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 For easy understanding of the relationships study of the following table is very useful:

Grandfather’s son Father or uncle
Grandmother’s son Father or uncle
Grandfather’s only son Father
Grandmother’s only son Father
Mother’s or Father’s mother Grandmother
Mother’s of Father’s father Grandfather
Grandfather’s only daughter-in-law Mother
Grandmother’s only daughter-in-law Mother
Mother’s or Father’s son      Brother
Mother’s or Father’s daughter  Sister
Mother's or Father's brother            Uncle
Mother's or Father's sister               Aunt
Husband's or wife's sister                Sister-in-law
Husband's or wife's brother  Brother-in-law
Son's wife                              Daughter-in-law
Daughter's husband                      Son-in-law
Brother's or Sister's son Nephew
Brother's or Sister's daughter           Niece
Uncle or Aunt's son or daughter         Cousin
Sister's husband                          Brother-in-law
Brother's wife  Sister-in-law

Model Questions

1. Pointing to a lady in the video Shyamala said, “Her son’s father is the son-in-law of my mother”. How is Shyamala related to the lady?
A) Sister          B) Aunt
C) Grandmother     D) None of these

2. Ajay introduced Karthik as the son of the only brother of his father’s wife. How is Karthik related to Ajay?

A) Brother     B) Cousin      C) Uncle     D) Father

3. Pointing towards a person in the video, Nirmala said, “He is the only son of the father of my sister’s brother”. How is that person related to Nirmala?

A) Father      B) Uncle      C) Brother     D) Sister

4. Mona told Nani, “The girl I met yesterday at movie theatre was the youngest daughter of brother-in-law of my friend’s mother”. How is the girl related to Mona’s friend?

A) Cousin      B) Brother       C) Uncle       D) Mother

5. Pointing out to a lady, Ravi said, “She is the daughter of the woman who is the mother of the husband of my mother”. Who is the lady to Ravi?

A) Grandmother    B) Aunt
C) Uncle    D) Cousin

6. A man pointing to a video clip says, “The lady in the video is my nephew’s maternal grandmother”. How is the lady in the video related to the man’s sister who has no other sister?
A) Mother    B) Aunt    C) Cousin    D) Sister

7. Pointing towards a boy, Jaya said, “He is the son of only son of any grandfather”. How is the boy related to Jaya?
A) Father     B) Brother
C) Cousin    D) Grandfather

8. If y is the brother of the son of z’s son, how is y related to z?
A) Father     B) Son     C) Grandson    D) Uncle

9. Introducing Gopi, a woman said, “He is the only son of my mother’s mother”. How is the woman related to the Gopi?
A) Cousin     B) Mother
C) Daughter     D) Maternal uncle

10. Showing the man driving an auto, Suraj said, “He is the brother of my uncle’s daughter”. Who is the man to Suraj?
A) Cousin    B) Niece
C) Father    D) None of these

11. X and Y are brothers. P and Q are sisters. X’s son is Q’s brother. How is Y related to P?
A) Cousin    B) Uncle
C) Father    D) Grandfather 

12. X, Y and Z are sisters. A is the brother of B and B is the daughter of Y. How is X related to A?
A) Mother    B) Grandmother    C) Niece    D) Aunt

13. X is the uncle of Y, who is the daughter of Z and Z is the daughter-in-law of P. How is X related to P?
A) Father    B) Son    C) Grandfather    D) Uncle

14. A family has a man, his wife, their three sons and their wives. The family of every son also has 3 sons and 1 daughter. Find out total number of male members is the whole family.
A) 9    B) 12    C) 13    D) 18

15. Roja is mother-in-law of Keerthi, who is sister- in-law of Aravind. Dhanush is father of Sandeep, the only brother of Aravind. How is Roja related to Aravind?
A) Mother    B) Aunt    C) Sister    D) None

16. Sarojini is the niece of Anvesh. Anvesh’s mother is Pranitha. Keerthi is Pranitha’s mother. Keerthi’s husband is Harsha. Kavitha is the mother-in-law of Harsha. How is Sarojini related to Harsha?
A) Daughter    B) Great-grand daughter
C) Niece    D) None

17. A is the brother of B and C. D is C’s mother. E is A’s father. Which of the following statements cannot be definitely true?
A) E is B’s father    B) D is A’s mother
C) E is D’s husband    D) B is E’s son

18. Pointing to an old man, Kamal said, “His son is my son’s uncle”. How is the old man related to Kamal?
A) Father    B) Grandfather
C) Uncle    D) None

19. Pointing to a photo, a woman says, “This man’s son’s sister is my mother-in-law”. How is the woman’s husband related to the man in the photo?
A) Grandson    B) Son    C) Cousin    D) Uncle

20. When Anupam saw Manoj, re recalled, “He is the son of the father of my daughter’s mother”. Who is Manoj to Anupam?
A) Cousin    B) Brother-in-law
C) Brother    D) None

21. ‘X + Y’ means ‘X is the son of Y’; ‘X − Y’ means ‘X is the wife of Y’; ‘X × Y’ means ‘X is the brother of Y’; ‘X ÷ Y’ means ‘X is the mother of Y’ and ‘X = Y’ means ‘X is the sister of Y’. What does P + R − Q mean?
A) Q is the father of P    B) Q is son of P
C) Q is uncle of P    D) Q is the brother of P

22. Pointing to Mohini, Raj said, “The son of her only brother of my wife”. How is Mohini related to Ravi?
A) Mother-in-law    B) Grandmother
C) Grand aunt    D) None

23. Anil said, “This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother”. Who is Anil to the girl?
A) Father    B) Son-in-law
C) Father-in-law    D) None

24. L is daughter of M. M is mother of N. O is the brother of N. What is the relation of O with L?
A) Father    B) Brother    C) Sister    D) Aunt

25. Amala says: “He is the only son of the father of my sister’s brother”. How is that person related to Amala?
A) Cousin    B) Aunt    C) Sister    D) Brother

26. Introducing Vinay, Vicky said, “He is the only son of my father’s father”. How is Vinay related to Vicky?
A) Sister    B) Aunt    C) Brother    D) Father

27. Pointing to Kushan, Aarti said, “Her sister’s only brother is my Nephew”. How it Aarti related to Kushan?
A) Sister    B) Brother    C) Aunt    D) Uncle

28. Avinash said to Malini, “Your mother’s husband’s sister is my aunt”. How is Malini related to Avinash?
A) Uncle   B) Brother    C) Father    D) Sister


1-A   2-B   3-C   4-A   5-B   6-A   7-B   8-C   9-D   10-A   11-B   12-D   13-B   14-C   15-A   16-B   17-D   18-A   19-A   20-B   21-A   22-D   23-C  24-B


1. Lady’s son’s father is lady’s husband. Then the lady’s husband is the son-in-law of Shyamala’s mother, i.e, the lady is the daughter of Shyamala’s mother. Thus, Shyamala is the lady’s sister.

2. Father’s wife − Mother; Mother’s brother − Uncle; Uncle’s son − Cousin. So, Karthik is Ajay’s cousin.

3. Sister’s brother − Brother; Brother’s father − Father; Father’s son - Brother

4. Daughter of brother-in-law − Niece; Mother’s niece − Cousin.

5. Mother’s husband − Father; Father’s mother − Grandmother; Grandmother’s daughter − Father’s sister; Father’s sister − Aunt.

6. The lady is the grandmother of man’s sister son that is the mother of the mother of man’s sister’s son i.e, the mother of man’s sister.

7. Only son of grandfather − Father; Son of father − Brother.

8. Son of z’s son − Grandson; Brother of z’s grandson − z’s grandson.

9. Mother’s mother − Maternal grandmother; Maternal grandmother’s only son − Maternal uncle

10. Brother of uncle’s daughter − Cousin.

11. Y is the brother of X; X’s son is Q’s brother means Q is the daughter of X. Since, P and Q are sisters, P is alsodaughter of X. So, Y is the uncle of P.

12. B is the daughter of Y and A is the brother of B. A is the son of Y. Also, X is sister of Y. Thus X is A’s aunt.

13. Y is daughter of Z, Z is daughter-in-law of P. P is grand-father of Y. So, X is son of P.

14. Total male members in the family are (i) The man himself; (ii) His 3 × 3 = 9 grandsons Hence, total = 1 + 9 + 3 = 13.

15. Keerthi is sister-in-law of Aravind means Aravind is brother of Keerthi’s husband. But Aravind has only one brother, Sandeep. So, Sandeep is Keerthi’s husband. Aravind is Sandeep’s brother. So, Roja is Aravind’s mother.

16. Sarojini is the niece of Anvesh. Anvesh is uncle of Sarojini. Pranitha is Anvesh’s mother. So, Pranitha is the grandmother of Sarojini. Harsha is Pranitha’s father. So, Sarojini is the great grand-daughter of Harsha.

17. A, B, C are children of same parents. So, D is C’s mother and E, who is A’s father will be mother and father of all three. It is not mentioned whether B is male or female. So, it can’t be definitely true.

18. Kamal’s son’s uncle − Kamal’s brother. So, the old man’s son is Kamal’s brother i.e, the old man is Kamal’s father.

19. Man’s son’s sister − Man’s daughter. So, the man’s daughter is the mother of the woman’s husband. Woman’s husband is the grandson of the man in photo.

20. Anupam’s daughter’s mother − Anupam’s wife; Anupam’s wife’s father − Anupam’s father-in-law; Father-in-law’s son − Anupam’s brother-in-law. So, Manoj is Anupam’s brother-in-law.

21. P + R − Q means P is the son of R who is the wife of Q. i.e, Q is the father of P according to the given reference.

22. Brother of Raj’s wife − Raj’s brother-in-law; son of Mohini’s brother is brother-in-law of Raj. So, Mohini’s brother is Raj’s father-inlaw i.e, Mohini is sister of Raj’s fatherin-law.

23. Mother’s grandson − Son, Son’s wife − Daughter-in-law.

24. L, N, O are brothers & Sisters. Relation between S and P is brother.

25. The person is Anita’s brother.

26. My father’s father means Grandfather. Only son of grandfather is father. So, Vinay is father of Vicky.

27. Kushan’s sister only brother is Kushan’s brother. Kushan’s brother is Aarti’s nephew. So, Aarti is the aunt of Kushan.

28. Malini’s mother’s husband − Father Malini’s father’s sister − Aunt Hence, Malini is Avinash’s sister.

*  Pointing to a person, Amit said to Asha, 'His mother is the only daughter of your father.'  How was the woman related to the person?

    A) Aunt          B) Mother       C) Wife      D) Daughter     E) None of these

Ans: A

Hint: Daughter of your father your's sister; the person's mother is the woman's sister. Woman is person's aunt.

*  Pointing to a lady, a girl said, 'She is the daughter-in-law of the grandmother of my father's only son.' How is the lady related to the girl?

   A) Sister-in-law     B) Mother     C) Aunt     D) Mother-in-law     E) None of these

Ans: B

Hint: My father's only son  My brother's Grandmother of my brother  My grandmother's Daughter-in-law of my grandmother  My mother. So, the lady is girl's mother.

*  Rita told Mani, 'The girl I met yesterday at the beach was the youngest daughter of the brother-in-law of my friend's mother.' How is the girl related to Rita's friend?

    A) Cousin       B) Daughter       C) Niece      D) Friend       E) None of these

Ans: A

Hint: Daughter of brother-in-law is niece. Mother's niece  Cousin. So, the girl is the cousin of Rita's friend.

*  When Amir saw Manjeet, he recalled 'He is the son of the father of the mother of my daughter.' What is Manjeet to Amir?

    A) Brother-in-law      B) Brother     C) Cousin      D) Uncle       E) Nephew

Ans: A

Hint: My daughter's mother  my wife; My wife's father   my father-in-law; My father-in-law's son   my brother-in-law. So, Manjeet is Amir's brother-in-law.

* Deepak said to Nitin, 'The boy playing with football is the younger of the two brothers of the daughter of my father's wife. How is the boy playing football related to Deepak?

     A) Son       B) Brother       C) Cousin       D) Nephew        E) Brother-in-law

Ans: B

Hint: Father's wife  mother; Mother's daughter  sister; Sister's younger brother  my younger brother. So, the boy is Deepak's brother.

*  While walking with his friend, Mahesh meets another man whose mother is the wife of Mahesh's father's only son. How is the man related to Mahesh?
   A) Son         B) Nephew          C) Cousin         D) Uncle          E) Father
Ans: A
Hint: Mahesh's father's only son  Mahesh; Mahesh's wife is mother of his son. So, the man is Mahesh's son.


*  Agirl introduced a boy as the son of the daughter of the father of her uncle. The boy is the girl's?
    A) Brother          B) Son          C) Uncle         D) Son-in-law          E) Nephew
Ans: A
Hint: Daughter of uncle's father  uncle's sister  mother; Mother's son  brother.


*  If X is the brother of son of Y's son, how is X related to Y?
   A) Son           B) Brother           C) Cousin           D) Grandson           E) Uncle
Ans: D
Hint: Son of Y's son  grandson; brother of Y's grandson  Y's grandson.


* P is the brother of D. X is the sister of P. A is the brother of F. F is the daughter of D. M is the father of X. Who is the uncle of A?
   A) X               B) P               C) F              D) M               E) None of these
Ans: B
Hint: A is the brother of F, who is the daughter of D. So, A is the son of D. P is the brother of D. So, P is the uncle of A.


*  K is the brother of N and X, Y is the mother of N, and Z is the father of K. Which of the following statement is not definitely true?
   A) K is the son of Z                   B) Y is the brother of Z              C) K is the son of Y
   D) K is the father of X              E) N is the brother of X.
Ans: E
Hint: K is the brother of N and X. So, Y who is the mother of N, and Z, who is the father of K, will be the mother and father of all the three. However, it is not mentioned whether N is a male or female. So, the statement (e) cannot be definitely true.


*  E is the son of A, D is the son of B, E is married to C, C is B's daughter. How is D related to E?
    A) Brother          B) Uncle           C) Father-in-law          D) Brother-in-law           E) None of these
Ans: D
Hint: C is B's daughter and D is B's son. So, D is the brother of C. E is a male married to C. So, E is the husband of C, whose brother is D. So, D is the brotherin-law of E.


*  A and B are both children of C. If C is the mother of A, A is the son of C but B is not the daughter of C. How are A and B mutually related?
    A) A is the brother of B           B) A is the sister of B          C) A is the cousin of B
    D) A is the nephew of B          E) None of these
Ans: A
Hint: B is the child of C but not daughter, means B is the son of C. Also, A is the son of C. So, A is the brother of B.


*  C is the brother of A. B is the daughter of A. E is the sister of C, D is the brother of B. Who is the uncle of D?
    A) A            B) B            C) C            D) E            E) None of these
Ans: C
Hint: D is the brother of B, who is the daughter of A. So, D is the son of A. C is the brother of A. Thus, C is the uncle of D.


*  Q is the brother of R, P is the sister of Q, T is the brother of S, S is the daughter of R. Who is the cousin of Q?
     A) R and P            B) P and T            C) Q and T            D) S and T            E) None of these
Ans: D
Hint: Q is the brother of R. T is the brother of S, who is the daughter of R. So, T and S are cousins of Q.


* Lakshmi and Meena are Rohan's wives. Shalini is Meena's stepdaughter. How is Lakshmi related to Shalini?
    A) Sister           B) Mother-in-law           C) Mother          D) Stepmother       E) None of these
Ans: C
Hint: Shalini is meena's stepdaughter, means she is the daughter of the other wife of Rohan. So, Shalini is the daughter of Lakshmi, or Lakshmi is the mother of Shalini.


* C is A's father's nephew. D is A's cousin but not the brother of C. How is D related to C?
   A) Father            B) Sister            C) Mother           D) Aunt            E) None of these
Ans: B
Hint: C is A's father's nephew, means C is the son of A's father's brother, i.e., C is the cousin of A. D is also A's cousin. So, D must be a sibling of C. But not brother of C.  So, D must be the sister of C.


*  A party consists of grandmother, father, mother, four sons and their wives and one son and two daughters of each of the sons. How many females are there in all?
A) 14 B) 16 C) 18 D) 24 E) None of these
Ans: A
Hint: Grandmother is one female, mother is another, wives of four sons are the four females and two daughters of all four sons are eight females. So, in all there are 1 + 1+ 4 + 8 = 14.

1. Pointing to a man, Akshay said that this man is the only son of my sister’s father-in-law. How is that man related to Akshay?

a) Son-in-law     b) Brother-in-law      c) Father     d) Cousin

Obviously, that man is the brother-in-law of Akshay.
Ans: b


2. Pointing to a woman in the photograph, Deepti said that ‘she is the only child of my brother - in-law’s father’s sister’. How is that woman related to Deepti?
a) Cousin     b) Mother     c) Sister-in-law      d) Daughter 

Obviously, that woman is the sister-in-law of Deepti. 
  Ans: c

3. Pointing to a man, a lady says that his father is the third son of her grandmother. How is the lady related to that man?
a) Cousin     b) Sister     c) Brother     d) Either sister or cousin
 From the diagram, it is clear that the lady is either cousin or sister of the man.
Ans: d 

4. Pointing to a boy, a lady says that his mother is the only sister of her mother. How is the boy related to that lady?
a) Nephew     b) Uncle      c) Cousin      d) Brother
Sol: From the question, lady’s mother and boy’s mother are sisters. Therefore, lady and the boy are cousins. 

Ans: c 

5. Seeta said, “Mohan’s father is the only son of my father”. How is Seeta related to Mohan?
a) Grandmother       b) Mother      c) Sister      d) Aunt
Sol: From the question, only son of Seeta’s father is Seeta’s brother, therefore, son of Seeta’s brother (Mohan) is Seeta’s nephew or Seeta is aunt of Mohan. 

6. If ‘P + Q’ means ‘P is the brother of Q,’ ‘P × Q’ means ‘P is the wife of Q’ and ‘P ÷ Q’ means ‘P is the daughter of Q’, then which of the following represents ‘A is the son of D’?
a) A ÷ C × B + D      b) A + C ÷ B × D        c) A × B + C ÷ D         d) A ÷ B × C + D
Sol: From the question, A must be male. Going by options, choice (b) is the answer.
A + C ÷ B × D means A is the brother of C, who is daughter of B, who is wife of D. Therefore, A is son of D. 

7. If ‘P + Q’ means ‘P is the mother of Q’, ‘P ÷ Q’ means ‘P is the daughter of Q’ and ‘P – Q’ means ‘P is the sister of Q’, then which of the following represents ‘A is the husband of B’?
a) B + A – N      b) B ÷ A + N       c) B + N ÷ A      d) B ÷ A ÷ R
Sol: From the question, A must be male and B must be female. Going by options, we get choice (c) as the answer, i.e. B + N ÷ A means B is the mother of N and N is the daughter of A, therefore, A and B are father and mother of N respectively

8. Introducing a woman, a man said, “Her mother’s husband’s sister is my aunt”. How is the man related to that woman?
a) Nephew     b) Cousin      c) Brother        d) Either brother or cousin

From the diagram, it is clear that the man is either brother or cousin of the woman.
Ans: d 

9. Pointing to Sneha, Jeevan said, “Her mother’s only daughter is my daughter”. How is Jeevan related to Sneha?
a) Brother        b) Son       c) Brother-in-law         d) Father

Hence, Sneha is the daughter of Jeevan.
Ans: d

10. If ‘A + B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’ and ‘A × B’ means ‘A is the husband of B’, then which of the following shows ‘P is the father of Q’?
a) P × M + Q      b) P + M × Q       c) P + Q × M       d) Q + P × M
Sol: P × M + Q
P × M ⇒ P is husband of M
​​​​​​ M + Q ⇒ M is mother of Q.
⇒ P is father of Q. 

11. A is the sister of B, C is the father of B, D is the wife of C and E is the father of D. How is E related to B?
a) Grandmother       b) Grandfather      c) Father        d) Son 

Directions (Qs. 1 - 14): Select the correct alternative from the given choices.

1. K is N’s brother. N is L’s father. L and M are sisters. How is M related to K?
A) Cousin      B) Niece

C) Aunt      D) Nephew

2. K, M and O are brothers. U is the sister of V and V is the son of M. How is K related to U?
A) Uncle      B) Cousin
C) Nephew      D) Brother

3. A is the father of B and the grandfather of C, who is the brother of D. D’s mother, E, is married to F. E is the sister of B. How is F related to A?
A) Nephew      B) Brother-in-law
C) Son      D) Son-in-law

4. K is the father of L and M is the son of N. O is the brother of K. L is the sister of M. How is N related to O?
A) Brother-in-law      B) Daughter
C) Sister-in-law      D) Brother

5. Charmi is the wife of Bhargav. Mahesh is the son of Charmi. Amit is the brother of Bhargav and father of Dinesh. How is Mahesh related to Dinesh?
A) Sister      B) Cousin
C) Brother      D) Mother

6. A is B's father and C is the son of D. E is the father of A. If B is the brother of C, how is D related to E?
A) Daughter-in-law B) Wife
C) Sister-in-law D) Mother

7. Pointing towards a girl, Mr.Ramesh said, “she is the daughter of my mother’s daughter”. Then how is the girl related to Ramesh?
A) Daughter      B) Niece
C) Nephew      D) Uncle

8. Pointing to a lady in the photograph, Miss.Monika said, “Her son’s father is the son-in-law of my mother.” How is Monika related to the lady?
A) Aunt      B) Sister
C) Mother      D) Cousin

9. Looking at a portrait of a woman, Sravya said “Her father is the husband of my father’s daughter. I have no siblings.” At whose portrait was Sravya looking?
A) Her daughter      B) Her cousin
C) Her aunt      D) Her niece

10. Pointing to the photograph of a girl Akhila, Mr.Rahul said. "Her daughter's father's wife's mother is my wife's daughter's mother's mother-in-law". How is Rahul related to Akhila?
A) Paternal uncle      B) Maternal uncle
C) Brother      D) Father

11. Pointing to a girl in the photograph, Umesh said, “Her mother’s brother is the only son of my mother’s father.” How is the girl’s mother related to Umesh?
A) Mother      B) Sister
C) Aunt      D) Grandmother

12. Showing the player receiving the prize, a person tells his friend “She is the granddaughter of my elder brother’s father-in-law, who has only one child”. How is the player related to this man?
A) Niece      B) Sister
C) Aunt      D) Sister-in-law

13. A + B means ‘B is the sister of A’;
A − B means ‘A is the father of B’;
A × B means ‘B is the son of A’;
A ÷ B means ‘B is the husband of A’.

If, L ÷ M − O + P × N + K, then how is K related to O?
A) Uncle      B) Father
C) Niece      D) Aunt

14. If E $ G means E is sister of G, E @ G means E is husband of G, E # G means E is son of G and E & G means ‘E is the mother of G’, then which of the following expressions indicate the relationship ‘A is motherin- law of K?
A) K @ M $ P # E & A
B) K @ M $ E & P # A
C) K @ E $ M # P @ A
D) K # M $ P # A @ E


1-B     2-A     3-D     4-C     5-B     6-A     7-B
8-B     9-A     10-C     11-A     12-A     13-C     14-C

Directions (Qs. 15 - 17): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it. 

P is the father of R, but R is not his son. T is the daughter of R. U is the spouse of P. Q is the brother of R. S is the son of Q. V is the spouse of Q. W is the father of V.
15. Who is the grandmother of S?
A) P     B) R      C) U     D) W

16. Who is the son of U?
A) Q    B) R     C) U     D) W

17. How is Q related to W?
A) Uncle     B) Nephew
C) Father      D) Son-in-law


15-C; U is the grand mother of S.
16-A; Q is the Son of U.
17-D; Q is the Son-in-law of W

Directions (Qs. 18 - 19): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.

S and T are a married couple. L and M are brothers. L is the brother of S. N is the only niece of M and L is unmarried.

18. How is N related to T?
A) Sister       B) Daughter
C) Niece      D) Cannot be determined

19. How is S related to M’s wife?
A) Sister      B) Sister-in-law
C) Brother-in-law
D) Cannot be determined

18-B; N is daughter of both S and T
19-D; Relations between S and M cannot be established because we don’t have any information about gender of S.


7. Ramesh mother’s daughter is Ramesh’s sister. Daughter of Ramesh’s sister is Ramesh’s niece.
The girl is Ramesh’s niece.

8. Miss. Monika’s mother’s son-in-law is Monika’s brother-in-law that lady’s son’s father is Monika’s brother-in-law means that lady in the photograph is Monika’s sister.

9. As Sravya have no siblings, Sravya’s father’s daughter means Sravya her self the woman’sfather the husband of Sravya. So the woman in the portrait is Sravya’s daughter.

10. Akhila’s daughter’s father’s wife’s mother means akhila’s husband’s wife’s mother, which means Akhila’s mother. Rahul’s wife’s daughter’s mother’s mother-in-law means Rahul’s wife’s daughter’s paternal grand mother which means Rahul’s wife’s mother-in-law, means Rahul’s mother.
Akhil’s mother is Rahul’s mother.
Rahul is akhila’s brother.

11. The only son of Umesh’s mother’s father means only son of Umesh’s maternal grand father. so Umesh has only maternal uncle. The girls mother’s brother is Umesh’s maternal uncle.
 The girl is Umesh’s sister. The girl’s mother is Umesh’s mother.

12. The grand daughter of the person’s elder brother’s father in-law. Father-in-law has only one child. Elder brother’s father-in- lawhas only one child, means his grand daughter is person’s brother’s daughter, means person’s niece.
The player is persons niece.


Posted Date : 04-06-2022


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.


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