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Input-Output Sequence


Example 1:
Directions (Q. 1-5) : A word and answer arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input : Son 28 hide 18 96 49 love name 76 rife
Step-1: Hide son 28 18 49 love name 76 rife 96
Step-2: Love hide son 28 18 49 name rife 96 76
Step-3: Name love hide son 28 18 rife 96 76 49
Step-4: rife name love hide son 18 96 76 49 28
Step-5: Son rife name love hide 96 76 49 29 18.
Step – 5 is the last step of the rearrangement. As per the rules followed in the above steps. Find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the input given below.


Input: 48 line zoo 15 82 you come veto 31 all 85 53
1. How many steps will needed to complete the arrangement?
    (1) 4      (2) 4      (3) 6    (4) 7      (5) None of these
A: 6

2. Which of the step is: veto line come all zoo 15 you 31 85 82 53 48.
      (1) 3rd      (2) 2nd      (3) 4th          (4) 6th  (5) None of these
A: 4th

3. Which of the following would be step -1?
     (1) all 48 come zoo 15 you veto 31 53 85
     (2) Veto line come all zoo 15 you 31 85 82 53 48.
     (3) zoo 48 line 15 82 you come veto 31 all 53 85
     (4) all 48 come 15 zoo you veto 31 53 85
     (5) None of these
A: all 48 come 15 zoo you veto 31 53 85


4. In step – V, which of the following words numbers would be at 6th position
from the right.
     (1) 85      (2) zoo     (3) 31      (4) 15       (5) None of these
A: 15


5. Which of the following would be the final arrangement.
     (1) Zoo you veto line come all 85 82 53 48 31 15.
    (2) zoo you veto line come all 15 85 82 53 48 31
    (3) all come line veto you zoo 85 82 53 48 31 15
    (4) Zoo you veto line come all 82 85 53 48 31 15.
    (5) None of these
A: Zoo you veto line come all 85 82 53 48 31 15.
Sol. Input : 48 line zoo 15 82 you come veto 31 all 85 53
         Step-1: All 48 line zoo 15 82 you come veto 31 53 85
         Step-2: Come all 48 line zoo 15 you veto 31 53 85 82
         Step-3: Line come all 48 zoo 15 you veto 31 85 82 53
         Step-4: Veto line come all zoo 15 you 31 85 82 53 48
         Step-5: You veto line come all zoo 15 85 82 53 48 31
          Step-6: Zoo you veto line come all 85 82 53 48 31 15

Example 2 :
Directions (Q. 6-10) : Study the following data deliberately to answer the questions given underneath: 
Following are the capabilities for a specific post in a reputed organization.
The applicant must –
(1) be an Engineering graduate with at least 60% marks;
(2) be at least 21 years and not over 30 years old as on 1.5.2016;
(3) have passed through the determination test with no less than 55% marks;
(4) be willing pay a store of Rs. 60,000, to be discounted on consummation of training. However, if a candidate fulfills the above mentioned criteria except:
(i) At (1) above, yet has showed up for the last semester examination and has acquired a total of least 65% marks in initial seven semesters, his/her case might be referred to the V.P. of the organization;
(ii) At (4) above, however will pay a measure of at any rate Rs. 30,000 and has gotten no less than 70% marks at Engineering degree, the case possibly referred to the General Manager of the organization.

In each of the accompanying questions, points of interest of the applicant are given as respects his/her candidature. You need to read the data gave and choose his/her status in view of the conditions given above and the data gave. You are not to expect something besides the data gave in each of the following questions. All these cases are given to you as on 1-5-2016.
Give answer:
(1) If the applicant is to be selected;
(2) If the case is to be referred to the General Manager;
(3) If the case is to be referred to the V.P.;
(4) If the data provided is not adequate to take a decision;
(5) If the applicant is not to be selected.


6. Anitha is an IT engineer went out in 2014 with 52% marks. After getting the designing degree, she has done MBA with specialization in Finance. She has cleared the determination test with 60% imprints. She can pay the store of Rs. 60000. Her date of birth is fifteenth September, 1992.
A: 5
Sol. (5) Since Anitha is having only 52% in Engineering, she is not selected as condition (a) is not satisfied.

7. Jagan is an understudy of Mechanical Engineering and has showed up for the last semester examination. Results of the last semester examination are normal one month from now. He is hoping to score 65% imprints in the last semester as his total rate of the initial seven semesters is 67%. He has passed through the choice test with 60% checks and has no issue in paying the measure of Rs. 60,000 as store. He is 22 years of age at present.
A: 3
Sol. (3) Since Mr. Jagan fulfils conditions (i), b, c and d, so his case is to be decided by V.P. of the organisation.


8. Aravind has passed Computer Engineering degree with 68% marks in 2015 at the age of 22 years and is working with private engineering firm for last six months. He has cleared the selection test with 63% marks, He will manage to pay Rs. 60,000 as deposit.
A: 1
Sol. (1) Clearly the bio-data of Aravind and his qualifications are satisfying all the conditions of selection so he is selected for the job by the organisation.

9. Ajith, who has just completed 23 years of age, passed out degree in Civil engineering with 70% marks. He has cleared the selection test with 61% marks. He is willing to pay the amount of Rs. 30,000 only and will not be able to pay Rs. 60000.
A: 1
Sol. (1) Ajith’s case is a fit case to be referred to G.M. of the organisation.


10. Akash has appeared for the last semester examination of Mechanical Engineering and the results are awaited. He secured first class in each of the first seven semesters. He has recently completed 24 years of age. He has no problem in paying the required amount of Rs. 60,000 as deposit. He has passed the selection test with 58% marks.
A: 4
Sol. (4) Data given by Akash is inadequate in many informations having not been supplied.


Directions (Q. 1-5) : A word and answer arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input: good 18 to raise 02 12 money 28 for 57 charity 09
Step-1: to good 18 raise 02 12 money 28for charity 09 57
Step-2: to raise good 18 02 12 money for charity 09 28 57
Step-3: to raise money good 02 12 for charity 09 18 28 57
Step-4: to raise money good 02 for charity 09 12 18 28 57
Step-5: to raise money good for 02 charity 09 12 18 28 57
Step-6: to raise money good for charity 02 09 12 18 28 57


Input: always 19 give 21 84 for 62 14 worthy cause.
1. Which of the following would be step – 3 for the above input:
(1) worthy five for always 19 14 cause 84 6221
(2) worthy give for always 14 19 cause 21 62 84
(3) always give for worthy 19 14 cause 21 62 84
(4) worthy give for always 19 14 cause 21 62 84
(5) None of these
A: 4 (worthy give for always 19 14 cause 21 62 84)

2. How many steps would be needed to complete the arrangement for the above input.
       Step-1: Worthy always 19 give 21 for 62 14 cause 84
       Step-2: Worthy give always 19 21 F 14 cause 62 84
       Step-3: Worthy give for always 19 14 cause 21 62 84
       Step-4: Worthy give for cause always 14 19 21 62 84


3. Input: 50 62 tips on 67 how can 42 stay young 17 89 forever 03
The following stands for which step of the arrangement "young tips 50 on how can 42 17 forever 03 62 67 89"
   (1) step -3     (2) step -5     (3) step - 6     (4) step -4        (5) None of these
A: 1(step -3) 


4. Which of the words/ numbers below would be at the fifth position (from the right end) in step ‘V’ of the input.
    (1) forever     (2) 42              (3) 50          (4) Young       (5) None of these
A: 2 (42)  

5. Which of the following would be the last step for the input?
      (1) Young tips stay on how forever can 03 17 42 50 62 67 89
      (2) Young tips stay on how forever can 89 67 62 50 42 17 08
      (3) Can forever how on stay tips forever 89 67 62 50 42 17 08
      (4) Young tips stay on how forever can 03 17 42 50 67 62 62 89
     (5) None of these
A: 1(Young tips stay on how forever can 03 17 42 50 67 62 62 89)
      Step-1: Young 50 62 tips on 67 how can 42 stay 17 forever 03 89
      Step-2: Young tips 50 62 on how can 42 stay 17 forever 03 67 89
      Step-3: Young tips stay 50 on how can 42 17 forever 03 62 67 89
      Step-4: Young tips stay on how can 42 17 forever 03 50 62 67 89
      Step-5 : Young tips stay on how can 17 forever 03 42 50 62 67 89
      Step-6: Young tips stay on how forever can 03 17 42 50 62 67 89

Directions (Q. 6-10) : A word and answer arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input: Economy on 16 is cool hot begin 14 but new again 24
Step-1: begin 14 economy on 16 is cool hot but new again 24
Step-2: begin 14 again 24 economy on 16 is cool hot but new
Step-3: begin 14 again 24 on 16 economy is cool hot but new.
Step-4: begin 14 again 24 on 16 economy cool is hot but new.
Step-5: begin 14 again 24 on 16 economy cool new is hot but.
Step-6: begin 14 again 24 on 16 economy cool new hot is but.
Step-7: begin 14 again 24 on 16 economy cool new hot but is.
Step-8: begin 14 again 24 on 16 5 3 14 8 2 9
Step- 8: is the last step of the rearrangement.
Input: garden heat 36 in 28 below normal in 23 over.


6. Which of the following would be the last step of arrangement.
     (1) In 23 heat 36 in 28 normal garden below over
     (2) In 23 heat 36 in 28 14 7 2 15
     (3) In 36 heat in 23 14 7 2 15
     (4) In 23 heat 36 in 28 14 2 7 15
     (5) None of these
A: 2(In 23 heat 36 in 28 14 7 2 15)

7. Which step number will be the following output? "in 23 hear 36 in 28 garden below normal over."
    (1) Step -3      (2) Step -4       (3) Step -6     (4) Step -5      (5) None of these
A: 1(Step -3 )


8. In step – 4 which of the following words / numbers would be at 4th position form the right.
    (1) over            (2) 36            (3) below           (4) normal         (5) None of these
A: 4(normal)


9. Which of the following steps will be the last but one step of the rearrangement?
     (1) Step - 4     (2) Step - 5      (3) Step - 6     (4) Step – 7      (5) None of these
A: 1(Step - 4)


10. In step – 3 if "in" is related to "28" , ‘23’ is related to ‘garden’ and ‘heat’ is related to ‘below’ in a certain was which of the following would ‘36’ be related in the same pattern?
      (1) over         (2) Normal        (3) in                (4) 28           (5) None of these
A: 2(Normal)

      Step-1: In 23garden heat 36 in 28 below normal over
      Step-2: In 23 heat 36 garden in 28 below normal over
      Step-3: In 23 heat 36 in 28 garden below normal over
      Step-4: In 23 heat 36 in 28 normal garden below over
      Step-5: In 23 heat 36 in 28 14 7 2 15.

Race Institute, Hyderabad

Posted Date : 06-02-2021


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.


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