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Double Blank Fill in the Blanks

In these types of questions instead of one blank there are two blanks in a given sentence.

Tips To Solve Double Fill in the blanks:
l Read the sentence with the omitted words completely.
l Formulate an answer in your mind.
l Look at the options and select the one which is closest to the one you have thought of.
l Check whether both the words fit in suitably in the given context.

Example: The tigress was brutally ........ and ........ for commercial purposes.
A) murdered, captured
B) killed, skinned
C) assassinated, chained
D) slayed, chained 

Sol: The word ‘brutally’ should give you the clue that the tigress had been attacked or killed. ‘commercial purposes’ should give you the clue that something of the tigress had been sold. If you look at the options now, you will see that though 'murdered' can be used with ‘brutally’, one does not use the word 'murdered with reference to animals. Thus [a] is ruled out. Again one does not assassinate a tigress, [c] is ruled out as well. Look at option [d], the first word fits perfectly, but you cannot 'chain' a 'slain' animal. [d] is also ruled out, this leaves you with [b] as the answer. The tigress was brutally killed and skinned for commercial purposes. Hence, [b].

Ans: B

Model Questions

Directions (Qs. 1 - 18): In each of the following sentences there are some blank spaces. Find out which word / pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

1. New research suggests that as threatening as they may feel, ........ relationships can often enhance social and emotional development more than they impede it.
A) illicit B) harmonious
C) cosmic D) cross-cultural

2. The knowledge a student acquires in an ethnic studies course that stays clear of indoctrination may lead down the road to ........ even revolutionary, activity; you can't control what students do with the ideas they are exposed to.
A) counter-hegemonic B) racist
C) adamant D) compliant

3. Google's ........ for collecting vast amounts of data about its users and their online habits has prompted increasing fears that Google could become a threat to consumer privacy.
A) enigma B) histrionics
C) appetite D) ingenuity

4. Working women who double as caregivers still carry a disproportionate load of household ........ even as men have begun shouldering more responsibilities.
A) groceries B) ceremonies
C) frugalities D) chores

5. Some wealthy investors are still ........ away from the stock market, but others consider the recent yo-yo streak a blip and are thinking more seriously about equities.
A) whiling B) screening
C) shying D) blistering

6. Aalto, like other modernists, believed that form follows function; consequently, his furniture designs asserted the ........ of human needs, and the furniture's form was ........ human use.
A) universality, refined by
B) importance, relegated to
C) rationale, emphasized by
D) primacy, determined by

7. Congress is having great difficulty developing a consensus on energy policy, primarily because the policy objectives of various members of Congress rest on such ....... assumptions.
A) commonplace B) trivial
C) explicit D) divergent

8. Although adolescent maturational and developmental states occur in an orderly sequence, their timing ........ with regard to onset and duration.
A) lasts B) varies
C) falters D) accelerates

9. Despite many decades of research on the gasification of coal, the data accumulated are not directly ....... to environmental questions, thus a new program of research specifically addressing such questions is ........
A) analogous, promising
B) transferable, contradictory
C) antithetical, unremarkable
D) applicable, warranted

10. By idiosyncratically refusing to dismiss an insubordinate member of his staff, the manager not only ........ established policy, but he also ........ his chances for promotion.
A) instituted, bettered
B) recognized, promoted
C) contravened, jeopardized
D) reiterated, computed

11. It has been argued that politics as ........, whatever its transcendental claims, has always been the systematic organization of common hatreds.
A) a theory B) an ideal
C) a practice D) a contest

12. As for alleged value of expert opinion, one need only ........ government records to see ........ evidence of the failure of such opinions in many fields.
A) inspect, questionable
B) retain, circumstantial
C) distribute, possible D) consult, strong

13. The old man could not have been accused of ........ his affection; his ........ conduct towards the child betrayed his her.
A) lavishing, fondness for
B) sparing, tolerance of
C) rationing, antipathy for
D) stinting, adoration of

14. Because folk art is neither completely rejected nor accepted as an art form by art historians, their final evaluations of it necessarily remain ........
A) arbitrary B) equivocal
C) orthodox D) unspoken

15. Although many findings of the Soviet and United States probes of Venus were complementary, the two sets of atmospheric results clearly could not be ........ without a major change of data or .......
A) obtained, experimentation
B) completed, position
C) matched, implementation
D) reconciled, interpretation

16. While it is assumed that the mechanization of work has a ........ effect on the lives of workers, there is evidence available to suggest that, on the contrary, mechanization has served to ........ someof the traditional roles of women.
A) salutary, improve
B) revolutionary, reinforce
C) benign, revise D) debilitating, weaken

17. Comparatively few rock musicians are willing to laugh at themselves, although a hint of ........ can boost sales of video clips very nicely.
A) self-deprecation B) congeniality
C) cynicism D) embarrassment

18. Nature's energy efficiency often ........ human technology: despite the intensity of the light fire flies produce, the amount of heat is negligible; only recently have humans developed chemical light producing systems whose efficiency ........ the firefly's system.
A) engenders, manipulates
B) reflects, simulates
C) outstrips, rivals D) inhibits, matches


1. The clue in the question is threatening. While there is no indicator to fit illicit, cosmic is irrelevant. Only (D) is the correct choice.

2. The blank is followed by the words even revolutionary, which clearly point at (A) as the right choice.

3. To collect data, which quality that too induces fears in consumers is expected? Appetite is the best fit here.

4. The correct word should be a synonym of domestic activities. Hence, (D) is the best option

5. The right choice should be similar to resistant or reluctant. The clue is but followed by more seriously and this makes (C) as the right option.

6. The important clues are 'form follows function' and 'human needs' and 'human use'. Hence the right option is (D).

7. The main clue in this sentence is 'great difficulty developing a consensus'. Therefore the best option is 'divergent'.

8. The key part of the sentence is 'Although...... in an orderly sequence'. Hence we have to check an option which is opposite of 'orderly'. Hence the right option is 'Varies'

9. The main clue is 'Despite many decades of research on the gasification of coal' and 'a new program of research'. The correct answer option is (D).

10. The main clues are 'idiosyncratically refusing to dismiss an in subordinate member' and 'chances for promotion'. Hence the right option is (C).

11. The main clues are 'politics as' and 'whatever its transcendental claims'. Therefore the best option is (C).

12. Key to this question revolves around alleged value of expert opinion' and 'evidence of the failure of such opinions'. Therefore the apt option is (D).

13. The main clues are the old man could not have been accused of' and 'his conduct towards the child betrayed'. The latent meaning here is that the old man showed his adoration for the child in his conduct and therefore cannot be accused of limiting his affection or stinting his affection. Therefore the best option is (D). 

14. The main point of information is 'folk art is neither completely rejected nor accepted'. Hence the best option is (B).

15. The sentence begins with 'Although many findings of the Soviet and United States probes of Venus were complementary'. Since the word 'Although is present, the rest of the sentence ought to be opposite in view. Therefore the best option is (D).

16. The main clue is 'on the contrary', which implies that the concluding part of the sentence has an opposite view to the beginning of the sentence. Therefore the best option is (B).

17. The sentence implies that hardly any rock musician wants to laugh at himself in spite of the fact that this boosts the sales of video clips. Therefore the best option is (A).

18. The clue here is 'despite the intensity of the light fire flies produce, the amount of heat is negligible' and 'only recently'. Hence the appropriate answer is (C).

Model Questions

Directions (Qs. 1 - 18): In each of the following sentences there are some blank spaces. Find out which word / pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

1. New research suggests that as threatening as they may feel, ........ relationships can often enhance social and emotional development more than they impede it.
A) illicit        B) harmonious
C) cosmic      D) cross-cultural

2. The knowledge a student acquires in an ethnic studies course that stays clear of indoctrination may lead down the road to ........ even revolutionary, activity; you can't control what students do with the ideas they are exposed to.
A) counter-hegemonic           B) racist
C) adamant                 D) compliant

3. Google's ........ for collecting vast amounts of data about its users and their online habits has prompted increasing fears that Google could become a threat to consumer privacy.
A) enigma           B) histrionics
C) appetite          D) ingenuity

4. Working women who double as caregivers still carry a disproportionate load of household ........ even as men have begun shouldering more responsibilities.
A) groceries          B) ceremonies
C) frugalities          D) chores

5. Some wealthy investors are still ........ away from the stock market, but others consider the recent yo-yo streak a blip and are thinking more seriously about equities.
A) whiling         B) screening
C) shying           D) blistering

6. Aalto, like other modernists, believed that form follows function; consequently, his furniture designs asserted the ........ of human needs, and the furniture's form was ........ human use.
A) universality, refined by
B) importance, relegated to
C) rationale, emphasized by
D) primacy, determined by

7. Congress is having great difficulty developing a consensus on energy policy, primarily because the policy objectives of various members of Congress rest on such ....... assumptions.
A) commonplace        B) trivial
C) explicit             D) divergent

8. Although adolescent maturational and developmental states occur in an orderly sequence, their timing ........ with regard to onset and duration.
A) lasts           B) varies
C) falters            D) accelerates

9. Despite many decades of research on the gasification of coal, the data accumulated are not directly ....... to environmental questions, thus a new program of research specifically addressing such questions is ........
A) analogous, promising
B) transferable, contradictory
C) antithetical, unremarkable
D) applicable, warranted

10. By idiosyncratically refusing to dismiss an insubordinate member of his staff, the manager not only ........ established policy, but he also ........ his chances for promotion.
A) instituted, bettered
B) recognized, promoted
C) contravened, jeopardized
D) reiterated, computed

11. It has been argued that politics as ........, whatever its transcendental claims, has always been the systematic organization of common hatreds.
A) a theory           B) an ideal
C) a practice         D) a contest

12. As for alleged value of expert opinion, one need only ........ government records to see ........ evidence of the failure of such opinions in many fields.
A) inspect, questionable
B) retain, circumstantial
C) distribute, possible D) consult, strong

13. The old man could not have been accused of ........ his affection; his ........ conduct towards the child betrayed his her.
A) lavishing, fondness for
B) sparing, tolerance of
C) rationing, antipathy for
D) stinting, adoration of

14. Because folk art is neither completely rejected nor accepted as an art form by art historians, their final evaluations of it necessarily remain ........
A) arbitrary          B) equivocal
C) orthodox         D) unspoken

15. Although many findings of the Soviet and United States probes of Venus were complementary, the two sets of atmospheric results clearly could not be ........ without a major change of data or .......
A) obtained, experimentation
B) completed, position
C) matched, implementation
D) reconciled, interpretation

16. While it is assumed that the mechanization of work has a ........ effect on the lives of workers, there is evidence available to suggest that, on the contrary, mechanization has served to ........ someof the traditional roles of women.
A) salutary, improve
B) revolutionary, reinforce
C) benign, revise        D) debilitating, weaken

17. Comparatively few rock musicians are willing to laugh at themselves, although a hint of ........ can boost sales of video clips very nicely.
A) self-deprecation          B) congeniality
C) cynicism                  D) embarrassment

18. Nature's energy efficiency often ........ human technology: despite the intensity of the light fire flies produce, the amount of heat is negligible; only recently have humans developed chemical light producing systems whose efficiency ........ the firefly's system.
A) engenders, manipulates
B) reflects, simulates
C) outstrips, rivals     D) inhibits, matches


1-D    2-A    3-C    4-D    5-C    6-D    7-D    8-B    9-D    10-C    11-C    12-D    13-D     14-B     15-D     16-B


1. The clue in the question is threatening. While there is no indicator to fit illicit, cosmic is irrelevant. Only (D) is the correct choice.

2. The blank is followed by the words even revolutionary, which clearly point at (A) as the right choice.

3. To collect data, which quality that too induces fears in consumers is expected? Appetite is the best fit here.

4. The correct word should be a synonym of domestic activities. Hence, (D) is the best option

5. The right choice should be similar to resistant or reluctant. The clue is but followed by more seriously and this makes (C) as the right option.

6. The important clues are 'form follows function' and 'human needs' and 'human use'. Hence the right option is (D).

7. The main clue in this sentence is 'great difficulty developing a consensus'. Therefore the best option is 'divergent'.

8. The key part of the sentence is 'Although...... in an orderly sequence'. Hence we have to check an option which is opposite of 'orderly'. Hence the right option is 'Varies'

9. The main clue is 'Despite many decades of research on the gasification of coal' and 'a new program of research'. The correct answer option is (D).

10. The main clues are 'idiosyncratically refusing to dismiss an in subordinate member' and 'chances for promotion'. Hence the right option is (C).

11. The main clues are 'politics as' and 'whatever its transcendental claims'. Therefore the best option is (C).

12. Key to this question revolves around alleged value of expert opinion' and 'evidence of the failure of such opinions'. Therefore the apt option is (D).

13. The main clues are the old man could not have been accused of' and 'his conduct towards the child betrayed'. The latent meaning here is that the old man showed his adoration for the child in his conduct and therefore cannot be accused of limiting his affection or stinting his affection. Therefore the best option is (D).

14. The main point of information is 'folk art is neither completely rejected nor accepted'. Hence the best option is (B).

15. The sentence begins with 'Although many findings of the Soviet and United States probes of Venus were complementary'. Since the word 'Although is present, the rest of the sentence ought to be opposite in view. Therefore the best option is (D). 

16. The main clue is 'on the contrary', which implies that the concluding part of the sentence has an opposite view to the beginning of the sentence. Therefore the best option is (B).

17. The sentence implies that hardly any rock musician wants to laugh at himself in spite of the fact that this boosts the sales of video clips. Therefore the best option is (A). 18. The clue here is 'despite the intensity of the light fire flies produce, the amount of heat is negligible' and 'only recently'. Hence the appropriate answer is (C).

Posted Date : 02-05-2022


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.


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