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 In the following passages there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

I. Trust is the basis of human relationship. As trust between people grows, (1) change and interpersonal dynamics are transformed. Diverse skills and abilities become (2) and appreciated as strengths. People begin to (3) one another's attitudes and feelings. They learn to be (4) instead of playing roles. As trust grows the (5) that prevent (6) and openness lessen. People become more expressive, impulsive, frank and (7). Their communication is efficient and clear. They risk (8) and confrontation, opening the doors to deeper communication, involvement and commitment. Congestion and (9) lessen. The flow of data is open and (10).

1. 1) motivation 2) behaviour 3) patterns 4) commitments
Ans: 2(behaviour)

2. 1) obvious 2) necessary 3) essential 4) prominent
Ans: 4(prominent)

3. 1) accept 2) participate 3) pronounce 4) relate
Ans: 1(accept)

4. 1) advocates 2) indifferent 3) exponents 4) themselves
Ans: 4(themselves)

5. 1) seriousness 2) beliefs 3) barriers 4) masks
Ans: 3(barriers)

6. 1) snobbery 2) egoism 3) boasting 4) candour
Ans: 4(candour)

7. 1) projective 2) spontaneous 3) pious 4) callous
Ans: 2(spontaneous)

8. 1) conflict 2) dedication 3) propensity 4) jealousy
Ans: 1(conflict)

9. 1) pervasiveness 2) boundaries 3) blocking 4) enthusiasm
Ans: 3(blocking)

10. 1) unanimous 2) uncritical 3) uninhabited 4) unusual
Ans: 2(uncritical)

II. India's (1) over the past half century since Independence has been unique and (2) in many ways. Yet the record is (3) in relation to what the country set out to achieve and could certainly have been (4). It is (5) to look at both sides; the alternative is to be (6) down by unrelieved gloom or unwarranted (7). The fact is that after eight 5 year plans, about 40% of population is (8) below the poverty line. The human development indices are (9) low, placing India at the 126th position in the world table, far below many countries that came into (10) much later than it did.

1. 1) development 2) domination 3) predicament 4) history
Ans: 4(history)

2. 1) dubious 2) insignificant 3) desperate 4) commendable
Ans: 4(commendable)

3. 1) outshining 2) broken 3) disappointing 4) brighter
Ans: 3(disappointing)

4. 1) underplayed 2) accomplished 3) tampered 4) noteworthy
Ans: 2(accomplished)

5. 1) proposed 2) futile 3) impracticable 4) necessary
Ans: 4(necessary)

6. 1) laid 2) stuck 3) cooled 4) weighed
Ans: 4(weighed)

7. 1) progress 2) debating 3) haste 4) complacency
Ans: 4(complacency)

8. 1) much 2) still 3) obviously 4) found
Ans: 2(still)

9. 1) deplorably 2) admirably 3) surprisingly 4) not
Ans: 1(deplorably)

10. 1) world 2) being 3) independence 4) complete
Ans: 2(being)

III. Bret Bonson loved animals (1) on a family owned Zoo. He had grown up caring for antelope, deer and wild cats. He was (2) at times stubbornly, protective. Once when a tiger cub was born with a deformed leg, the local veterinarian and Bret's parents (3) the animal would never live a full life. Even so, the boy bottle - fed the cub and carried for it. (4) Bret's mothering, the cub died, but Bret's mothering (5) lived on.

He worked at a safari park where, in 1980, he trained his first African elephant and found his true (6). From the beginning Bonson was (7) by elephants. They have the (8) force to uproot trees and can outrun the fastest human spinter. But they also have (9) fine motor skills. The same trunk that could (10) the front end of an automobile or fracture a predator's skull could gently (11) a peanut from the fingers of a small child.

1. 1) created 2) built 3) erected 4) raised
Ans: 4(raised)

2. 1) methodically 2) suitably 3) fiercely 4) actually
Ans: 4(actually)

3. 1) believed 2) valued 3) imagined 4) exhibited
Ans: 1(believed)

4. 1) untill 2) unless 3) instead 4) despite
Ans: 4(despite)

5. 1) belief 2) love 3) care 4) passion
Ans: 4(passion)

6. 1) companion 2) attitude 3) calling 4) abode
Ans: 3(calling)

7. 1) absorbed 2) alarmed 3) attached 4) awed
Ans: 4(awed)

8. 1) empowered 2) brute 3) tall 4) high
Ans: 2(brute)

9. 1) domestic 2) durable 3) dubious 4) delicate
Ans: 4(delicate)

10. 1) hoist 2) puncture 3) attack 4) disturb
Ans: 1(hoist)

11. 1) protect 2) tenders 3) touch 4) pluck
Ans: 4(pluck)

IV. Gandhi once said, "I would say that if the village perishes, India will perish too. India will be (1) more India. Her own mission in the world will get (2). The (3) of the village is possible only when it is no more (4). Industrialisation on a mass scale will (5) lead to passive or active exploitation of the villagers as the problem (6) competition and marketing come in.

Therefore, we have to (7) on the village being self - contained, manufacturing mainly for use. Provided this character of the village industry is (8) there would be no objection to villagers using even the modern machines and tools that they can make and to (9) use. Only, they (10) not be used as a means of exploitation of others.

1. 1) Certainly 2) Scarcely 3) Much 4) No
Ans: 4(No)

2. 1) lost 2) extension 3) elevated 4) flourished
Ans: 1(lost)

3. 1) rehabilitation 2) pruning 3) revival 4) atonement
Ans: 3(revival)

4. 1) denanuded 2) exploited 3) ruined 4) populated
Ans: 2(exploited)

5. 1) passionately 2) scarcely 3) never 4) necessarily
Ans: 4(necessarily)

6. 1) forming 2) enhancing 3) between 4) of
Ans: 4(of)

7. 1) concentrate 2) ponder 3) imagine 4) ensure
Ans: 1(concentrate)

8. 1) regained 2) neglected 3) maintained 4) abolished
Ans: 3(maintained)

9. 1) prepare 2) afford 3) hesitate 4) plan
Ans: 2(afford)

10. 1) can 2) could 3) need 4) should
Ans: 4(should)


V. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A man who stands (1) his friend in (2) is a true friend, selfless love is the base of true friendship. True friends share each other's joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure. They do not fall (3) adversity. They have full confidence in each other. They never (4) each other. (5) makes friends, adversity tries them. A selfless friend is (6) a selfish friend is a curse. The first is an angel and the second is a devil. One makes your career while the other (7) it. True friendship means great self - sacrifice on the part of both. A true friend (8) pleasure and convenience. He goes cut of his way and faces difficulties in his way with joy and even with pride.

Joy and sorrow, success and failure, good fortune and misfortune are equally (9) by a pair of true friends. They (10) the burden of life equally for they feel that they sail in the same boat and that they have to sink and swim together.

1. 1) to 2) with 3) for 4) by
Ans: 4(by)

2. 1) adversity 2) commotion 3) change 4) growth
Ans: 1(adversity)

3. 1) by 2) to 3) off 4) with
Ans: 3(off)

4. 1) postulate 2) commit 3) danger 4) betray
Ans: 4(betray)

5. 1) wealth 2) prosperity 3) man 4) providence
Ans: 2(prosperity)

6. 1) boon 2) force 3) blessing 4) calamity
Ans: 3(blessing)

7. 1) throws 2) develops 3) constructs 4) mars
Ans: 4(mars)

8. 1) foregoes 2) mitigates 3) evolves 4) prospers
Ans: 1(foregoes)

9. 1) built 2) pleased 3) admired 4) shared
Ans: 4(shared)

10. 1) expect 2) shoulder 3) dislike 4) project
Ans: 2(shoulder)

VI. Man has always considered himself to be the ruler of his planet. This (1) and the attendant superiority feeling has made him look down (2) other creatures who co-exist with human on this earth. The so called civilized human race has (3) and ill-treated small and large animal species and birds in an attempt to prove his (4) it is common knowledge that (5) number of animals have been (6) for centuries under the (7) of conducting scientific experiments or for sports. Till recently, in the (8) of scientific experiments, monkeys and frogs have been (9) to dissection and (10) in the laboratory.

1. 1) pleasure 2) fact 3) force 4) arrogance
Ans: 4(arrogance)

2. 1) in 2) upon 3) with 4) for
Ans: 2(upon)

3. 1) criticised 2) devalued 3) protected 4) abused
Ans: 4(abused)

4. 1) supremacy 2) wisdom 3) cleverness 4) instinct
Ans: 1(supremacy)

5. 1) tall 2) plenty 3) countless 4) diverse
Ans: 3(countless)

6. 1) tortured 2) exposed 3) treated 4) vanished
Ans: 1(tortured)

7. 1) projection 2) criticism 3) pretext 4) game
Ans: 3(pretext)

8. 1) matter 2) set 3) scheme 4) name
Ans: 4(name)

9. 1) confined 2) subjected 3) condemned 4) allied
Ans: 2(subjected)

10. 1) cruelty 2) deformation 3) study 4) vivisection
Ans: 4(vivisection)

VII. The urgent need of the hour is to (1) up the moral (2) of our society in general and of our student community in particular, if we want to save ourselves and our society from the present (3) of mass indiscipline and (4) of basic human values, which has become a (5) phenomenon. We must, therefore (6) and practice the most (7) basic human values like co-operation, tolerance, patriotism, generosity, truth, justice and excellence - the ideas which are universal in nature and which are (8) in themselves and which are worthy of (9) for their own sake. These ideals are both personally as well as socially (10).

1. 1) give 2) stand 3) jack 4) tone
Ans: 4(tone)

2. 1) fibre 2) enactment 3) reconstruction 4) situation
Ans: 1(fibre)

3. 1) polarisation 2) degradation 3) chaos 4) provocation
Ans: 3(chaos)

4. 1) calamity 2) focus 3) realisation 4) erosion
Ans: 4(erosion)

5. 1) durable 2) universal 3) perpetual 4) segmental
Ans: 2(universal)

6. 1) incorporate 2) induce 3) implicate 4) inculcate
Ans: 4(inculcate)

7. 1) absorbing 2) cherished 3) introspective 4) famous
Ans: 2(cherished)

8. 1) distinctive 2) appreciated 3) formative 4) helping
Ans: 1(distinctive)

9. 1) evolving 2) spreading 3) esteem 4) wisdom
Ans: 3(esteem)

10. 1) desirable 2) manageable 3) redundant 4) vulnerable
Ans: 1(desirable)

VIII. If an (1) is genius, he (2) the penalty of genius. If he has only talent, various cares and worries make life extremely (3). He takes great pains (4) compose. He meets with continuous (5) at his inability to reveal (6). Also he is often (7) with the difficulty of (8) the public ear. A literary life (9) therefore mostly an unhappy (10).

1. 1) individual 2) ideal 3) event 4) author
Ans: 4(author)

2. 1) tolerates 2) prevents 3) suffers 4) imposes
Ans: 3(suffers)

3. 1) miserable 2) impatient 3) comfortable 4) happy
Ans: 1(miserable)

4. 1) about 2) with 3) in 4) to
Ans: 4(to)

5. 1) admiration 2) disappointment 3) disapproval 4) criticism
Ans: 2(disappointment)

6. 1) public 2) them 3) himself 4) literature
Ans: 3(himself)

7. 1) down 2) engaged 3) busy 4) faced
Ans: 4(faced)

8. 1) entering 2) sounding 3) awakening 4) gaining
Ans: 4(gaining)

9. 1) is 2) governs 3) leads 4) begins
Ans: 1(is)

10. 1) thing 2) one 3) ending 4) event
Ans: 2(one)

IX. The weaker sections of the rural population are mostly from the socially and economically backward and (1) sections of the village community. Because of their (2) and financial difficulty they are not readily (3) to change their work habits and adopt modern technology. (4) sure about the traditional methods, they are (5) to take to (6) equipment and techniques which require some time to get accustomed for (7) work. After holding a number of group meetings with rural people (8) to different vocations and spread over the entire country, we can safely say that persons in the villages are not (9) for training to improve upon their traditional and hereditary (10) of working.

1. 1) depressed 2) different 3) rich 4) forward
Ans: 1(depressed)

2. 1) ability 2) dependence 3) illiteracy 4) number
Ans: 3(illiteracy)

3. 1) discarding 2) feeling 3) bending 4) willing
Ans: 4(willing)

4. 1) Making 2) Having 3) Quite 4) Being
Ans: 4(Being)

5. 1) forced 2) reluctant 3) bound 4) prepared
Ans: 2(reluctant)

6. 1) forming 2) traditional 3) improved 4) old
Ans: 3(improved)

7. 1) routine 2) excessive 3) wasteful 4) effective
Ans: 4(effective)

8. 1) accuring 2) helping 3) enabling 4) belonging
Ans: 4(belonging)

9. 1) eager 2) capable 3) indifferent 4) unwilling
Ans: 1(eager)

10. 1) theories 2) techniques 3) desires 4) hours
Ans: 2(techniques)

X. The US is in the (1) of a cleanup of toxic financial waste that will (2) tax payers hundreds of billions of dollars at the very least. The primary manufacturers of these hazardous products (3) multimillion - dollar paychecks for their efforts. So, why shouldn't they (4) to pay for their mop-up? This is, after all, what the US Congress (5) in 1980 for (6) of actual toxic waste under the superfund law (7) that year, polluters (8) for the mess they make. Environmental lawyer E.Michael Thomas sees no (9) law makers couldn't demand the same financial polluters and (10) them to ante up some of the bank bailout money.

1. 1) range 2) depth 3) midst 4) debate
Ans: 3(midst)

2. 1) earn 2) cost 3) save 4) benefit
Ans: 2(cost)

3. 1) donated 2) dwindled 3) spent 4) pocketed
Ans: 4(pocketed)

4. 1) defy 2) come 3) admit 4) have
Ans: 4(have)

5. 1) decreed 2) refrained 3) commented 4) visualised
Ans: 1(decreed)

6. 1) consumers 2) users 3) exponents 4) producers
Ans: 4(producers)

7. 1) revoked 2) forced 3) squashed 4) enacted
Ans: 4(enacted)

8. 1) regain 2) claim 3) pay 4) demand
Ans: 3(pay)

9. 1) practice 2) reason 3) issue 4) wonder
Ans: 2(reason)

10. 1) force 2) plead 3) appeal 4) follow
Ans: 1(force)

Posted Date : 04-02-2023


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.


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