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Row arrangement

let us discuss about various models in Row arrangement.

i) Persons facing North

ii) Persons facing South

iii) Two row arrangement (persons in one row face North and the other row face South).

iv) Persons in a row face different directions (North and South)

v) Persons in a row with vacant seat

vi) Two row with vacant seats

vii) Single row with distribution

(for eg: Eight persons sitting in a row likes different colours, relations, different ages, different professions and so on will be given)

This distribution can be combined with any of the models from (i) to (vi).

Points that are to be remembered while solving questions on Row arrangement:

1) The persons who are facing North will have the same directions as ours i.e., (their left is towards our left, their right is towards our right, directions – same).

2) The persons who are facing South will have opposite directions as ours i.e., their left is towards our right, their right is towards our left, directions are opposite).

3) The words Who / Which always refers to the immediately previous person / thing. For eg: A is to the left of D who is to the left of C, means here the word ‘who’ refers to D but not to A. The order is A D C.

4) The words And / But always refers to the first person with which the statement has started.

For eg: A is to the left of D but is to the right of C, means here the word "but" refers to A but not to D. The order is C A D.

5) In this left need not necessarily be immediate left and right need not necessarily be immediate right.

For eg: A is to the left of D doesn’t mean that A is to the immediate left of D. Whether A and D can be together or there could be some persons between A and D.

Now let us discuss about each model in Row arrangement with an example.

(v) Persons in a row with vacant seat:

Directions (1-5): These questions are based on the following information.
Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G sit in a row of eight seats in which there is a vacant seat that is not at any end of the row. All are facing north and the distance between any two adjacent persons is same further it is known that. Only three persons sits between C and F. Neither C nor F sits adjacent to vacant seat. G sits second to the right of B and neither of them sit at any end of the row. A sits neither adjacent to vacant seat nor in between B and G. D sits to the right of A but not immediate right. F sits second to the right of D.
1. Who sits third to the left of G?
1) C        2) G          3) A           4) F          5) B


2. How many people sit between A and G?
1)None         2) One       3) Two      4) Three       5) Four


3. What is the position of B with respect to D?
1) Immediate left               2) Second to the left         3) Fourth to the left         
4) Fourth to the right         5) Immediate right


4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way hence form a group. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
1) AB        2) GC       3) EF         4) BG           5) DE


5. Who among the following are immediate neighbours of E?
1) D and F      2) G and D        3) A and C          4) B and G          5) C and D


Solutions for questions 1 to 5:
It is given that only three persons sit between C and F and F sits second to the right of D. Neither C nor F sits adjacent to vacant seat and vacant seat is not at any extreme end of the row. It can be shown as follows.

It is also given that D sits to the right of A but not immediate right. A does not sit adjacent to vacant seat. Hence cases (i), (ii) and (iii) gets eliminated. G sits second to the right of B and neither of them sits at any extreme end of the row. Hence case (iv) gets eliminated.
In case (v), B sits to the immediate left of C and G sits to the immediate right of C. A sits at the left end of the row and E sits to the immediate left of F. Hence the final arrangement is as follows.

1. A sits third to the left of G.                                                Choice (3)
2. Two people sit between A and G.                                     Choice (3)
3. B sits fourth to the left of D.                                               Choice (3)
4. Except B and G remaining all pairs sit adjacent to each other.   Choice (4)
5. D and F are immediate neighbour of E.                        Choice (1)

(vi) Two row with vacant seats:
Directions (6-10): These questions are based on the following information.
Ten persons sit in twelve seats in two rows each contains six seats. J, K, L, M and N are seated in row-I and all are facing South while P, Q, R, S and T are seated in row-II and all are facing North. There is a vacant seat in each row. The distance between any two adjacent seats is same so that each seat in row I is exactly opposite one seat in row II. K sits third to the right of the person who sits opposite to the immediate neighbour of R. Only one person sits between K and M as well as T and Q. Neither T nor Q sits adjacent to R and the vacant seats are not opposite to each other and they are not at extremes. L sits opposite P and he is not an immediate neighbour of K or M. S does not face J. Immediate neighbour of J face Q. M does not face Q.
6. Who sits opposite K?
1) T       2) Q       3) S        4) R         5) P


7. How many persons sit between J and M?
1)Five        2) Four          3) Three        4) Two         5) None


8. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way hence form a group. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
1) M       2) T          3) S          4) L         5) P


9.What is the position of R with respect to the one who sits opposite N?
1) Third to the right      2) Third to the left       3) immediate right         
4) Immediate left          5) None of these


10.Which of the given statements is definitely true according to the given information?
1) P sits second to the right of Q        2) J sits adjacent to vacant seat         
3) S and R are immediate neighbours of the vacant seat       
4) J sits opposite to N                        5) C and N sit adjacent to each other


Solutions for questions 6 to 10:
It is given that K sits third to the right of the person who sits opposite the immediate neighbour of R. Only one person sits between K and M as well as T and Q. Neither T nor Q sits adjacent to R. Hence R sits at the right end or at the second place from the right end of the row-II and K sits at the right end or at the third seat from the right end of the row. It can be shown as follows.

L sits opposite P but he does not sit adjacent to K or M. Hence it is not possible in case (i). Hence it is eliminated. In case (ii), P sits to the immediate right of R at the extreme right end and faces L. In case (iii), P and L sit at either ends depending upon M. As only one person sits between Q and T and neither Q nor T sits adjacent to R. The possible arrangements are as follows.

But vacant seats are not opposite each other and they are not at any extreme end. S does not face J. M does not face Q. Hence the final arrangement is as follows.

6. Q sits opposite to K.                                                     Choice (2)
7. Two persons sit between J and M.                               Choice (4)
8. Except S all sits at the ends.                                         Choice (3)
9. S sits opposite N and R sits third to the right of S.      Choice (1)
10. J sits adjacent to vacant seat is true.                           Choice (2)


(vii) Single row with distribution:
Directions (11-15): These questions are based on the following information.
Eight people viz. K, L, M, N, W, X, Y and Z are sitting in a straight line. They all are facing north. Each one of them has a different age i.e. 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26 and 31 year, but not necessarily in the same order. L sits at one of the extreme end of the row. There are three persons sitting between M and X. X is of neither 14 nor 19 years old. There are two persons sitting between N and the person whose age is 23 years. Neither X nor N is the oldest person. Age difference of immediate neighbours of N is 5years. K sits right to the Y, but not immediate right. There are three persons sitting between L and one whose age is 16 years. The one whose age is 19 years sits third to the right of M. Y sits to the right of L. X sits second to the right of the person whose age is 23 years. W sits to the immediate left of the person whose age is 14 years. The one, whose age is 31 years is not immediate neighbour of the youngest person, M is not the fourth oldest person.

11. Who sits second to the right of N?
1) K        2) Z         3) W        4) Y         5) L


12. How many persons sit between the person whose age is 31 years and Z?
1) Four        2) Five         3) Three        4) One        5) Six


13. Who among the following person is 26 years old?
1) Y     2) N      3) M     4) Z      5) K


14. If W is related to 16 years in the same way as L is related to 26years, then which of the following is Y related to, following the same pattern?
1) 19 years        2) 17 years     3) 21 years       4) 31 years       5) 14 years


15. What is the age difference of K’s immediate neighbours?
1) Four      2) Six       3) Three      4) One       5) Five


Solutions for questions 11 to 15:
It is given that L sits at one of the extreme ends of the row. Hence L sits at either left end or right end but Y sits to the right of L. Hence L sits at the left end of the row and three people sit between L and the one whose age is 16 years. Hence the one whose age is 16 years sits fourth to the right of L. It is also given that three persons sit between M and X and the one whose age is 19 years old sits third to the right of M and X sits second to the right of 23 years old. The only possibility for M and X is X sits at the right end of the row and M sits third to the right of L. The one whose age is 19 years old and the one whose age is 23 years old sit accordingly. It can be shown as follows.

Only two persons sit between N and the one whose age is 23 years old, hence N sits to the immediate left of M. W sits to the immediate left of the one whose age is 14 years. X is neither 14 years nor 19 years old. Hence N’s age is 14 years and W sits to the immediate left of N. Age difference between the immediate neighbours of N is 5 years but the one whose age is 31 years is not an immediate neighbour of the youngest person. Hence the ages of immediate neighbours is 21 years in any order. It can be shown as follows.

M is not the fourth oldest person. Hence M’s age is 26 years and W’s age is 21 years. X is not the oldest person hence L’s age is 31 years and X’s age is 17 years. K sits to the right of Y but not immediate right. Hence K sits to the immediate left of X and Y sits to the immediate right of M and their ages are 19 years and 16 years respectively. Z sits between Y and K and his age is 23 years old. The final seating arrangement is as follow.

11. Y sits second to the right of N.                                                                                          Choice (4)
12. Four persons sit between L whose age is 31 years and Z.                                                Choice (1)
13. M is of 26 years old.                                                                                                          Choice (3) 
14. W sits third to the left of 26 years old and L sits third to the left of 26 years old in the same way Y sits third to the left of 17 years old.           Choice (2)
15. K’s immediate neighbours are X and Z and their age difference is 23 – 17 = 6years.     Choice (2)


Previous examinations questions on Row Arrangement:
RRB PO prelims – 2018(held on 11th August, 2018):
Direction (1-5): Read the given information carefully answer the questions given below.
A certain number of peoples sitting in the linear row facing north direction, only three people sit between A and R. Only four people sit between K and W. Only five people sit between R and K. T sits third to the right of W. Only six people sit between R and Y. Not more than three people sit between K and Y. More than four people sit between T and Y. Q sits third to the right of Y. No one sits between Q and W. J sits eighth to the left of K. Not more than three persons sit between A and J.

1. How many people are sitting in the linear row?
(1) Nineteen            (2) Twenty       (3) Twenty One   
(4) Twenty Two     (5) None of these


2. How many people sits between A and J?
(1) Seven     (2) Three     (3) Ten         (4) One         (5) None of these


3. If three people sits between W and H, then which of the following statement is definitely true?
(1) Three people sit between T and H.                 (2) W sits fourth to the right of H.
(3) More than six people sit between Q and H.   (4) More than five people sit between Y and H.  
(5) None of these


4. How many people sits between Y and W?
(1) Sixteen         (2) Three      (3) Ten      (4) Eight        (5) None of these


5. How many people sits to the left of K?
(1)Ten       (2) Eight       (3) Sixteen       (4) Thirteen      (5) None of these

RRB PO prelims – 2018(held on 11th August, 2018):
Direction (6-10): Read the given information carefully answer the questions given below.
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows facing each other. In Row I: A, B, C, D, E and F are facing North, while In Row II: P, Q, R, S, T and U are facing South, but not necessarily to be in the same order. E sits second to the left of C, who is an immediate neighbour of F. A faces R, who sits immediate right of U. U neither faces C nor faces E. F is not an immediate neighbour of E. Q sits second to the right of P, who does not faces F. S neither faces D nor faces F. Not more than one people sit between T and R.

6. Name the person who sits second to the right of C?
(1) A       (2) B        (3) D        (4) E         (5) None of these


7. How many persons sit between A and D?
(1) None      (2) One       (3) Two       (4) Three       (5) More the Three


8. Who among the following person faces E?
(1) P       (2) Q      (3) R      (4) S           (5) T


9. Name the person who sits second to the left of one facing R?
(1) A        (2) B        (3) D        (4) C          (5) None of these


10. Four among the five are alike in such a way based on their arrangement. Find the one who does not belongs to the group?
(1) P       (2) F       (3) B        (4) S         (5) D

SBI clerk prelims – 2018:
Direction (11-15): Read the given information carefully answer the questions given below.
Twelve persons sitting in two rows containing six people each. D, E, F, K, L and M are sitting in row-1 and facing north. S, T, U, X, Y and Z are sitting in row-2 and facing south direction. E sits third from one of the extreme ends. S sits second to the left of the one who faces E. Only three persons sit between S and T. K sits somewhere to the right of M. More than three persons sit between X and T. F faces one of the immediate neighbours of T. Z sits second to the right of Y. The one who faces L sits third to the left of U. D faces S.

11. Who among the following faces K?
(1) T         (2) S        (3) X         (4) Y         (5) none of these


12. Who among the following faces the immediate neighbor of M?
(1) Z        (2) K        (3) D        (4) L        (5) None of these


13. Four of the following five follow a particular pattern and hence from a group, which among the following does not belong to this group?
(1) T, E        (2) U, D         (3) Y, L        (4) Z, E          (5) Z, K


14. Who among the following faces the one who sit to the immediate left of Y?
(1) U         (2) D           (3) X        (4) Z          (5) none of these


15. How many persons sit between M and D?
(1) one       (2) two       (3) three          (4) five          (5) four

IBPS clerk mains – 2017:
Direction (16-18): Read the given information carefully answer the questions given below.
Seven letters A, Y, E, R, S, P and L which are arranged from left to right facing north direction. There are three letters between the S and E. There is only one letter between E and A. R is to the immediate left of S. Y is to the immediate left of E. P and L are adjacent to each other. L is not adjacent to R.


16. Which among the following letters are at the extreme ends?
(1) A, S       (2) Y, S      (3) A, P      (4) A, R          (5) E, S


17. Which among the following is to the immediate right of P?
(1) R         (2) L        (3) E          (4) A         (5) Y


18. Which letters are adjacent to E?
(1) Y, P        (2) Y, L        (3) A, S         (4) S, L        (5) R, Y

RRB PO prelims -2017:
Direction (19-23): Read the given information carefully answer the questions given below. These questions are based on the following information.
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-1 P, Q, R, S, T and V are seated and all of them are facing south. In row-2 A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row. S sits third to right of Q. Either S or Q sits at an extreme end of the line. The one who faces Q sits second to right of E. Two people sit between B and F. Neither B nor F sits at an extreme end of the line. The immediate neighbour of B faces the person who sits third to left of P. R and T are immediate neighbours of each other. C sits second to the left of A. T does not face the immediate neighbour of D.
19. Who amongst the following sit at extreme ends of the rows?
(1) S, D        (2) Q, A        (3) V, C      (4) P, D        (5) Q, F


20. How many persons are seated between V and R?
(1) One       (2) Two         (3) Three        (4) Four         (5) None


21. P is related to A in the same way as S is related to B based on the given arrangement. To which of the following is T related to, following the same pattern?
(1) C      (2) D        (3) E        (4) F         (5) None of these


22. Which of the following is true regarding T?
(1) F faces T. (2) V is an immediate neighbour of T. (3) F faces the one who is second to right of T. (4) T sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. (5) Q sits second to the right of T.


23. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
(1) A-T      (2) B-T         (3) F-P      (4) C-V        (5) E-Q


SBI PO prelims – 2018:
Direction (24-27): Read the given information carefully answer the questions given below.
Fourteen persons i.e. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, M, N, O, P, Q, R and S are sitting in two parallel rows such that A, B, C, D, E, F and G sit in row 1 facing south direction and M, N, O, P, Q, R and S sit in row 2 such that all are facing north direction. Person sitting in the row 1 faces the person sitting in row 2. A sits third to the right of B, either B or A sits at the end of the row. N sits third to the right of O. Neither N nor O faces A and B. The one who faces C sits third to the right of M. None of the immediate neighbours of B faces O. C sits third to the left of F. O does not face F. One of the immediate neighbour of F faces Q, who does not sit at the end of the row. D is not the immediate neighbour of C. G sits on the left of E but not on the immediate left. P does not face G and C. S does not face C. R and S are immediate neighbours. E does not sit at the end of the row. D does not face P.


26. How many persons sit to the right of B?
(1) Two      (2) More than Three       (3) Three     (4) One     (5) None of these


27. Who among the following faces N?
(1) D      (2) B     (3) F      (4) G      (5) None of these

IBPS PO mains – 2017:
Direction (28-32): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow:
In the given figure the four-line segments 1, 2, 3, 4 are RA, SB, TC, UD respectively. The lengths of the line are 39m, 25m, 27m and 49m respectively. Six people Mohan, Sohan, Rohan, Ankit, Vinit and Sumit are standing in line 1-RA. All of them are facing north. With distance between them increasing in multiples of 7 from the left end (i.e. suppose Mohan is left end of the line at point R then the remaining people will stand at a distance as follows -7m, 14m, 21m…. from the en(4) Mohan is standing at the left end of the line. Two persons are standing between Mohan and Sohan. Rohan stand second to the left of Sohan. Sumit is an immediate neighbour of Rohan. Only one person stands between Sumit and Ankit.
Similarly, six people Anita, Ambika, Amrita, Aanchal, Arpita and Ajita are standing in line-4 UD. All of them are facing south, with distance between them increasing in multiples of 9 from the end (i.e. if first person is right end of the line at point U and the remaining will be stand at the distance as follows-9m, 18m,27 m…. from point U). Amrita is standing at 3rd position from the right end. Arpita is an immediate neighbour of Amrita. Two people are standing between Arpita and Ajita. More than three persons stand between Ajita and Anita. Aanchal stands to the immediate left of Ajita. Ambika and Arpita are immediate neighbours.
* Point S and Point T are at the left end of the row in line SB and line TC.


28. In the line-4 UD, what is the distance between Arpita and point D?
(1)14m      (2) 16m     (3) 22m      (4) 24m       (5) None of these


29. If in line-1 RA, if peoples stand in distance of at multiples of 9 in the same order, and rest of them move to line-2 SB and stands from left end in the same order. And if in line 4-UD, if people stand in distance at multiples of 11 in the same order and rest of them move to line-3 TC, stands from left end in the same order. Then total together how many people are standing in lines 2 and 3?
(1) 1        (2) 2        (3) 3         (4) 4         (5) None of these


30. If in line 4-UD, if people stand in multiples of 13 in the same order and rest of them move to line-3 TC and stands from left end in the same order. Then the distance between Anita and point C is?
(1) 2       (2) 12        (3) 14       (4) 20       (5) None of these


31. Suppose line-1 RA is joined to line2-SB to form a new straight-line RB in such a way that distance between point A and S is 5m. If the people in line-1 RA are made to stand in multiples of 12, then how far is Sohan from point B?
(1) 16       (2) 21     (3) 26       (4) 33       (5) None of these


32. If in line-1 RA people stand in distance at multiples of 9 in the same order and rest of them move to line-2 SB in the same order, then who will be standing in line-2?
(1) Ankit               (2) Sumit       (3) Sohan      
(4) Sohan and Sumit      (5) None of these


IBPS PO mains – 2017:
Direction (33-37): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Seven persons are sitting in a straight line. Four of them are facing south and remaining of them are facing north. They also like different fruits apple, banana, grapes, guava, kiwi, mango and orange but not necessarily in the same order. Those seven people are also sitting in alphabetical order from left end. The person who likes grapes sits second to the left of P. Two persons sit between the one who likes grapes and the one who likes banana. The immediate neighbours of the one, who likes banana faces opposite directions (i.e. if one faces to north then the other faces to south vice vers(1). Q likes kiwi. The one who likes mango sits second to the right to Q. Only one person sits between R and the one, who likes guava. The persons who like banana and Apple are immediate neighbours. The one, who likes orange sits third to the right of the person who likes Mango. Q and R face opposite directions (i.e. If one faces north then the other faces south vice vers(1). The one who likes banana faces south. The person who likes guava faces north.


33. Who among the following is sitting in a row?
(1) X        (2) V        (3) O        (4) U         (5) M


34. Who among the following person faces north direction?
(1) R         (2) S          (3) P        (4) Q         (5) O


35. Which of the following fruit does R like?
(1) Grapes      (2) Guava       (3) Mango      (4) Apple      (5) None of these


36. If apple is related to P and Banana is related to Q then kiwi is related to whom?
(1) R        (2) S        (3) T        (4) O         (5) None of these


37. Which of the following combination is true?
(1) P-Apple       (2) R-Banana        (3) S-orange     (4) O-grapes        (5) T-guava

IBPS PO mains – 2017:
Direction (38-39): Read the given information carefully answer the questions given below.
Six persons A, B, C, X, Y and Z are sitting in two parallel rows viz. row-1 and row-2. A, B and C are sitting in row-1, while X, Y and Z are sitting in another row. Some of them are facing north and some of them are facing south. X faces north. The one who sits opposite to X sits second to the right of C. B faces south and sits opposite to the one, who sits to the immediate right of Y. Y sits second right of X. A faces opposite direction of C. Y sits to the immediate right of Z.


38. How many persons face north direction?
(1) Three        (2) Five        (3) Two        (4) One     (5) None of these


39. Who among the following sits second right of A?
(1) C     (2) X        (3) Y       (4) B      (5) None of these

BOB Manipal – 2017:
Direction (40-45):
These questions are based on the following information.
Certain number of persons are sitting in a row facing north. Each one of them likes a different fruit. Only three people sit between B and the one who likes Apple. The one who likes mango sits fourth to the right of the one who likes Apple. Only three persons sit in between D and the one who likes Mango. D sits to the right of the one who like mango. K sits sixth to the left of D and at one of the position to the right of B. S sits fourth to the left of K. Only two persons sit between S and the one who likes grapes. The one who likes grapes is not an immediate neighbor of K. The one who likes grapes sits third from left end.
40. If another five persons sit to the right of D then how many persons sit in the row in total?
1) 16          2) 21        3) 18         4) 25         5) 14


41. If F sits exactly between D and the one who likes mango then what is the position of K with respect to F?
1) Fourth to the left         2) Second to the right         3) Third to the left           
4) Fifth to the right         5) Third to the right


42. If A sits exactly between S and K then which fruit does A like?
1) Banana      2) Mango       3) Apple        4) Grape        5) Cannot be determined


43. How many people sit between the one who likes grapes and the one who likes apple?
1) Six        2) Nine      3) Three       4) Four          5) Ten


44. If N sits third to the left of the one who likes apple then who among the following is one of the immediate neighbours of N?
1) Only the one who likes grapes        2) Both B and S         3) Both K and the one who likes mango         
4) Both D and the one who likes grapes        5) Only the one who likes mango


45. If C sits third to the right of B and H sits third to the left of D then who among the following sits exactly between C and H?
1) S       2) The one who likes mango       3) K     4) D 5) The one who likes apple


Solutions for questions 1 to 5:

Solutions for questions 6 to 10:

Solutions for questions 11 to15:

Solutions for questions 16 to 18:

Solutions for questions 19 to 23:

Solutions for questions 24 to 27:

Solutions for questions 28 to 32:

Solutions for questions 33 to 37:

Solutions for questions 38 and 39:

Solutions for questions 40 to 45:



Posted Date : 30-10-2021


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.


పాత ప్రశ్నప‌త్రాలు


విద్యా ఉద్యోగ సమాచారం


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