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The Test of English Language (Grammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension) consists of an objective test for 50 marks and a descriptive test for 50 marks. The descriptive paper of only those candidates will be valued who have scored qualifying marks in objective test.
        In the Objective English Test which carries 50 marks, a candidate's proficiency in fill up the Blanks, Cloze Test, Spotting Errors, Substitutions, Synonyms and Antonyms, Sentence Arrangement, Reading Comprehension will be tested. In the Descriptive Test which carries 50 marks, a candidate's proficiency in comprehension, short precis, letter writing and essay writing will be tested. The Descriptive English Paper should be completed in an hour.

Fill Up The Blanks

        'Fill up the blanks' questions are given in banking service examinations to test the extent of vocabulary of a candidate. Fill up the blanks questions are to test the reading comprehension skills also. These questions check whether the candidate has merely memorised the meaning of the word or he or she can use the word properly. From among the options, we have to choose the words when inserted into the blanks complete the sentence in such a way that it is clear, logical and literally as well as grammatically correct.

The candidates are advised to study various shades of meanings ofn different test-worthy words by referring to a good dictionary. He or she can glance through the words whenever there is leisure. In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pairs of words denoted by letters a, b, c, d and e. Find out which pair of words can fill up the blanks to make the sentence correct.

1. These paintings may be more ---- but the money goes to a --- cause.
a) costlier, definite        b) cheap, wonderful      c) attractive, versatile
d) expensive, noble       e) standard, excellent
A:  expensive, noble
1-d; Expensive, noble
Meanings: Versatile = turning easily or readily from one subject, skill or occupation to another.
Noble = great

2. The best way to ---- potential of employees is --- various training programmes.
a) apprise, by      b) appraise, by     c) exploit, from    d) enhance, through   e) identify, under
A:  enhance, through
2-d; enhance, through

Meanings: Emphasise = stress.
Exploit = to use somebody in selfish manner for one's own advantage/ profit.
Enhance = increase.
Apprise = to inform.
Appraise = to assess the value, quality or nature of somebody or something.

3. An autocrat believes in ---- others. He--- power and control.
a) Perfectionism, explores      b) autocracy, engulfs          c) dominating, seeks
d) possessing, rejects               e) elaborating, develops
A:  dominating, seeks
3-c; dominating, seeks
Meanings: Explore = to examine something thoroughly.
Autocracy = having absolute power.
Engulf = to surround somebody or something so that they are completely covered.
Dominating = controlling.
Seek = ask.
Elaborating = explaining vividly.

4. The cave was so ---- that we became ---
a) dark, frightened                b) sharp, worried            c) deep, cautious
d) long, enthusiastic              e) crowded, isolated
A:  dark, frightened
dark, frightened
Meanings: Frightened = feared.
Isolated = separate, standing alone.

5. He has requested his officer to bear --- him for some time, so that he can --- the whole issue.
a) at, inform        b) with, clarify        c) on, solve         d) for, know        e) out, understand
A:  with, clarify
5-b; with, clarify

6. His ---- in his work --- to many problems.
a) decision, put            b) negligence, led          c) fault, lauded  
d) desire, brought       e) mistake, subjected
A:  negligence, led

6-b; negligence, led
Meanings: Lauded = praised.
subject (v) = expose, surrender.

7. He has --- knowledge of words. Therefore his sentences are always --- with rich meaning.
a) terrific, tempted               b) meaningful, full            c) outstanding, consistent
d) distinguished, loaded       e) profound, pregnant
A:  profound, pregnant
7-e; profound, pregnant
Meanings: Outstanding = great = exceptionally good.
Consistent = in agreement with something.
Distinguished = very successful and admired by other people.
Profound = deep.
Pregnant = full of, filled with.
Terrific = terrible.

8. Patel was --- himself to public works. He never ---- a holiday.
a) devoted, took     b) after, offered     c) prepared, had     d) sacrificed, after   e) keen, utilize
A:  devoted, took
8-a; devoted, took
Meanings: Devoted = dedicated, gave.
Keen = eager.
Utilize = use.
Sacrificed = offered, surrendered.
Offered = gave.

9. The teacher should --- the learner to take steps which will --- his learning
a) direct, reorganize       b) force, organise        c) encourage, reinforce
d) caution, reinforce       e) encourage, acknowledge
A:  aencourage, reinforce
9-c; encourage, reinforce

Meanings: Reinforce = to make stronger.
Acknowledge = accept, admit.

10. His feelings are not entirely --- or --
a) unreasonable, imaginary         b) cohesive, irrational        c) sound, unfounded
d) baseless, unjustified                 e) inexcusable, unimaginative
A:  unreasonable, imaginary
10-a; unreasonable, imaginary
Meanings: Unfounded = with no basis in fact.
Cohesive = sticking together easily or well.
Irrational = not logical or reasonable.

11. An auto-crat is bent on --- others. His sole aim is to --- power and control.
a) dominating, seek           b) perfectionist, explore        c) elaborate, develop
d) autocratic, engulf          e) possessive, reject
A:  dominating, seek
11-a; dominating, seek

Meanings: Autocrat = a ruler who has absolute power.
Explore = to examine something thoroughly.
Possessive = treating somebody as if one owns them.
Elaborate = very detailed and carefully prepared.

12. Ravi's --- has yielded him--- fruit.
a) efforts, unwanted            b) perseverance, desired     c) emphasis, expected
d) action, viable                    e) fate, undesirable
A:  perseverance, desired
12-b; perseverance, desired
Meanings: Yield = to produce something as a result.
Viable = that can be done or possible.
Perseverance = continued steady effort to achieve an aim.

13. The advocate --- his arguments by --- several references.
a) revealed, declaring          b) substantiated, citing          c) vindicated, referring
d) clarified, averting            e) pressed, announcing
A:  substantiated, citing

13-b; substantiated, citing
Meanings: Vindicate = to clear someone of blame or suspicion.
Substantiate = to prove the truth of something by providing evidence or proof.
Citing = speaking or writing words taken from a passage / a book.
Reveal= to make facts etc known.
Avert = to prevent something unpleasant from happening.

14. The Chairman has decided to --- special training to employees on --- to tackle complex issues.
a) provide, how    b) announce, benefits   c) impart, risks   d) offer, course  e) sanction, skills
A:  provide, how
14-a; provide, how
Meanings: Impart = to make information known to someone.
Provide = to give.

13-b; substantiated, citing
Meanings: Vindicate = to clear someone of blame or suspicion.
Substantiate = to prove the truth of something by providing evidence or proof.
Citing = speaking or writing words taken from a passage / a book.
Reveal= to make facts etc known.
Avert = to prevent something unpleasant from happening.

14. The Chairman has decided to --- special training to employees on --- to tackle complex issues.
a) provide, how    b) announce, benefits   c) impart, risks   d) offer, course  e) sanction, skills
A:  provide, how
14-a; provide, how
Meanings: Impart = to make information known to someone.
Provide = to give.

15. Preetam was --- by letter that he had --- promoted.
a) stated, finally    b) informed, been    c) told, not    d) communicated, not    e) offered, been
A:  informed, been
15-b; informed, been

16. The hunger for power and pelf is --- and therefore most difficult to ---
a) enormous, apply                  b) empowering, delegate                  c) insatiable, contain
d) evolutionary, rationalize    e) accumulative, subsume
A:  insatiable, contain
16-c; insatiable, contain
Meanings: Enormous = very large
Delegate = to give duties or rights to somebody.
Subsume = to include something in a particular group.
Empower = to give power.
Insatiable = not able to be satisfied.

Evolutionary = gradual development.
Retionalize = to try to find a logical reason.

17. On account of the --- in sales, the company has achieved an eight percent --- in net profit.
a) increase, rise         b) decline, slope        c) surge, fall       d) hike, loss     e) growth, advance
A:  increase, rise
17-a; increase, rise
Meanings: Surge = to increase suddenly and intensely.

18. Many women organizations in the country criticised the Government's decision to ---- ban --- drinking.
a) refrain, from      b) invoke, for    c) repeal, on      d) revoke, of      e) prohibit, prevented
A:  repeal, on
18-c; repeal, on
Meanings: Revoke = to withdraw or cancel a law, license etc.
Refrain = to stop oneself doing something that one would like to do.

Prohibit = To stop somebody to do something by laws, rules or regulations.
Invoke = to use something or somebody as an authority for doing or arguing something.
Repeal = to make a law no longer valid.

19. Hills and dales are a --- sight. I have always --- to see them.
a) joyful, imagined           b) extra-ordinary, advocated     c) stupendous, encouraged
d) loving, prepared          e) fascinating, longed
A:  fascinating, longed
19-e; fascinating, longed Stupendous = very great or large.
Fascinating = interesting and charming.
long (v) = to have a strong desire.

20. The Minister who was earlier --- to head the delegation has now given his ---.
a) eager, approved              b) reluctant, consent           c) expected, assurances
d) forced, unwillingness     e) requested, enhances
A:  reluctant, consent

20-b; reluctant, consent
Meanings: Delegation = a group of delegates.
Reluctant = not willing to do.
Consent = permission.
Eager = full of interest.
Unwillingness = not wanting to do something.

21. The youth should --- the spirit of service from the great men of ---
a) imbibe, yore             b) develop, possession           c) analyze, distinction
d) inculcate, power      e) invent, wisdom
A:  imbibe, yore
21-a; imbibe, yore
Meanings: Inculcate = to fix ideas or principles firmly in someone's mind especially by often repeating them.
Imbibe = to absorb something.

Of yore = long ago.
Distinction = the quality of being
excellent and distinguished.

22. There is no --- the fact that a man of knowledge and commitment --- great power.
a) denying, wields                b) clarifying, exhibit           c) justifying, acknowledges
d) advocating, projects        e) proclaiming, develops
A:  denying, wields
22-a; denying, wields
Meanings: Advocating = supporting, defending.
Denying = refusing.
Wield = to have or be able to use power.

Directions (Q. 1 - 7): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 5.

1. The crew were (1) / on board and they (2) / soon busied themselves (3) / in preparing to meet the storm. (4) / No error (5)
Ans: 4
Key : Replace 'meet' with 'face'

2. He made a great (1) / fuss about having an (2) / investigation, but it all (3) / ended with smoke. (4) / No error (5)
Key : Replace 'with' with 'up in'

3. The house with all its (1) / furnitures and exotic plants (2) / was sold (3) / for rupees 50 lakh. (4) / No error (5)
Key : Replace 'furnitures' with 'furniture'.

4. No sooner the advertisement (1) / appeared in the newspapers (2) / than there was a rush (3) / at the booking window. (4) / No error (5)
Ans: 1
Key : 
It should be 'No sooner had the advertisement'.

5. No less than (1) / twenty directors (2) / attended the seminar (3) / organised by the Pollution Control Board. (4) / No error (5)
Ans: 1
Key : Replace 'less' with 'fewer'.

6. No one who has (1) / seen him lecture in the (2)/ class deny that he has (3) / an interest and aptitude for teaching. (4) / No error (5)
Ans: 4
Key Add 'in' after 'interest'.

7. I spent six or seven years (1) / after high school (2) / trying to find a job for me (3) / but couldn't succeed in it. (4) / No error (5)
Ans: 3
Key Replace 'me' with 'myself'.

1-7: Meanings: 
              To meet the storm = to face
              Fuss = worry, excitement
              End in smoke = fail
              Exotic = acquired, foreign
              Aptitude = inclination, readiness

Directions (Q. 8 - 11): Fill up the blanks with a suitable pair of words from the options given below to make a meaningful sentence.

8. Culture and education ..... the .... of social roots.
1) manifest, depth                      2) creates, branch                       3) matched, zenith
4) challenged, competition        5) faster, growth
Ans:  faster, growth

9. Books are an irreplaceable .... of knowledge and cultural .....
1) world, diversity                      2) vision, contours                       3) storehouse, values
4) peal, wisdom                           5) gem, ethos
Ans:  storehouse, values

10.  Man's joy knows no bounds when he .... something .... his hopes.
1) seeks, against                          2) gains, encompassing               3) earns, ahead
4) obtains, beyond                      5) embraces, dreaming
Ans:  obtains, beyond

11.  The new government must live up to the .... of the voters as far as restoring law and order is ....
1) manifesto, talked                    2) aspirations, questions            3) promise, subject
4) expectations, concerned        5) assurance, priority
Ans:  expectations, concerned

8 - 11: Meanings
              Manifest = clear, obvious
              Zenith = top, pinnacle
              Foster = support, promote
              Diversity = variety, variation
              Contours = outline, sketch
              Peal = roar, resound

 Ethos = a set of moral rules of an orgnization
              Seek = ask, solicit
              Encompass = encircle, enclose
              Obtain = get
              Embrace = accept, hug
              Manifesto = declaration, proclamation

Directions (Q. 12 - 15): In the following questions, a sentence has been given with some of its part in bold. To make the sentence correct, you have to replace the bold part with the correct alternative given below. If the sentence is correct as it is, give 5) as your answer, i.e No Correction Required.

12. It is not a good thing that only high officials have access to the C.M.
1) are accessible to                  2) have acceeded to                    3) have acceed to
4) have accessibility for          5) No correction required
Ans: 5
Key: No correction required 'Access' (N) means 'Approach'

13. I requested my wife to stay there till I came back.
1) till I come back                    2) until I came back                    3) until I don't come back
4) till I didn't came back         5) No correction required
Ans: 5
Key: 'Until' and 'till' can both be used as prepositions and conjunctions. They mean exactly the same.

14. When she was not able to show her ticket, the inspector made her buying another.
1) made her buy another        2) make her buying another      3) makes her buying another
4) did made her buy another  5) No Correction required
Ans: 1
 After 'make' plain infinitive should be used  

15. One can recover even from serious illness if one has the will to live.
1) but for serious illness           2) despite serious illness           3) despite from serious illness
4) inspite from serious illness  5) No Correction required
Ans: 5
 No correction required

                 Access = approach, entry
                 Despite = Not withstanding, opposing

Directions: (Q. 16 - 20): Rearrange the following sentences in the proper sequence so as to make a meaningful paragraph and answer the questions given below it.
A) Bolder isn't always better, however.
B) Red, Orange and Purple are vibrant colours with energising effects to counter the blues.
C) The eye must catch it, look at it and study it.
D) Too much colour can be overwhelming to some people.
E) So, if not the change of paints, go for a bright coloured tablecloth instead.
F) The draped piece of furniture must be placed prominently.

16. Which of the following sentences would be the SIXTH sentence after rearrangement?
1) A               2) C             3) D            4) E                5) F
Ans: D

17. Which of the following sentences would be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
1) B               2) A             3) D            4) E                5) F
Ans: F

18. Which of the following sentences would be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
1) B          2) F            3) E             4) A            5) D
Ans: B

19. Which of the following sentences would be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?
1) D           2) C           3) A            4) E            5) F
Ans: A

20. Which of the following sentences be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
1) F            2) E            3) C            4) B           5) D
Ans: E

Key (16 - 20):  B   E   F   C   A  D

                 Vibrant = exciting and full of energy
                 Overwhelm = overflow, flood, surprise,
                 defeat, confuse
                 Draped piece = adorned piece

Directions (Q. 21 - 30): In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Mobile phones are changing the world we live in. Kenya was regarded as a poor (21) lacking hospitals, running water, electricity, education, (22) etc. Mobile phone technology has (23) all this. Today 92 percent of Kenyans (24) the internet using their mobile phones. Farmers can (25) only check the prices of crops but also (26) with customers directly. Banking services are (27) available through mobile phones. A (28) by the World Bank shows that (29) countries where more people use mobile phones (30) by 0.6 percent to 1.2 percent every year.

  This technology has also helped the world come closer together as it allows people from different countries to interact with one another.

21. 1) neighbour       2) performance       3) country         4) development           5) choice
Ans: country        

22. 1) tend                2) roads                    3) poverty         4) peoples                     5) leader
Ans: roads

23. 1) changed         2) discovered           3) created          4) transformed            5) made
Ans: changed        

24. 1) go                    2) access                   3) connect         4) use                            5) online
Ans: access          

25. 1) decide            2) allow                      3) simply           4) not                            5) still
Ans: not

26. 1) handle            2) supply                   3) deal               4) argue                        5) sell
Ans: deal               

27. 1) cheap              2) easy                      3) income          4) also                            5) though
Ans: also                            

28. 1) report             2) fund                      3) researcher    4) wish                          5) solution
Ans: report        

29. 1) more               2) any                        3) because        4) in                               5) those
Ans: those

30. 1) increase          2) work                     3) value             4) rise                           5) grow
5) grow

Directions (Q. 1-7):Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. the number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 5.

1. Drastic poll reforms (1)/ are necessary before (2)/ the Lok Sabha election (3)/ due for the year 2014 (4)/ No error (5).
Ans:  4
Key: Replace 'due for' with 'due to'.

2. No sooner he had seen his brother (1)/ coming to him (2)/ than he moved forward (3)/ to greet him. (4)/ No error (5).
Ans:  1
Key: It should be 'No sooner had he seen his brother'.

3. For all practical purposes, (1)/ political science was the political philosophy (2)/ and was studied such as before (3)/ it was born as a eparate, autonomous discipline. (4)/ No error (5).
Ans:  3

Key: 'Such as' should be replaced with 'as such'.

4. Machiavelli, more than any other individual (1)/ and despite the fact that he is hardly (2)/ a political theorist, is father (3)/ of modern political theory. (4)/ No error (5).
Ans:  3
Key: Write 'the' before 'father'.

5. All the political philosophers have (1)/ began the study of (2)/ the state with (3)/ the study of the man. (4)/ No error (5).
Ans:  2
Key: Replace 'began' with 'begun'.

6. The quarrels that arise over (1)/ private property is due (2)/ not to its being private but to (3)/ the wickedness of human nature. (4)/ No rror (5).
Ans:  2
Key: Replace 'is' with 'are'.

7. According to Aristotle, Arithmetic, Algebra (1)/ Geometry, Physics and Chemistry (2)/ are par excellent (3)/ Theoretical sciences. (4)/ No error (5).
Ans:  3
Key: Replace 'excellent' with 'excellence'.

1-7: Meanings
        Drastic = powerful, strong
        Autonomous = independent
        Discipline = control, govern
        Par excellence = the very best.

Directions (Q. 8-11): In each of these questions, two sentences (I) and (II) are given. Each sentence has a blank in it. Five words 1), 2), 3), 4) and 5) are suggested. Out of these only one fits both the places in the context of the sentence. The number of that word is the answer.

8. I. This claim seems to us to be rather _______
    II. Those figures alone are a _________ basis for such a conclusion.
1) genuine           2) perfect             3) dubious            4) false             5) fake
Ans: dubious

9. I. It appears that Britain has made a sweeping _________ to China in order to reach a settlement.
   II. The government has granted ________ to three private telephone companies.

1) concession      2) redemption     3) stake                 4) more            5) result
Ans: concession

10. I. There will be no ________ they promise.
     II. Voters are disillusioned with ________ campaigns run by many candidates in recent years.
1) excuse            2) mud-slinging     3) effect               4) harm            5) musing
Ans: mud-slinging     

11. I. _______ does not lead to proper understanding.
      II. It would take two or three months of ________ to prepare for the Bar exam.
1) Waiting           2) Watching           3) Reading          4) Studying        5) Cramming
Ans: Cramming
8-11: Meanings
          genuine = real
          dubious = doubtful, uncertain, wavering
          fake = false
          concession = grant, allowance

 redemption = salvation, free
          stake = risk, venture
          mud-slinging = mud-throwing
          musing = thinking, preoccupied
          cramming = crowding, filling, packing, stuffing.

         Directions (Q. 12-15): In the following questions, a sentence has been given with some of its part in bold. To make the sentence correct, you have to replace the bold part with the correct alternative given below. If the sentence is correct as it is, give (5) as your answer (i.e. no correction required).

12. Touching the foot of elders, standing up while the national anthem plays, is still appreciated as mark of respect.
1) foot of elders standing up when               2) feet of elders standing up when
3) feet of elders standing up while               4) feet of older standing up while
5) No correction required
Ans: feet of elders standing up while

13. All the poetry are written in traditional meters and rhyme schemes.
1) All of the poetry is        2) All of the poems are             3) All of the poem is
4) All of poetries is            5) No correction required
Ans: All of the poems are

14. The pit is being shut down because it no longer coal has enough that can be mined economically.
1) no longer coal has enough that           2) no longer has enough coal with
3) no longer has enough coal that           4) has no coal longer enough that
5) No correction required
Ans: no longer has enough coal that

15. The bank made it clear that it is no use to try to get a fresh loan without repaying the previous one.
1) it is no use trying to             2) it is no useful try to            3) it is use in trying to
4) it is no use try in                 5) No correction required
Ans: it is no use trying to

Directions (Q. 16-20): Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
(A) Placement agencies provide a nation-wide service in matching personnel's demand and supply.
(B) In technical and professional areas, private agencies and professional bodies appear to be doing substantive work.
(C) Such agencies charge fee for recommending suitable names.
(D) These professional recruiters can entice the top executives from other companies by making the right offers.
(E) These agencies compile bio-data of a large number of candidates and recommend suitable names to their clients.
(F) They are useful where extensive screening is required.

16. Which of the following sentences will come SECOND after rearrangement?
1) A                 2) E                  3) B                  4) D                  5) C
Ans: A

17. Which of the following sentences will come THIRD after rearrangement?

1) F                  2) E                  3) A                 4) B                  5) C
Ans: E

18.  Which of the following sentences will come LAST after rearrangement?
1) A                  2) C                  3) D                  4) B                  5) F
Ans: D

19.  Which of the following sentences will come FIRST after rearrangement?
1) C                  2) B                  3) E                  4) F                  5) D
Ans: B

20.  Which of the following sentences will come FIFTH after rearrangement?
1) D                  2) B                  3) C                  4) E                  5) F
Ans: F
Key:  16 - 20: B A E C F D
16-20: Meanings
             Substantive work = Real/ continuing work
             entice = attractive
             extensive = thorough

Directions: (21-30): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the uitable word from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph eaningful. 
            There are a number of substances (toxic as well as non-toxic) which are being (21) to the environment by (22), events and human (23). These are, in fact, the (24) consequences of (25) civilisation, increased use of natural (26), increasing population, advancement in industries, increase in the number of vehicles, etc. These substances, which are continuously going into air, water, and soil, bring (27) undesirable (28) in physical, chemical and biological (29) of our environment and adversely (30) the life processes of animals and plants.

21. 1) held               2) added                3) needed                4) absorbed               5) removed
Ans: added

22. 1) natural          2) man-made       3) organised            4) artificial                 5) unwanted
Ans: natural

23. 1) actions          2) behaviour         3) activities             4) thinking                 5) movements
Ans: activities    

24. 1) natural          2) required           3) requisite             4) sought                    5) undesirable
Ans: undesirable

25. 1) ancient          2) present             3) medieval             4) modern                 5) old
Ans: modern                 

26. 1) means           2) resources          3) matters               4) substances           5) things
Ans: resources         

27. 1) up                  2) into                     3) in                         4) about                     5) out
Ans: about                    

28. 1) changes        2) metamorphosis    3) transformations   4) alterations      5) mutations
Ans: changes

29. 1) traits             2) marks                3) characteristics    4) features                5) distinctions
Ans: characteristics

30. 1) effect             2) change              3) cause                    4) harm                     5) affect
Ans: affect

21-30: Meanings
             toxic = harmful
             adversely = badly
             requisite = required thing
             sought = asked, searched
             undesirable = unwanted
             medieval = connected with middle age (AD 1100-1500)
             metamorphosis = change
             transformation = change
             mutation = alteration, change
             trait = characteristic, feature
             distinction = credit, difference, fame
             affect = (V) to do something that produces an effect/ change
             effect = (N) change

Posted Date : 26-06-2023


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.


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