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One-Word Substitution

One-Word Substitution

One-word substitution means replacing a lengthy phrase in a sentence with a single word in order to make the sentence clearer and concise. We also know it as ‘Verbatim’. Having excellent knowledge of one-word substitutions has several benefits. One-word substitutions add diversity and complexity to writing, yet the sentence remains shorter and precise, without changing the meaning and context of the sentence. Shortening sentences lessen the words and save space and time as well. It also helps in avoiding repetitions in language.  Because of its complexity, candidates often get questions from one-word substitution topics from many recruiting agencies such as Insurance companies, UPSC, IBPS, Staff Selection Commission (SSC), National Defence Academy (NDA)

Model Questions

Directions (Qs. 1 - 25): Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of words.
1. That cannot be dispensed with.
A) Indispensable    B) Interregnum     C) Illegible       D) Crusade

Ans: A

2. A person who remains absent from duty without permission.
A) Sot      B) Traunt      C) Termagant      D) Allegory

Ans: B

3. Compulsory enlistment for military service.
A) Conscription      B) Chronology      C) Ephemeral      D) Facsimile

Ans: A

4. A person who sneers at the belief of others.
A) Debonair      B) Cynosure      C) Cynic      D) Gourment

Ans: C

5. One who is unable to pay his debts.
A) Narcissist      B) Samaritan      C) Pessimist      D) Insolvent

Ans: D

6. A person who journeys from place to place.
A) Itinerant      B) Martyr      C) Mercenary      D) Impostor

Ans: A

7. A person who is brilliant performer on stage.
A) Verbuse      B) Virtuoso      C) Sot      D) Traunt

Ans: B

8. One who is hard to please.
A) Epicure      B) Fatalist      C) Fastidious      D) Cynic

Ans: C

9. A person who is bad in spellings.
A) Hedonist      B) Debonair      C) Heretic      D) Cacographist

Ans: D

10. One who is blindly devoted to an idea.
A) Chauvinist      B) Cacographist      C) Cynosure      D) Convalescent

Ans: A

11. A person who is dabbler in art, science and literature.
A) Epicure      B) Dilettante      C) Effeminate      D) Egotist

Ans: B

12. One who leads an immortal life.
A) Novice      B) Libertine      C) Polygot      D) Recluse

Ans: B

13. A person who walks in sleep.
A) Somniloquist    B) Swashbuckler    C) Somnambulist    D) Stoic

Ans: C

14. A woman who flirts with men.
A) Connoisseur      B) Convalescent      C) Coquette      D) Fugitive

Ans: C

15. A story that expresses ideas through symbols.
A) Abdication      B) Almanac      C) Anomaly      D) Allegory

Ans: D

16. A decision made by public voting.
A) Plebiscite      B) Elysium      C) Creche      D) Regalia

Ans: A

17. A place where fruit trees are grown.
A) Tannery      B) Orchard      C) Orchid      D) Scullery

Ans: B

18. A residence for nuns.
A) Venial      B) Sty      C) Convent      D) Mint

Ans: C

19. A person who studies the pattern of voting in elections.
A) Usurer      B) Compere      C) Curator      D) Psephologist

Ans: D

20. Government by the inexperienced persons.
A) Neocracy    B) Democracy   C) Plutocracy    D) Panarchy

Ans: A

21. Murder of one’s sister.
A) Uxoricide      B) Sororicide      C) Regicide      D) Filicide

Ans: B

22. A collection of poems.
A) Anthology      B) Retinue      C) Brace      D) Broad

Ans: A

23. A section of hair.
A) Order      B) Lock      C) Drove      D) Code

Ans: B

24. A number of arrows, stones.
A) Troupe      B) Barrage      C) Volley      D) Suit

Ans: C

25. The study of sound.
A) Acoustics      B) Aesthetics      C) Aeronautics      D) Alchemy

Ans: A


1. That cannot be dispensed with is Indispensable.
Example: Your assistance is indispensable for us.

2. A person who remains absent from duty without permission is a traunt.
Example: In seventh grade he played traunt at school.

3. Compulsory enlistment for military service is conscription.
Example: The British army is recruited by conscription.

4. A person who sneers at the belief of others is cynic.
Example: Ritu is too much of a cynic to see the benefits of a relationship.

5. One who is unable to pay his debts is Insolvent.
Example: My friend’s company was later declared insolvent

6. A person who journeys from place to place is on itinerant.
Example: The work of the itinerant team is different.

7. A person who is brilliant performer on stage is a virtuoso.
Example: Renu was also a virtuoso on the guitar.

8. One who is hard to please is fastidious.
Example: She is too fastidious to do anything dirty.

9. A person who is bad in spellings is a Cacographist.
Example: Since your cacography is difficult you need a lot of practice in preparing an article.

10. One who is blindly devoted to an idea is called a chauvinist.
Example: Some people consider my friend to be a chauvinist when it comes to her religion.

11. A person who is dabbler in art, science and literature is dilettante.
Example: Rani is a bit of a dilettante as far as wine is concerned.

12. One who leads an immortal life is a libertine.
Example: She is said to have been a great libertine.

13. A person who walks in sleep is a somnambulist.
Example: My brother-in-law is a somnambulist.

14. A woman who flirts with men is coquette.
Example: Rita was not a coquetee.

15. A story that expresses ideas through symbols is an allegory.
Example: Santa Claus is a allegory which is very interesting.

16. A decision made by public voting is Plebiscite.
Example: People are going to hold a plebiscite on the question of integrity.

17. A place where fruit trees are grown is orchard.
Example: Many varieties of orchards are becoming rare.

18. A residence for nuns is a convent.
Example: Reema left the convent before taking her final vows.

19. A person who studies the pattern of voting in elections is Psephologist.
Example: Electoral psephologist Williams wrote many publications.

20. Government by the inexperienced persons is neocracy.
Example: Due to neocracy of politicians there is a huge unemployment.

21. Murder of one’s sister is sororicide.
Example: The most dangerous form of sibling abuse is sororicide.

22. A collection of poems is anthology.
Example: I have an anthology which is beautiful.

23. A section of hair is lock.
Example: A lock of hair is curled.

24. A number of arrows, stones is volley.
Example: A volley is kept in a locked room.

25. The study of sound is acoustics.
Example: This theatre has modern interior and great acoustics.

Some more 

1. A part of a country’s government, responsible for its legal system.
1) Judiciary   2) Legislature   3) Police     4) Executive
Judiciary: A legal system of courts that interpret and apply the law in a country.
Legislature: An assembly with the authority to make laws for a country.
Police: The civil force of a state, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order.
Executive: A branch of a government, responsible for putting decisions or laws into effect.      
Ans: 1


2. An instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.
1) Thermometer       2) Barometer    3) Altimeter       4) Ammeter
Thermometer: An instrument for measuring and indicating temperature.
Barometer: An instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.
Altimeter: An instrument for measuring altitude.
Ammeter: An instrument for measuring electric current.         
Ans: 2

3. One who walks in sleep.
1) Omnipotent       2) Philanthropist         3) Somnambulist        4) Pedestrian
Omnipotent: One who has unlimited power. 
Philanthropist: One who donates money.
Somnambulist: One who walks in sleep.
Pedestrian: One who walks on the road.   
 Ans: 3

4. Liable to break easily.
1) Thin           2) Soft           3) Bent             4) Brittle
Explanation: Thin: With little thickness or depth.
Smooth: Having a smooth surface or texture.
Bent: Sharply curved or having an angle.
Brittle: Hard, but liable to break easily.
Ans: 4

5. A place for storing guns and military equipment.
1) Arsenal          2) Archive           3) Apiary             4) Aviary
Arsenal: A place where weapons and military equipment are stored or made.
Archive: A place where historical documents or records are kept.
Apiary: A place where bees are kept.
Aviary: A place where birds are kept.
Ans: 1

6. That which can be drawn into a thin wire
1) Smooth        2) Ductile       3) Flexible          4) Brittle
Smooth: Having an even and regular surface.
Ductile: Able to be drawn out into a thin wire.
Flexible: Capable of bending easily without breaking.
Brittle: Hard but liable to break easily.
Ans: 2


7. Too unimportant to consider.
1) Nothing       2) Noticeable        3) Trivial           4) Diminutive
Nothing: Something of no importance or concern.
Noticeable: Easily seen or noticed.
Trivial: Having little value or importance.
Diminutive: Extremely or unusually small.
Ans: 3

8. Incapable of being read.

1) Unseen           2) Eligible          3) Vague            4) Illegible
Unseen: Not seen or noticed.
Eligible: Having the right to do or obtain something.
Vague: Uncertain or unclear.
Illegible: Not clear enough to be read.
 Ans: 4

9. One who does not tire easily.
1) Indefatigable         2) Inflatable        3) Indelible             4) Indestructible
Indefatigable: Not able to tire easily.
Inflatable: Capable of being filled with air.
Indelible: Not able to be forgotten.
Indestructible: Not able to be destroyed.
Ans: 1

10. That which cannot be heard.
1) Slight        2) Inaudible            3) Invisible        4) Hidden
Slight: Small in degree; inconsiderable.
Inaudible: Unable to be heard.
Invisible: Unable to be seen.
Hidden: Kept out of sight; concealed.
Ans: 2

11. Incapable of being corrected.
1) Incredible           2) Inviolable          3) Incorrigible      4) Impossible
Incredible: Difficult to believe; extraordinary.
Inviolable: Never to be broken, infringed or dishonoured.
Incorrigible: Not able to be changed or reformed.
Impossible: Not able to occur, exist, or be done.       
Ans: 3


12. A state of perfect balance.
1) Equinox           2) Equivalent         3) Equilateral          4) Equilibrium
Equinox: Days when daytime and night-time are of approximately equal length.
Equivalent: Equal in value.
Equilateral: Having all its sides of the same length.
Equilibrium: A state of perfect balance.
 Ans: 4

13. The act of looking back on past time.
1) Retrospection    2) Inspection     3) Circumspection     4) Introspection
Retrospection: The action of looking back on or reviewing past events or situations.
Inspection: Careful examination or scrutiny.
Circumspection: The quality of being wary and unwilling to take risks.
Introspection: The examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes.           
Ans: 1


14. That which cannot be satisfied.
1) Incredible         2) Insatiable         3) Impossible            4) Improbable
Incredible: Difficult to believe; extraordinary.
Insatiable: Impossible to satisfy.
Impossible: Not able to occur, exist, or be done.
Improbable: Not likely to be true or to happen.
Ans: 2


15. A place where fruit trees are grown.
1) Plantation        2) Farm     3) Orchard          4) Garden
Plantation: An estate on which crops such as coffee, sugar, and tobacco are grown.
Farm: An area of land used for growing crops and rearing animals.
Orchard: A place where fruit trees are grown.
Garden: A place where grass, flowers, and shrubs may be grown.
Ans: 3

16. A fictitious name used by an author.
1) Anonymous        2) Homonym      3) Alib           4) Pseudonym
Anonymous: A person with an unknown name.
Homonym: Two or more words having the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings and origins.
Alibi: A claim or piece of evidence that one was elsewhere when an act, typically a criminal one, is alleged to have taken place.
Pseudonym: A fictitious name used by an author.                  
Ans: 4


17. Sole right to make and sell some invention.
1) Patent          2) Heirloom      3) Copyright          4) Inheritance

Patent: Sole right to make and sell some invention.
Heirloom: A valuable object that has belonged to a family for several generations.
Copyright: An exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator for a fixed number of years, to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material.
Inheritance: Money, property, or assets that
someone receives from a person who has died by succession.
Ans: 1

18. One who helps a person in need.
1) Veteran     2) Samaritan     3) Collaborator      4) Mercenary
Veteran: A person who has had long experi ence in a particular field.
Samaritan: A charitable or helpful person.
Collaborator: A person who works jointly on an activity or project.
Mercenary: A person who primarily concerned
with making money at the expense of ethics.                  
Ans: 2


19. Something which cannot be understood.
1) Illegible     2) Inexplicable      3) Incomprehensible     4) Infallible
Illegible: Something not clear enough to be read.
Inexplicable: Something unable to be explained.
Incomprehensible: Something unable to be understood.
Infallible: Not able to do mistakes.
Ans: 3

20. Something which is fit to be eaten.
1) Unpalatable       2) Delicious       3) Tasty       4) Edible
Unpalatable: Something not pleasant to taste.
Delicious: Something that is pleasant to taste.
Tasty: Something having a pleasant, distinct flavour.
Edible: Something that is fit or suitable to be eaten.        
Ans: 4

21. A trade that is prohibited by law.
1) Incredible    2) Illusive     3) Illicit     4) Inapt
Incredible: Impossible to believe.
Illusive: Deceptive; illusory.
Illicit: Forbidden by law, rules, or custom.
Inapt: Not suitable or appropriate in the circumstances.
 Ans: 3      

Posted Date : 20-06-2022


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.


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