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In the field of competitive examinations, learning vocabulary plays a key role in scoring maximum marks in the English section. At least 3-4 questions will be asked from the synonyms and antonyms topic in almost every examination including Banking (SBI, IBPS, RBI etc.) and Staff Selection Commission (SSC) examinations. Studying synonyms and antonyms can improve the vocabulary of the aspirants. Synonyms and antonyms are not only useful in understanding the meanings and opposites of the words but also useful in solving the ‘Reading Comprehension’ topic, which is a very important topic for both Staff Selection Commission and Banking examinations. Synonyms and antonyms are also useful in answering ‘Fill in the blanks’ and ‘Cloze tests’topics. So, in order to score maximum marks in the English section, every aspirant has to concentrate on the Synonyms and antonyms also. Mugging up the words may not be a smart option to remember the subject. Knowing the meanings and opposites of the words and using them for the formation of sentences is very useful in memorizing the synonyms and antonyms.


Directions (Qs.1-28): In each of the questions given below, a word is given in bold letters and five options were given. Choose the appropriate synonym from the options that suits the word given in bold letters.

1. Ludicrous (Adjective)
a) Absurd          b) Logical          c) Realistic            d) Serious         e) Rational
Explanation: Ludicrous means so foolish, unreasonable or amusing.
Ex: It’s so ludicrous that I have gone to hit the traffic constable on my scooter.
Ans: a


2. Fishy (Adjective)
a) Truthful      b) Suspicious      c) Aboveboard          d) Honest            e) Correct
Explanation: Fishy is a phrase used to express a doubt or suspicion about something.
Ex: There's something fishy going on here.
Ans: b


3. Knave (Noun)
a) Innocent           b) Saint            c) Rogue           d) Angel               e) Hero
Explanation: Knave means a dishonest or a good-for-nothing person.
Ex: A crafty knave needs no broker.
Ans: c


4. Covert (Adjective)
a) Obvious         b) Visible         c) Exposed          d) Secret           e) Known
Explanation: Covert means concealed or not openly acknowledged regarding something.
Ex: He glanced covertly at his watch.
Ans: d

5. Defile (Verb)
a) Honour            b) Praise            c) Purge            d) Clear              e) Corrupt
Explanation: Defile means to make something dirty or no longer pure.
Ex: The homes of the victims of the earth quake have been defiled completely.
Ans: e


6. Pragmatic (Adjective)
a) Realistic       b) impractical       c) Fanciful            d) Irrational         e) theoretical
Explanation: Pragmatic means solving problems in a practical and sensible way rather than by having fixed ideas.
Ex: They are pragmatic about the spending cuts to save money.
Ans: a


7. Adversary (Noun)
a) Hospitable            b) Opposition           c) Sympathetic         d) Friendly            e) Empathetic
Explanation: Adversary means one's opponent in a contest, conflict or dispute.
Ex: The British considered Bhagat Singh as a worthy adversary and killed him.
Ans: b


8. Afflict (Verb)
a) Comfort         b) Reprieve         c) Agonize           d) Assist           e) Soothe
Explanation: Afflict means to affect somebody/ something in an unpleasant or harmful way.
Ex: She is badly afflicted with a heart problem.
Ans: c


9. Cynicism (Noun)
a) Optimism            b) Ecstasy                c) Hopefulness         d) Despair         e) Bliss
Explanation: Cynicism refers to a belief that something good will not happen or that something is not important.
Ex: The response from the minister regarding jobs was a weary cynicism.
Ans: d


10. Hefty (Adjective)
a) Puny       b) Fragile       c) Petite        d) Slight       e) Massive

Explanation: Hefty means big, heavy or large.
Ex: He sold his shares and made a hefty profit.
Ans: e


11. Righteous (Adjective)
a) Virtuous       b) Corrupt       c) Atrocious         d) Vicious       e) Nefarious
Explanation: Righteous means morally right or good.
Ex: He considered himself as holy and righteous person.
Ans: a


12. Expedient (Adjective)
a) Inadvisable            b) Convenient            c) Imprudent           d) Tactless          e) Brash
Explanation: Expedient is an adjective refersto an action that has done for a particular purpose, but it may not always fair.
Ex: The government has decided that a cut in interest rates would be politically expedient.
Ans: b


13. Disparate (Adjective)
a) Analogous             b) Akin             c) Distinct           d) Identical             e) Homogeneous
Explanation: Disparate refers to people or things that are very different from each other.
Ex: All my room-mates are a disparate group of individuals.
Ans: c


14. Moratorium (Noun)
a) Renewal             b) Resuscitation           c) Resumption            d) Suspension         e) Continuation
Explanation: Moratorium a temporary stoppage of an activity, especially by official agreement.
Ex: The government has called for a moratorium on bank loans due to Covid-19 pandemic.
Ans: d


15. Thrive (Verb)
a) Fail           b) Collapse           c) Struggle           d) Flounder             e) Flourish
Explanation: Thrive means to become and continue to be successful at anything.
Ex: New businesses thrive in Ameerpet area.
Ans: e


16. Subversive (Noun)
a) Provocative            b) Conservative          c) Moderate        d) Conventional         e) Orthodox
Explanation: Subversive is a trying to destroy or damage a government or political system by attacking it secretly or indirectly.
Ex: He was a very well-known political subversive in my hometown.
Ans: a

17. Captivate (Verb)
a) Disgust            b) Allure            c) Offend            d) Annoy             e) Repel
Explanation: Captivate means to keep somebody’s attention by being interesting or attractive.
Ex: The children were captivated by the ghost stories.
Ans: b


18. Buttress (Verb)
a) Weaken        b) Prostrate        c) Support         d) devitalize          e) Cripple
Explanation: Buttress is a structure made of stone or brick that supports a wall.
Ex: It was necessary to strengthen the building with large external buttresses.
Ans: c


19. Detention (Noun)
a) Relinquishment             b) Discharge         c) Freedom         d) Custody         e) Liberation
Explanation: Detention is the state of being kept in a place, especially a prison, and prevented from leaving.
Ex: They were sentenced to one year detention in a bank robbery case.
Ans: d


20. Pertinent (Adjective)
a) Frivolous         b) Negligible         c) Inappropriate            d) Inapt            e) Relevant
Explanation: Pertinent refers appropriate to a particular situation.
Ex: "Please keep your comments pertinent to the topic under discussion", Ronaldo said.
Ans: e


21. Defiance (Noun)
a) Disobedience            b) Submission           c) Compliance           d) Acceptance          e) Approval
Explanation: Defiance is the act of openly refusing to obey somebody or something.
Ex: North Korea resumed nuclear testing in defiance of an international ban.
Ans: a


22. Dissemination (Noun)
a) Suppression         b) Propagation            c) constraint             d) Inhibition              e) Refrainment
Explanation: Dissemination is the act of spreading information or knowledge so that it reaches many people.
Ex: The internet's role in the dissemination of knowledge is very huge.
Ans: b


23. Jeopardize (Verb)
a) Safeguard         b) Protect         c) Threaten        d) Preserve         e) Shield
Explanation: Jeopardize means to threaten something or somebody to harm or destroy.
Ex: This scandal could seriously jeopardize his chances of being re-elected as prime minister.
Ans: c


24. Lucrative (Adjective)
a) Abortive          b) Bootless          c) Futile          d) Profitable        e) Barren
Explanation: Lucrative means making huge profits.
Ex: If my plan was worked out, I would have made my company lucrative.
Ans: d


25. Tranquillity (Noun)
a) Turmoil       b) Pandemonium             c) Bustle         d) Commotion         e) Peace
Explanation: Tranquillity is the state of being quiet or peaceful.
Ex: I found tranquillity in the Birla temple.
Ans: e


26. Inevitable (Adjective)
a) Unavoidable       b) Dubious       c) Shaky          d) Uncertain           e) Improbable
Explanation: Inevitable is an adjective to express something that you cannot avoid or prevent.
Ex: It was inevitable that there would be job losses due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Ans: a


27. Abrogate (Verb)
a) Institute           b) Abolish           c) Enact            d) Validate         e) Endorse
Explanation: Abrogate something means to officially end a law or an agreement.
Ex: The law has been abrogated because of the agitations.
Ans: b


28. Insular (Adjective)
a) Tolerant            b) Receptive         c) Narrow-minded         d) Liberal       e) Catholic
Explanation: Insular is an adjective used to express narrow-minded ideology of people, government etc.
Ex: The government often accused of being insular.
Ans: c

Some more..

Directions (Qs.1-5): Find the correct synonym of the given word.




A) PITIFUL           B) CURIOUS      C) INSIGNIFICANT            D) DULL




A) HONOUR         B) PLEAD         C) COMMAND           D) REFUSE


Directions (Qs.6-10): Find the correct antonym  of the given word.


A) CAUTIOUS        B) ALERT        C) RASH       D) WARY


A) SUPPLE         B) STIFF               C) STALE           D) SOFT




A) NARROW      B) WIDE    C) LONG      D) LARGE


Some useful tips

Don’t mug up words, but understand:
* By-hearting the words with their meanings and opposites won’t help you in memorizing all of them at the time of examination.
Alternatively, understanding the meaning of the word and forming some sentences using its synonyms and antonyms will help in memorizing them.

Improve vocabulary day-by-day:
* Notice the syntax of the sentences by reading English newspapers, novels etc. daily and try to form your own sentences.
* Listen to the English commentary of games, sports, events etc. more often.
* Make a list of difficult words you learn every day and keep revising them regularly as it is best possible way to memorize the words.
Read previous year’s question papers and analyse them:
* Previous year’s question papers of SSC examinations play a significant role in learning new words.
* By practicing previous year’s papers, you can get an idea regarding which type of questions asked in the previous years.
* By finding synonyms and antonyms of each difficult word in those papers will surely help in enhancing your vocabulary.

Use the elimination method:
* Elimination method is very helpful in reducing the number of options in the exam so that chances of selecting correct answer increases significantly.
* Out of the four options given, we might know the meaning of at least two to three options.
* By eliminating similar words, it will become easier to answer the question with a smaller number of options.

Do not answer just by guessing:
Every competitive exam has negative marking system for wrong answers. So, answering a question just by guessing is not the correct way to attempt the question as it may lead to negative marking.
* If you don’t know the correct answer and there are no clues to find it, just leave that question and move on to another question. Accuracy matters the most here.


1. The word ‘OBLIGATORY’ means ‘required by a legal, moral, or other rule; compulsory’.
Meanings of the given options are:
MANDATORY: Required by law or mandate; compulsory.
RECKLESS: Rash or impetuous.
USELESS: Not useful.
AGGRESSIVE: Ready to attack or confront. From the options, the word ‘mandatory’ (option A) gives the closest meaning to the word ‘Obligatory’.

2. The word ‘SCINTILLATING’ means ‘sparkling or shining brightly’.
Meanings of the given options are:
STINGING: Capable of wounding or piercing with a sting.
FLATTERING: Pleasing or gratifying.
BORING: Not interesting.
From the options, the word ‘Glittering’ (option B) gives the closest meaning to the word ‘Scintillating’.

3. The word ‘PATHETIC’ means ‘arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness.’
Meanings of the given options are:
deserving or arousing pity.
CURIOUS: eager to know or learn something.
INSIGNIFICANT: too small or unimportant to be worth consideration.
DULL: lacking interest or excitement.
From the options, the word ‘PITIFUL’ (option A) gives the closest meaning to the word ‘PATHETIC’.

4. The word ‘PENITENCE’ means ‘showing sorrow and regret for doing something wrong’.
Meanings of the given options are:
The capacity to tolerate problems or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
ADMIRATION: something respectful, impressive, or worthy of respect.
REPENTANCE: sincere regret or remorse.
MISERY: a state or feeling of great physical or mental distress or discomfort.
From the options, the word ‘REPENTANCE’ (option C) gives the closest meaning to the word ‘PENITENCE’.

5. The word ‘IMPLORE’ means ‘beg someone desperately to do something.’
Meanings of the given options are:
high respect; great esteem.
PLEAD: make an emotional appeal.
COMMAND: give an authoritative or peremptory order.
REFUSE: not willing to do something.
From the options, the word ‘PLEAD’ (option B) gives the closest meaning to the word ‘IMPLORE’.

6. The word ‘VICIOUS’ means ‘violent and cruel’.
Meanings of the given options are:
VIRTUOUS: having high moral standards.
SINFUL: wicked and immoral.
BANEFUL: harmful or destructive.
From the options, the word ‘VIRTUOUS’ (option B) gives the opposite meaning to the word ‘VICIOUS’.

7. ‘VIGILANT’ means ‘being careful or keeping an eye on possible dangers or difficulties.’
Meanings of the given options are:
Being careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.
ALERT: quick to notice any unusual and potentially dangerous or difficult circumstances.
RASH: reckless or carelessness in doing something.
WARY: Being cautious about possible dangers or problems.
From the options, the word ‘RASH’ (option C) gives the opposite meaning to the word ‘VIGILANT’.

8. The word ‘FLEXIBLE’ means ‘capable of bending easily without breaking.’
Meanings of the given options are:
easy to bend or move; flexible.
STIFF: not easy to bend or move; rigid
STALE: no longer fresh and pleasant to eat.
SOFT: easy to mould, cut, compress, or fold.
From the options, the word ‘STIFF’ (option B) gives the opposite meaning to the word ‘FLEXIBLE’.

9. The word ‘LIBERTY’ means ‘a state of being free within a society from some other’s control or restrictions.’
Meanings of the given options are:
being self-sufficient to make one’s own choices.
DELIVERANCE: the action of being rescued or set free.
CONVENIENCE: the quality or state of being available
DEPENDENCE: the state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something else.
From the options, the word ‘DEPENDENCE’ (option D) gives the opposite meaning to the word ‘LIBERTY’.

10. The word ‘BROAD’ means ‘having a distance larger than usual from side to side’.
Meanings of the given options are:
something not extended over a large area.
WIDE: extending over a large area
LONG: having great length from one end to another end.
LARGE: relatively great size, extent, or capacity.
From the options, ‘NARROW’ (option A) gives the opposite meaning to ‘BROAD’.

Posted Date : 15-04-2022


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.


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