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English holds some features unique to it besides being the core part of testing, the biggest problem with objective General English part is it doesn't follow a fixed syllabus.It also changes the pattern of questions from time to time. Even if it focuses on a particular area of testing, the level of question varies a lot much, when it is compared to any other part of evaluation. In clearer terms, the basic syllabus can be categorized like Vocabulary, Reading comprehension and Functional Grammar. These areas are very vast and they demand much time to have a
clear understanding. One of such areas and a must-question type is 'cloze test'


What is a Cloze Test?
   Cloze Test is a complicated fill in the blanks question type. In a normal fill in the blanks question, you have one sentence with one or two blanks. However, in a Cloze Test, you get one whole paragraph with multiple blanks. In SSC CGLE Tier I, you will be given one cloze test—a short paragraph with 5 blanks.

        Yet, it is important because 5 questions out of a total of 25 questions in the English Language section is 20% of the total weightage for English. The good thing about Cloze Test is that, if you are well-prepared, you can get all the answers right and that too within a short time as compared to other questions. That means you should prepare seriously for Cloze Test. Cloze Test in SSC CGLE is a combination of Vocabulary, Grammar and Reading Comprehension. Yes, sometimes, the blanks test you on Grammar concepts too.

How to prepare for Cloze Test?
Of course, because words are given as options, your vocabulary must be pretty good. But you should also focus on the usage of words as Cloze Test is an advanced test of vocabulary. Similarly, you must learn to apply the rules of grammar. Most importantly, you must be good at Reading Comprehension because only if you understand the paragraph in a Cloze Test, can you deal with questions successfully.


Read all the sentences in the paragraph without looking at the blanks or options. First, try to understand the Topic, Main Idea or Main focus and Supporting Ideas. Then check if the context is positive or negative, what the tone of the author is. These will help you to easily select and eliminate options. 


Go to the first blank and read the sentence once again. Also, read the sentences before and after. Now, based on your understanding from Step 1, try to think of a possible answer word for the blank. You should use ideas from the sentence with the blank, and other context clues for this. This may appear difficult, but with practice, you can do this easily. Let’s take an example: 

Read the following sentence and try to guess the answer word on your own.
Even after working hard for three months, Rahul did not  ....  the test. Now, based on “hard work’’ in the first part of the sentence and “did not” in the second part, you must have thought of “pass”. This is your answer word. With such a word in mind, you should now go to Step 3.


Go to the choices for the blank and select the answer based on your answer word. The correct answer will be an exact synonym of your answer word or a word that is similar. But what if there is no synonym or a similar word? Then go to Step 4.

Step 4: ELIMINATE OPTIONS: In case there is no synonym of your answer word, then eliminate options based on the context. You must be careful while eliminating options because mistakes can happen. The reason for eliminating options can be a) different tone, b) irrelevant to the context, c) different form of the word (such as verb instead of noun), wrong preposition after the blank (such as “to” instead of “for”), etc. In case the blank is testing you on Grammar concepts, you apply your knowledge of Grammar to get the correct answer. If you prepare and practice well and follow the above steps, you will surely get all the answers to a Cloze Test correct. 


Directions: In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank. Communication plays a  ...(1)... role in the 
overall development of a person. It can be learnt by our ...(2)... efforts. Today, success in our professional life depends on our ...(3)... to read, write and speak well which results in effective communication. Barriers ...(4)... communication hinder the communication process. It is very important to ...(5)... these barriers so that the transmission of the message can be smooth. 


Step1: On reading the paragraph, we understand that the topic is communication. The main focus of the passage seems to be the importance of communication and barriers to communication. The tone of the passage is positive about communication.

Step 2: The phrases, “overall development” and “success in our professional life” in the following sentences tell us that the paragraph is about the importance of learning communication. The word “role” after the first blank indicates that the first blank should be filled in with a relevant and positive word. The word that comes to our mind is “important”, right? 

Step 3:
Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 1 
1) better     2) total     3) vital    4) lifeless 
Explanation: Among the options, only “vital” (3) is similar in meaning to our answer word. Therefore, we should select answer option 3.
Answer: 3


Step 4:
Option 1 “better” is comparative, but there is no comparison in the sentence.
Options 2 is clearly irrelevant. Option 4 is negative in tone. In the final analysis, the best option, therefore, is 3 “vital”.

2. Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 2 
1. unclear           2. conscious            3. contradictory             4. important 
Explanation: The word “efforts” after the 2nd blank indicates that we need a positive word to refer to efforts that can help us to learn communication. Options 1 “unclear” and 3 “contradictory” are negative; therefore, eliminated. Option 4 “important” does not make any logical sense. Efforts cannot be important. They can be sincere, conscious etc. Therefore, the best option is 2 “conscious”. 
Answer: 2 


3. Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 3. 
1. variety    2. agility     3. facility     4. ability 
Explanation: Before Blank 3, the part “success…depends on our”, indicates that we are talking about something that is connected to us. After the blank, the part “to read, write and speak” indicate that it has to be “ability” because reading, writing and speaking are abilities. Therefore, option 4 “ability” is the answer. Options 1 and 3 are irrelevant. Option 2 “agility” means “ability to move quickly and easily”. This is also irrelevant.   
 Answer: 4 


4. Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 4. 
1. against      2. by      3. to      4. from 
Explanation: Blank 4 comes in a noun phrase “Barriers .... communication”. A look at the options tells us that it is a preposition question. The only preposition that makes sense in the context and is standard in usage is “to”. “Barriers to communication” are “barriers that hinder communication”. We do not say “against”, “by” or “from” in such a phrase.
Answer: 3 


5. Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 5 
1. strengthen        2. overcome         3. create         4. succeed
Explanation: Note that blank (5) needs a verb. As per the last sentence, this action should be done to “barriers” so that “the transmission of the message can be smooth”. Because barriers are obstacles, they should be removed or overcome. Therefore, option 2 “overcome” is correct. Options 1 “strengthen” and option 3 “create” are doing the opposite. They will make communication bad. Option 4 “succeed” is positive, but not used with barriers.
Answer: 2


Exercise - 1

Directions - Each passage has ten blanks and ten questions. you have to fill in the blanks with right words choosing from the options given for each question.

Childhood is a time where there are --1-responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child -2-- good parents, he is fed, looked --3-- and loved. Whatever he may do. It is improbable that he will ever again in his life --4-- given so much without having to do anything --5-- return. In addition, life is always --6-- new things to the child. A child finds --7-- in playing in the rain or in the snow. His first visit --8-- the seaside is a marvellous adventure. But a child has pains; he is not so free to do as he wishes; he is continuously being --9-- not to do things or is being --10--. His life is therefore not perfectly happy.

1. 1) few  2) little  3) many  4) lots  5) too many

2. 1) have    2) has    3) had    4) is    5) was

3. 1) about  2) over  3) after   4) around  5) above

4. 1) be  2) was  3) were  4) has    5) had

5. 1) for  2) in  3) over    4) from   5) on

6. 1) doing  2) giving  3) taking 4) making 5) presenting

7. 1) wet  2) dry   3) pleasure  4) pain  5) inviting

8. 1) to  2) from  3) at   4) on   5) over

9. 1) found   2) forbidden  3) asked  4) ordered   5) appealed

10. 1) played  2) gifted  3) punished   4) rewarded   5) remained

Answers: 1-1  2-2  3-3  4-1  5-2  6-5  7-3  8-1  9-2  10-3.

Exercise - 2

Any regular viewer of programmes on television will certainly have some reservations about commercials. When television shows are --1-- good, the commercials that --2-- them are a disgrace. One of the many bad --3-- of commercials is their loudness. They seem --4-- as loud as the programme and the viewer is almost --5-- they come on. Any attempt --6-conversation during commercials is futile. Commercials also take up too much time and -7-- too often. The impression one --8-- gets is that the shows are sandwiched in --9-- long
periods of advertising all of it the same. Often commercials --10-- a show at a particular time is inappropriate.

1. 1) unreasonably    2) timely   3) untimely  4) reasonably   5) rationally

2. 1) accompany   2) arrive   3) attain   4) allow   5) admit

3. 1) things    2) features  3) sounds 4) scenes 5) reels

4. 1) singularly   2) seasonally     3) twice    4) two  5) three

5. 1) deafened    2) blinded   3) dubbed   4) fainted   5) feigned

6. 1) about   2) at     3) on     4) over   5) for

7. 1) repeat   2) reported    3) reproduced 4) remade     5) are repeated

8. 1) rarely    2) seldom  3) usually 4) never   5) always

9. 1) between  2) among   3) to   4) on  5) from

10. 1) end    2) begin     3) start    4) interrupt   5) conclude

Answers: 1-4  2-1  3-2  4-3  5-1  6-2  7-5  8-3  9-1  10-4

Exercise - 3

All forms of art have developed from religion --1-- religious services. This is also true -2-- writing poetry developed from the --3-- sung in --4-- of the early gods or from incantations sung --5-- bring rain or victory in battle. Plays -6-- from the dances --7-- in --8-- of gods. The novel has developed from the stories --9-about gods. A novel is a story that is based --10-- real life.

1. 1) or     2) by     3) for     4) from     5) to

2. 1) on    2) in      3) with   4) from     5) for

3. 1) stories 2) rhymes    3) lines 4) notes 5) history

4. 1) presence 2) absence   3) name 4) praise 5) price

5. 1) while    2) who   3) when 4) where  5) which

6. 1) put up 2) evolved   3) set up 4) end up 5) pull up

7. 1) performed 2) purchased   3) petitioned 4) produced 5) plotted

8. 1) house  2) hut  3) hour  4) honour  5) hate

9. 1) made 2) pitted  3) plotted 4) telling 5) told

10. 1) in     2) on     3) over     4) for     5) of

Answers: 1-1  2-3  3-2  4-4  5-5  6-2  7-1  8-4  9-5  10-2.

Exercise - 4
There is an enemy beneath our --1--. He recognizes no national boundaries, no --2-- parties. Everyone in the world is --3-- by him. The enemy is the earth itself. The --4-- of a quake is greater than --5-- man himself can produce. But --6-- scientists are directing more of their --7-into finding some way of --8-- earthquakes and it is possible that at --9-- time in the near future --10-- will have discovered a means of protecting it from them.

1. 1) self  2) shadow  3) feet  4) nails  5) cots

2. 1) political   2) marriage  3) wedding 4) travelling 5) legal

3. 1) affected  2) dominated   3) threatened   4) terrorized   5) terminated

4. 1) steem   2) streams  3) sites 4) strength 5) strong

5. 1) anything   2) something  3) nothing  4) bad things    5) new things

6. 1) yesterday   2) today  3) tomorrow   4) everyday  5) anyday  

7. 1) money  2) time  3) labs  4) efforts   5) energy

8. 1) shaking  2) combating   3) clubbing   4) joining   5) correcting

9. 1) any  2) no  3) all  4) little  5) some

10. 1) scientists      2) politicians      3) people 4) parties        5) scholars

Answers: 1-3  2-1  3-3  4-4  5-1  6-2  7-4  8-2  9-5  10-1.

Exercise - 5

The true elixir of life near to our hands is the commonest of all liquids, plain water. It has --1-- a role of vast significance in --2-- the course of the earth's history and --3-- to play the leading role in the --4-- of life on the surface of our --5--. Indeed, there is nothing here which --6-- so much to the beauty of the --7-as water, be it just a little --8-- trickling over the rocks or a --9-- pond by the way side where animals --10-- their thirst.

1. 1) taken   2) played   3) directed   4) accepted  5) ordered

2. 1) shaping   2) sharing  3) recording   4) writing    5) scripting

3. 1) decides   2) continues   3) prepares   4) refuges  5) conceals

4. 1) motion   2) monitoring   3) movement   4) mending   5) moving

5. 1) plan   2) play   3) party   4) planet    5) star  

6. 1) amounts   2) attracts   3) adds   4) removes   5) records

7. 1) hamlets   2) harbours   3) hearts    4) ghats     5) humanbeings

8. 1) sea   2) stream  3) street    4) leak    5) lake

9. 1) huge   2) small   3) little    4) dwarf     5) diminutive

10. 1) swim 2) drown  3) quench    4) wallow    5) drive

Answers: 1-2  2-1  3-2  4-3  5-4  6-3  7-5  8-2  9-1  10-3.

Exercise - 6

The word 'ticket' is --1-- to every language in India. --2-- those who are actively --3-- in the political process --4--, a ticket as a permission to --5-- an election as a candidate --6-- a political party. The --7-- if elected, sits in the --8-- assembly or any other --9-- for which he/she contests as a --10-- of the party.

1. 1) common   2) strange   3) popular   4) famous    5) new

2. 1) but  2) so   3) thus  4) hence   5) yet

3. 1) leading   2) lending  3) lagging   4) logging    5) lamenting

4. 1) lock  2) lend  3) look  4) limit  5) lead

5. 1) comment   2) commit    3) contest   4) call   5) cancel

6. 1) by   2) with   3) on  4) for   5) off

7. 1) worker   2) donor   3) labour   4) owner   5) leader

8. 1) legislative   2) village   3) town   4) district    5) party
9. 1) school   2) institute    3) college  4) university   5) committee

10. 1) student   2) teacher   3) politician   4) representative   5) reporter

Answers: 1-1  2-2  3-1  4-3  5-3  6-4  7-5  8-1  9-2  10-4.

Exercise - 7
The solar has been a complicated wonder for astronomers. This is a --1-- to which we may never have the exact answer. Man has wondered --2-- the age of earth --3-- ancient times. There were all kinds of --4-- that seemed to have the --5--. But Man couldn't begin to --6-- about the question scientifically until about 400 years -7--. When it was proved that the --8-- revolved round the sun and earth was a --9-- of our solar system, then scientists knew where to --10--.

1. 1) question  2) problem   3) matter   4) topic   5) argument

2. 1) by  2) for  3) about  4) from 5) to

3. 1) since   2) for   3) from   4) till   5) to

4. 1) ideas   2) thoughts   3) stories   4) questions   5) arguments

5. 1) origin   2) solution   3) query   4) answer  5) doubt

6. 1) guess   2) argue   3) agree   4) accept   5) think

7. 1) before   2) ago   3) after   4) upto   5) from

8. 1) we   2) all   3) moon   4) earth   5) sun

9. 1) parent   2) owner   3) tenant   4) worker   5) part

10. 1) end  2) stop  3) begin  4) sleep  5) think

Answers: 1-1  2-3  3-1  4-3  5-4  6-5  7-2  8-4  9-5  10-3.

Exercise - 8

Ayurveda, a natural system of medicine, originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life. Ayurveda was quite ...(1)... in India in the past. Unfortunately, it has been ...(2)... since independence. The government of India is, therefore, making serious efforts to revive Ayurveda. Thanks to these efforts, Ayurveda is once again ready to ...(3)... in the health and medical care system. The government has given Ayurveda top ...(4)... to ensure that it transforms into a modern health and medical system. It is hoped that Ayurveda helps the government’s fight ...(5)... deadly diseases such as COVID-19.

1. Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 1
1) unusual            2) commonsensical         3) prevalent          4) trivial


2. Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 2
1) popularized              2) neglected           3) simplified        4) enslaved


3. Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 3
1) shock              2) contribute           3) complicate       4) participate


4. Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 4
1) weight        2) clarity        3) priority         4) level


5. Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 5
1) in          2) between          3) for         4) against

Key: 1 - 3;   2 - 2;    3 - 4;    4 - 3;    5 - 4.

Exercise - 9

Since COVID-19’s arrival in the world, a lot of never-before-seen changes have been occurring across the world. The deadly disease has put many countries in lockdown. The field of sports is one of the most active. However, because of the lockdown, sports have been ...(1)... affected. Usually, participation in sports
and exercise is regarded as ...(2)... , but it is now being avoided because of the virus. All professional football and cricket leagues have ...(3)... their matches. This is to avoid large crowds, which are well-known to be infectious ...(4)... Otherwise, the on-field players will be at as much ...(5)... as the spectators.

1. Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 1
1) slightly          2) significantly        3) barely         4) hardly


2. Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 2
1) monetary           2) muscular           3) rewarding             4) hazardous


3. Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 3
1) moved            2) promoted          3) counselled           4) rescheduled


4. Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 4
1) hazards            2) assemblies          3) puddles              4) diseases


5. Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 5
1) risk           2) safety           3) captivation             4) exhaustion

Key: 1 - 2;   2 - 3;    3 - 4;    4 - 1;    5 - 1.

Directions (Qs. 1-10): In the following passages some words have been left out. Read the passages carefully and choose the correct answer to each question out of the four alternatives.

Passage-1 Did humans really ..1.. from apes? A recent article, a ..2.. in genome research published in Nature Journal shows that may not be the case. The sea sponges share almost 70 percent of human genes. Why do sea sponges share almost 70 percent of human genes? What does that have to do to understand a stealth ..3.. between humans and extraterrestrial origin? The answer lies in the sea floor. According to Jack McClintock, in his article “This Is Your Ancestor,” in the genetic tree based on genome analysis sponge was really the base of animal ..4.., and just above it were the cnidarians, such as jellyfish, anemones, and corals. They, like the sponge, have a saclike body form. They developed tentacles and an opening like a mouth at one end. But there were other forms of life lower down the line of descent that scientists might not have ..5.. Suddenly, they made sense.
1. a) develop     b) originate      c) descend      d) ascend

2. a) discovery     b) development    c) progress    d) breakthrough

3. a) connection      b) division     c) split      d) foible

4. a) lineage       b) history         c) heredity       d) clan

5. a) penetrated       b) expected         c) decided         d) articulated

Passage-2 The whistleblower behind the Panama Papers broke their silence on Friday to explain in detail how the  ..6.. of off-shore tax havens drove them to the biggest data leak in history. The source, whose identity and gender remain a secret, ..7.. being a spy. The whistleblower said the leak of 11.5 m documents from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fouseca had ..8.. a “new, encouraging global debate”, thanks to the ..9.. last month of stories by an international ..10.. of newspapers, including the Guardian

6. a) advantages      b) benefits      c) privileges      d) injustices

7. a) refused      b) declined         c) denied         d) challenged

8. a) fired         b) facilitated      c) triggered        d) started

9. a) announcement      b) publication       c) exposure        d) disclosure

10. a) association       b) consortium        c) forum       d) collaboration

Key With Explanations
‘Descend’ means to be inherited or transmitted, as through succeeding generations of a family. Hence, it fits well in the blank.

2-d; ‘Breakthrough’ refers to a signif icant advance, development, achievement in a particular field or situation. In the given sentence it is used for the advancement in information about the descent of humans.

3-a; The passage talks about the commonality between sea sponges and humans. So, the blank will take ‘connection’ to make the sentence grammatically correct.

4-a; ‘Lineage’ refers to lineal descent from an ancestor. Hence, it fits the blank. 5-b; The sentence refers to the line of descent that was beyond the expectations of scientists. Hence, ‘expected’ fits the blank.

6-d; The whistleblowers did not gain any advantages or benefits. So options (a) and (b) are eliminated like wise they did not acquire any privileges and hence option (c) is eliminated. Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

7-c; The whistleblower was not a spy. Refused and declined in this context are grammatically and semantically wrong. ‘Challenged’ is completely meaningless. Hence, options (a), (b) and (d) are wrong. The correct answer is option (c).

8-c; ‘Started’, ‘fired’ and ‘facilitated’ can all fit in. But they lack the intensity of ‘triggered’. When you pull a trigger you can set off anything from a small pistol to a huge bomb. The debate set of f by the leak is huge. Hence, option (c) is the right answer.

9-b; Stories are not ‘announced’, ‘exposed’ or ‘disclosed’ in newspapers. They are published. Hence, option (b) is the right answer.

10-b; ‘Consortium’ means ‘Association’ but is restricted, to companies, banks etc. ‘Forum ‘and ‘Collaboration’ do not fit in. Hence the correct answer is option (b).

Posted Date : 15-04-2021


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.


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