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Spotting errors

Directions (Qs. 1 - 33): In the following questions, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.

1. I would always (A)/ cherished the fond (B)/ memories of (C) / our childhood (D)/  No error (E)

2. Rekha insists (A)/ you stay (B)/ until her mother (C)/ comes home. (D)/ No error (E)

3. It took me (A)/ almost a hour (B)/ to find (C)/ your location. (D)/ No error (E)

4. I asked my friend (A)/ if I could exchange (B)/ my hand-bag (C)/ with another one. (D)/ No error (E)

5. If tomorrow is (A)/ declared a holiday, (B)/ we shall go (C)/ to a movie. (D)/ No error (E)

6. The phone rang, (A)/ caused all three (B)/ to jump, thinking(C)/ it might be Martha.(D)/ No error (E)

7. But I tell you that (A)/ it is a double in the energy of each individual (B)/ photon-each particle(C)/ of light-that is emitted.(D)/ No error (E)

8. With UK Prime Ministerial (A)/ elections less than a month away, (B)/ Indian-origin contender Rishi Sunak(C)/ has once again come under the scanner for his lifestyle.(D)/ No error (E)

9. At Nuremberg he became acquainted with Osiander, (A)/ whose somewhat isolation theological position he (B)/ probably found to be (C)/ in many points analogous to his own.(D)/ No error (E)

10. The active or standing army comprises of (A)/ 18 battalions of infantry, (B)/ 12 regiments of cavalry, 8 regiments of artillery,(C)/ and 4 battalions of engineers.(D)/ No error (E)

11. It's also a short game,(A)/ and at least one player taken advantage of (B)/ that fact by completing it in (C)/ under two hours and then refunding it on Steam.(D)/ No error(E)

12. Neither Jairaj is talented (A)/ nor hardworking (B)/ and still he expects (C)/ a handsome salary. (D)/ No error (E)

13. They were surprised (A)/ to see her speak (B)/ with somewhat (C)/ anger. (D)/ No error (E)

14. Jeffrey Sommers commented(A)/ upon situation (B)/ with Global Crisis (C)/ and gave advices for Russian Federation.(D)/ No error (E)

15. It must excite our surprise (A)/ that one who used his pen so freely should have escaped (B)/ the paining and penalties (C)/ which invariably overtook minor offenders in the same kind.(D)/ No error (E)

16. Our education system (A)/ is soft towards slow learners (B)/ and is strict (C)/ towards irregular students. (D)/ No error (E) 

17. Once appointed by the Dene, (A)/ the committee (B)/ are responsible (C)/ to the house. (D)/ No error (E)

18. It is uncertain at what period the use (A)/ of the pastoral staff was introduced; (B)/ but the evidence tend to show that it (C)/ was about the 5th century, in Gaul or Spain.(D)/ No error (E)

19. It was past the lunch (A)/ time so the (B)/ three of us dropped by (C)/ The Main Street Café for a late lunch.(D)/ No error (E)

20. Oh, he lets (A)/ me pet him (B)/ now, but he don't (C)/ want me to pick him up.(D)/ No error (E)

21. She was be asked to (A)/ write an email (B)/ the meeting that (C)/ she attended yesterday. (D)/ No error (E)

22. If I cried a tear of painful (A)/ sorrow, if I lost all hope for a new( B)/ tomorrow, Would you dry my tears and easy my pain, (C)/ Would you make me smile once again?(D)/ No error (E)

23. Since the online education system (A)/ has been poorly designed, (B)/ there are not many school (C)/ that offer this facility.(D)/ No error (E)

24. After careful scrutiny of the result (A)/ variety mistakes that had been (B)/ made by the control (C)/ department were found. (D)/ No error (E)

25. Her generous nature (A)/ and decent attitude (B)/ have endeared her (C)/ to one's colleagues and superiors. (D / No error (E)

26. This company has (A)/ a glorious tradition (B)/ that attract (C)/ good employees to the company. (D)/ No error (E)

27. Buy presents for parents (A)/ in their absence (B)/ is a very (C)/ difficult task. (D)/ No error (E)

28. The Director asked me (A)/ how I have not (B)/ taken his permission (C)/ before signing the bond. (D)/ No error (E)

29. But despite of (A)/ this, thanks to his regiment, (B)/ Prince Andrew had something to think (C)/ about entirely apart from general questions.(D)/ No error (E)

30. Why don't you go (A)/ take a warm shower and (B)/ I'll have a hot meal ready (C)/ by the times you're done.(D)/ No error (E)

31. Instead of (A)/ to buy paints, (B)/ I borrow them (C)/ from my friend. (D)/ No error (E)

32. The course is for (A)/ anyone who is interested (B)/ in learning (C)/ about multimedia. (D)/ No error (E)

33. Rich people (A)/ has more money (B)/ therefore they can afford (C)/ proper medical facilities. (D)/ No error. (E)

Key With Explanations

1-B; Replace cherished by cherish. Because ‘Would’ is always followed by V1. would is the past tense form of will. Because it is a past tense, it is used: to talk about the past. to talk about hypotheses (when we imagine something).

2-B; ‘You stay’ should be replaced with ‘you on staying’, because ‘insist’ is always followed by the preposition ‘on’.

3-B; Almost a hour’ should be replaced with ‘almost an hour’ because the first letter ‘h’ of the word 'hour' is Pronounced with vowel-sound.
Ex: Ravi is a honest boy. (wrong) (Vowel sound) Ravi is an honest boy. (right) (Vowel sound)

4-D; ‘Another’ is an indefinite determiner which means an additional person or thing. The use of ‘one’ after it is superfluous.

5-D; Here, for a movie should be used instead of to a movie. We use for to talk about a purpose or a reason for something:
Ex: 1. I’m going for some breakfast. I’m really hungry.
2. I wear these old trousers for painting.

6-B; Replace ‘caused’ with ‘causing’. Like 'including' and 'procuring', 'causing' is used here as a present participle.

7-B; Replace ‘double’ with ‘doubling’ in fragment B. We use a gerund (verb + ing form) after certain verbs/ phrases that are followed by appropriate prepositions; desirous of, keen on, aimt at, hesitate in, etc.

8-A; Place ‘the’ before ‘UK’. We place the definite article 'the' before proper nouns when they refer to the names of descriptive names of countries such as the USA, the UAE, etc. 

9-B; Replace ‘isolation’ with ‘isolated’.

10-A; "Comprise" means "contains, is made up of, embraces": the whole comprises the parts, the parts compose the whole. Replace ‘comprises of’ with ‘comprises’.

11-B; Replace 'taken' by 'takes'. Take is used to talk about the amount of time you need in order to go somewhere or do something. It must be used with an expression of time: It takes (me) at least an hour to get home from work.

12-A; Substitute ‘Jairaj is neither talented’. Neither/ nor are used together to state 2 or more things are untrue or won't happen. For example: Neither the red one nor the yellow one is available in size 4. I will neither call you nor send you a message before midnight.

13-C; Replace 'somewhat' with 'some'. We use some before nouns to refer to indefinite quantities. Although the quantity is not important or not defined, using some implies a limited quantity.
Ex: Can you get me some water?

14-D; ‘Advice’ means counsel and is not used in plural. When ‘advice’ is to be used in plural, use it as ‘pieces of advice’ to convey plural meaning instead of ‘advices’. ‘Advices’ means information.

15-C; Change ‘paining’ to ‘pains’ to corrects the error in diction. Because ‘pain’ means ‘suffering’ while ‘pains’ means ‘careful efforts’.

16-C; Delete ‘is’ after ‘and’ as ‘and strict’. Avoid the repetition of the same verb ‘is’ after coordinating conjunction ‘and’ for the same subject.
56Change ‘are’ to ‘is’ because the subject ‘committee’ is considered as one unit. Committee is a collective noun. A committee is made up of multiple people, but the word itself is singular in form.
Ex: The committee is considering the budget right now.

17-C; Change ‘are’ to ‘is’ because the subject ‘committee’ is considered as one unit. Committee is a collective noun. A committee is made up of multiple people, but the word itself is singular in form.
Ex: The committee is considering the budget right now.

18-C; Change ‘tend’ to ‘tends’ to correct the error of subject verb agreement. 

19-A; Delete ‘the’ before lunch. Because before ‘meal’ article is not used except for a particular purpose.
Ex: Sometimes Anil comes home for lunch and we eat together.

20-C; Change ‘do not’ to ‘does not’ to correct the error in subject-verb agreement. Because the subject is ‘he’ (singular).

21-A; She was asked to write an email about the meeting that she attended yesterday. 'Be' should be removed.

22-C; In part C, 'to easy' must be replaced with the infinitive 'to ease' which means 'to make something easy'.

23-C; In part C, the noun 'school' has to be in its plural form that is 'schools' as the adjective 'many' before it suggests that there are more than one institute. 

24-B; In part B, the noun 'variety' must be replaced with the adjective 'various' as it is adding information to the noun 'mistakes'.

25-D; In part D, the possessive adjective 'one's' must be replaced with 'his' to make it a grammatically correct sentence. Rule: A possessive adjective has to be in agreement with the noun or pronoun it is relating to.
Ex: 1. We must do our work in time. 
2. One should respect one's parents.
3. Tani always blows her top.
4. Vibhav asks him his name.

26-C; In part C, the verb 'attract' must be replaced with its singular form 'attracts' as the subject 'a glorious tradition' is singular  in number and the verb used has to be in agreement with it.

27-A; In part A, the verb 'buy' must be replaced with its gerund form 'buying' to make it a grammatically correct sentence.

28-B; In part B, the auxiliary verb 'have' must be replaced with its past form 'had' to match the tense of the sentence.

29-A; The preposition 'despite', which means 'without being affected by', is never followed by 'of'. The preposition 'of' hence must be dropped to make it a grammatically correct sentence.

30-D; In part D, the word 'times' must be replaced with 'time' as the correct idiom is 'By the time' and not 'By the times'. By the time indicates the relative time (before and up to the end-point) of one activity as the reference point for viewing the ongoing or completed state of a second activity.
("maybe before but no later than the time")

31-B; The preposition 'instead of' is generally followed by a gerund. In part B, the infinitive 'to buy' hence must be replaced with 'buying' to make it a grammatically correct sentence.

32-D; In part D, the idiom 'learning about' must be replaced with 'learning' as it is more appropriate in the context. 'To learn' means to gain knowledge, comprehension, or mastery of something through experience or study.
Ex: 1. It took me almost a year to learn French. '"To learn about', while, is an idiom which means 'to find out about someone or something.'
2. What have you learned about Mr. Farhan and his business dealings?

33-B; In part B, the verb 'has' must be replaced with 'have' as it has to be in agreement with the number of the subject 'people' which is plural.

Directions (Qs. 1 - 23): In the following questions,some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.

1. By the times (A) / we reached the station, (B) / the train had (C) / already left. (D) / No error (E)

Sol: In part A, the word 'times' must be replaced with 'time' as the correct idiom is 'By the time' and not 'By the times'. By the time indicates the relative time (before and up to the end-point) of one activity as the reference point for viewing the ongoing or completed state of a second activity. ("maybe before but no later than the time")

Ans: A

2. Instead of (A) / to buy jewelry, (B) / I borrow them (C) / from a friend (D) / No error (E)

Sol: The preposition 'instead of' is generally followed by a gerund. In part B, the infinitive 'to buy' hence must be replaced with 'buying' to make it a grammatically correct sentence.

Ans: B

3. The teachers said that (A) / he was making good progress (B) / and would not (C) / need an extra class. (D) / No error (E)

Sol: The sentence is absolutely correct and thus has no error in it.

Ans: E

4. I met (A)/ the gentleman (B) / this evening on my way (C) / to the house (D) / No error (E)

Sol: No certain gentleman is mentioned here. Hence, I met a gentleman, should be used here. 

Ans: B

5. Unless Rekha (A)/ apologizes (B)/ she should not be (C)/ allowed to stay with us. (D)/ No error (E) 

Sol: The sentence is absolutely correct and thus has no error in it. 

Ans: E

6. The construction project (A)/ is aimed (B) / not just providing good houses to dwellers, (C) /but also developing infrastructure around the major Bangalore localities. (D) / No error (E)

Sol: Be aimed at = to have something as an aim. Hence, The construction project "is aimed at" should be used here.

Ans: B

7. I asked the shopkeeper (A) / if I could exchange (B) / the faulty dress (C) / with another one (D) / No error (E)

Sol: ‘Another’ is an indefinite determiner which means an additional person or thing. The use of ‘one’ after it is superfluous.

Ans: D

8. She regards (A)/ painting on walls and (B)/ decorating house (C)/ as her special expertise (D)/ No error (E) 

Sol: Expertise = expert/special knowledge or skill in a particular subject, activity or job.

Eg: We have the expertise in dealing with oil spills. (Correct)

Eg: We have the special expertise in dealing with oil spills. (Incorrect) In the given sentence, usage of the word 'special' before 'expertise' brings redundancy and hence should be removed. 

Ans: D

9. Though I had been (A) / her friend for quite a long time, (B) / I refused to help her (C) / because her ill nature (D) / No error (E)

Sol: In the above sentence, 'Because of’ is the correct idiomatic form.

Ans: D

10. That girl possess (A) / two beautiful dresses (B) / but she would not (C) / show them to any one (D) / No error (E)

Sol: In the above sentence, ‘That girl possesses’ is the correct usage, as the verb. 

Ans: A

11. He would always (A) / cherished the fond (B) / memories of (C) / our class group. (D) / No error (E)

Sol: In the above sentence, Replace cherished by cherish. ‘Would’ is followed by V1.

Ans: B

12. Hema insists (A) / you stay (B) / until her parents (C) / come home (D) / No error (E)

Sol: ‘You stay’ should be replaced with ‘you onstaying’, because ‘insist’ is always followed by the preposition ‘on’. For example, Eg: She will insist on getting up early and playing her radio very loud. 

Ans: B

13. It took me (A) / almost a hour (B) / to console (C) / him after the argument.(D) / No error (E)

Sol: 'Almost a hour’ should be replaced with ‘almost an hour’ because the first letter ‘h’ of the word 'hour' is Pronounced with vowel-sound. 

Eg: Ram is a honest boy. (wrong) (Vowel sound) Ram is an honest boy. (right) (Vowel sound) 

Ans: B

14. The police (A)/ is investigating (B) / the recent condition (C) / in the localities. (D) / No error (E)

Sol: Police generally agrees with a plural verb. Hence, "The police are investigating" should be used here.

Ans: B

15. My grandmother used (A) / to go (B) / for a walk (C) / every day. (D) / No error (E)

Sol: The sentence is absolutely correct and thus has no error in it.

Ans: E

16. If the day after tomorrow is (A) / declared a holiday, (B) / we shall go (C) / to a movie. (D) / No error (E)

Sol: In the above sentence, "for a movie" should be used instead of "to a movie".

 Ans: D

17. Israel is aiming at (A) / double its bilateral trade (B) / with Palestine (C) / by 2023. (D) / No error (E)

Sol: Replace ‘double’ with ‘doubling’ in (B). We use a gerund (verb+ing form) after certain verbs/phrases that are followed by appropriate prepositions; desirous of, keen on, aim at, hesitate in, etc.

Ans: B

18. Prime minister Modi is getting increasingly (A) / isolation on the issue of (B) / launching a limited (C) / attack on China (D) / No error (E)

Sol: In the sentence, Replace ‘isolation’ with ‘isolated’. 

Ans: B

19. The museum of art (A)/ comprises of a picture gallery, (B)/ a collection of casts of (C)/ Thorvaldsen's works and a cabinet of engravings. (D) / No error (E) 

Sol: In the above sentence, "Comprises" Should be used instead of "Comprises of".

 Ans: B

20. Neither Kamal is intelligent (A) / nor hardworking (B) / and still he expects (C) / a handsome salary. (D) / No error (E)

Sol: In the above sentence, Substitute ‘Kamal is neither intelligent’ instead of "Neither Kamal is intelligent".

Ans: A

21. Reena was surprised (A) / to see him speak (B) / with somewhat (C) / anger. (D) / No error (E)

Sol: In the above sentence, Replace 'somewhat' with 'some'.

Ans: C

22. It is high time (A)/ that every citizen (B)/ take a more responsible role (C)/ to help the poor. (D)/ No error (E) 

Sol: In the above sentence in (C) Use ‘take on’ meaning to decide to do something or undertake a responsibility.

Ans: C

23. The USA Government has (A)/ turned a deaf ear (B)/ to the advices of Ukraine Government (C)/ for peace (D)/ No error (E)

Sol: Advice’ means counsel and is not used in plural. When ‘advice’ is to be used in plural, use it as ‘pieces of advice’ to convey plural meaning instead of ‘advices’. ‘Advices’ means information.

Ans: C

Posted Date : 12-09-2022


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.


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