bhavana
= (120 + 120 + 160 + 160)  = 560m


14-4; Vertical distance between Bhavana’s starting point to final point
= (160m + 80m) = 240m

Posted Date : 20-09-2022


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.


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