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1. Which metal is generally found in native state                                                         
      A) Cu       B) Au       C) Na       D) Ag


2. Cinnabar is the ore containing                                                                                     
      A) ZnO       B) NaCl       C) PbS       D) HgS


3. Galena is means                                                                                                             
      A) ZnO       B) ZnS       C) PbS       D) HgS


4. Match the following.                                                                                                      
1) Zinc Blende             a) ZnO
2) Magnesite                b) ZnS
3) Zincite                     c) KCl.MgCl2.6 H2O
4) Carnallite                d) MgCO3
A) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c      B) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d     C) 1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b     D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b


5. Cinnabar is the ore of                                                                                                        
      A) Zn       B) Cu       C) Mg       D) Hg


6. Which one of the following is an ore of Magnesium?                                                     
      A) Carnallite       B) Magnesite      C) Epsom Salt       D) All the above


7. Which one of the following ore is not concentrate by Froth floatation process         
      A) Copper pyrites       B) Zinc Blend      C) Galena       D) Carnallite


8. Which metal ions are present in Carnallite?                                                                   
      A) Na, Mg       B) Zn, Mg      C) K, Mg       D) Al, Na


9. The formula of haematite is                                                                                             
      A) Fe2O3       B) Fe3O4      C) FeCO3       D) FeS2


10. Thermite is a mixture of                                                                                                
      A) 1 part of powdered Al and 1 part of Fe2O3
      B) 1 part of powdered Al and 3 parts of Fe2O3
      C) 2 parts of powdered Al and 1 part of Fe2O3
      D) 3 parts of powered Al and 1 part of Fe2O3


11. The reducing agent in thermite process is                                                                      
      A) Al       B) Si       C) Mg       D) Fe


12. Arranging metals in the decreasing order of their reactivity                                       
      A) Activity Series                                       B) Reducing Series
      C) Activity Series, Reducing Series           D) None of these


13. The method suitable for purification of low boiling metals is                                       
      A) Distillation       B) Electrolytic refining      C) Poling       D) Liquation


14. The chemical process in which the ore is heated in the absence of air is called         
      A) Calcination       B) Roasting       C) Smelting       D) Poling


15. The process in which the ore is heat in the presence of air or Oxygen is called       
      A) Calcination       B) Roasting       C) Smelting       D) Poling


16. The process of covering of Iron articles with Zinc is known as                                    
      A) Electroplating       B) Galvanization       C) Painting       D) None


17. We get Silver metal (Ag) in the form of precipitation by the reaction of dicyanoargentate ion with this powder is                                                                               
      A) Alluminimum dust       B) Copper dust       C) Magnesium dust       D) Zinc dust


18. Heating process of pots and common bricks is                                                                
      A) Calcination       B) Roasting       C) Poling       D) All of above


19. Ornamental gold is                                                                                                               
      A) 20 carrats       B) 24 carrats       C) 22 carrats       D) None


20. The property that a metal substance drawn into wires is                                             
      A) Dutitity       B) Malleability       C) Sonarity       D) None of these


21. The formula of Carnallite is                                                                                                
      A) KCl. MgCO3       B) MgCl2. MgCO3       C) KCl. MgCl2. 6 H2O       D) CaCO3. MgCO3


22. Which one does not reacts with air                                                                                    
      A) Na       B) Fe       C) Mg       D) Au


23. The ore of Mercury is                                                                                                         
      A) Galena       B) Bauxite       C) Haematite       D) Cinnabar


24. What is the chemical name of the slag coming out of blast furnace.                            
      A) Calcium Carbonate     B) Calcium Acetate     C) Calcium Silicate     D) Calcium formate


25. The reactivities of Iron, Magnesium, Sodium and Zinc towards water are in the order                                                   
      A) Fe > Na > Mg > Zn            B) Zn > Mg > Na > Fe
      C) Zn > Fe > Na > Mg            D) Na > Mg > Zn > Fe

26. The correct order of metals in the activity series   

      A) Na > Cu > Zn > Ca             B) Ca > Na > Zn > Cu
      C) Na > Ca > Zn > Cu             D) Na > Cu > Ca > Zn


27. Roasting is generally done in the case of   
      A) Carbonate ores       B) Oxide ores       C) Silicate Ores       D) Sulphide ores


28. Smelting is done in  
      A) Blast furnace     B) Open hearth furnace     C) Electric furnace     D) None of the above


29. Thermite is a mixture of 
      A) Mg and BaO2       B) Fe2O3 and Apowder      C) Al2O3 and Fe       D) Al2O3 and Mg

30. The process of protecting Iron from rusting by coating with Zinc is called  
      A) Calcination       B) Roasting       C) Smelting       D) Galvanizing


31. The process to remove unwanted impurities from the ore is called 
      A) Purification       B) Concentration       C) Roasting       D) Calcination


32. Galvanized Iron is protected from rust because it has a coating of  
       A) Cr       B) Mn       C) Mg       D) Zn


33. Iron becomes hard and strong, if it is mixed with a small amount of 
      A) Platinum       B) Copper       C) Sulphur       D) Carbon


34. The total reaction in rusting the iron is  
      A) Fe + 6 CO  Fe(CO)6      B) 3 Fe + 3 O2 
 3 FeO2
      C) 2 Fe + O2 + 4 H+ 
 2 Fe+2 + 2 H2O      D) Fe + 3 H2O  Fe(OH)3 + 3/2 H2

35. Stainless steel does not rust because  
      A) Nickel present in it does not rust
      B) Iron forms a hard chemical compound with Chromium present in it.
      C) Chromium and Nickel combine with Iron
      D) Chromium forms an oxide layer and protects Iron from rusting


36. Froth floatation is method used for the purification of   
      A) Sulphide         B) Oxide         C) Carbonate         D) Nitrate


37. The oil used in the Froth flotation process is  
      A) Coconut Oil       B) Olive Oil       C) Pine Oil       D) Sunflower Oil


38. Corrosion of Iron occurs in the presence of  
      A) Water       b) Air       C) Water, Air       D) Heat


39. In stainless steel alloy, Iron metal is mixed with  
      A) Cr, Ni       B) Cu, Cr       C) Zn, Cu       D) Zn, Ni


40. The following metal is obtained by the auto (self) reduction of its sulphide ore   
      A) Zn         B) Mg         C) Pb         D) Cu


41. Which is a high reactivity metal of the following?   
       A) Hg          B) Pt        C) Zn         D) K


42. The reactivity of which metal is moderate of the following?   
       A) Na          B) Pt         C) A        D) Fe


43. Which of the following reaction is made use of to join railings of railway tracks 
        A) Thermite reaction        B) Reduction reaction     
        C) Oxidation reaction        D) None of these


44. In roasting process, the sulphide ore is converted into  
        A) Oxide     B) Sulphate     C) Carbonate        D) None of these


45. In calcination carbonate ore is converted into  
       A) Oxide      B) Metal           C) Oxide, Metal    D) None of these


46. Distillation is used for the purification of  
       A) Zn       B) Hg         C) Zn, Hg          D) Cu


47. Liquation is used for the purification of  
        A) Sn       B) Fe          C) Zn               D) Cu


48. Which of the following metals corrodes readily in moist air?  
        A) Pt         B) Fe         C) Ag               D) Au


49. Blister copper is purified by ....... method   
       A) Distillation        B) Poling          C) Liquation           D) Electrolytic refining


50. Low boiling metals are purified by ........... method  
       A) Distillation      B) Poling          C) Liquation           D) Electrolytic refining


51. During purification of crude metal the molten metal is stirred with logs of green wood in   
       A) Distillation     B) Poling     C) Liquation      D) Electrolytic refining


52. Low − melting metal like tinn can be purified by this method   
       A) Distillation      B) Poling        C) Liquation           D) Electrolytic refining


53. Low boiling metals like zinc and mercury are refined by   
       A) Distillation      B) Poling         C) Liquation         D) Electrolytic refining


54. A mineral is known as an ore if the metal   
       A) can be produced from it           B) can not be produced from it
       C) is very costly                              D) can be produced from it profitably


55. Which of the following is true?   
        A) A mineral can't be an ore         B) An ore can't be a mineral
        C) All minerals are ores                 D) All ores are minerals


56. Which of the following is not found in native state  

        A) Ag          B) Au         C) Na           D) Cu

57. Why is gold found in free state 
       A) High atomic number           B) High atomic weight
       C) High reactivity                     D) Low reactivity


58. The important ore of manganese is  
        A) Pyrolusite         B) Dolomite         C) Siderite         D) Galena


59. Cinnabar is an ore of 

        A) Ag          B) Au          C) Hg            D) Pb

60. Which one of the following is an ore of Silver 
        A) Haematite        B) Magnesite          C) Horn Silver          D) Galena


61. The substance which is added to remove impurities is known as 
        A) Catalyst        B) Gangue          C) Flux           D) Slag


62. In the froth floatation process for the purification of ores, the oreparticles float because  
       A) They are light                                  B) Their surface is not easily wetted by water
       C) They bear electrostatic charge      D) They are insoluble


63. The matallurgical process in which a metal is obtained in a fused state is called  

       A) Froth floatation     B) Smelting        C) Roasting          D) Calcination

64. The following metal is purified by poling  
       A) A         B) Fe        C) Cu              D) Mg


65. Iron ore is concentrated by 
       A) Froth floatation         B) Electrolysis      C) Roasting         D) Magnetic Separation


66. Blister copper is 

       A) Pure copper     B) Ore of copper      C) Alloy of copper    D) Impure form of copper

67. The main ore of iron is  
       A) Sulphate        B) Oxide         C) Chloride           D) Carbonate


68. In blast furnace calcium in lime stone ends up as  
       A) CaS           B) CaFeO2         C) CaSiO3          D) CaC2


69. An example of a highly reactive metal  
       A) Hg         B) Fe          C) Zn            D) Na


70. An example of a low reactive metal 
       A) K         B) A         C) Pb          D) Pt


71. Which of the following is the correct order of reactivity series   
       A) Al > K > Au > Cu > Hg          B) Na > Ca > Zn > Cu > Ag
       C) Pt > Pb > Zn > Al > Cu          D) Mg > Zn > Fe > Au > Cu


72. The correct decreasing order of the reactivity of the metals: Mg, Zn, Al, Cu, Pt, K     
       A) K, Al, Mg, Zn, Pt, Cu          B) Al, Mg, K, Pt, Zn, Cu
       C) Pt, Cu, Zn, Al, Mg, K          D) K, Mg, Al, Zn, Cu, Pt


73. Match the following 
                  (ORE)           (Formula)
           1) Horn Silver          a) MnO2
           2) Pyrolusite            b) PbS
           3) Haematite            c) AgCl
           4) Galena                  d) Fe2O3
       A) 1−b, 2−c, 3−d, 4−a             B) 1−a, 2−b, 3−d, 4−c
       C) 1−c, 2−a, 3−d, 4−b             D) 1−c, 2−d, 3−a, 4−b


74. Match the following    
                 (Formula)                        (ORE)
          1. CaSO4 . 2H2O                    a) Bauxite
          2. MgSO4 . 7H2O                   b) Carnallite
          3. KCl.MgCl2 . 6H2O             c) Gypsum
          4. Al2O3 . 2 H2O                    d) Epsom Salt
       A) 1−c, 2−b, 3−d, 4−a           B) 1−d, 2−b, 3−a, 4−c
       C) 1−a, 2−b, 3−c, 4−d           D) 1−c, 2−d, 3−b, 4−a


75. Match the following    
                (ORE)                   (Metal extracted)
          1. Pyrolusite                              a) Hg
          2. Magnesite                             b) Mn
          3. Cinnabar                                c) Ca
          4. Lime Stone                            d) Mg
       A) 1−b, 2−d, 3−c, 4−a          B) 1−b, 2−a, 3−c, 4−d
       C) 1−b, 2−d, 3−a, 4−c          D) 1−b, 2−c, 3−a, 4−d


76. Match the following   
                 (Reactivity)                      (Metals)
         1. High reactivity                   a) Zn, Fe, Pb, Cu
         2. Moderate reactivity          b) Hg, Ag, Pt, Au
         3. Low reactivity                    c) K, Na, Ca, Mg, Al
       A) 1−a, 2−b, 3−c            B) 1−c, 2−b, 3−a
       C) 1−b, 2−a, 3−c            D) 1−c, 2−a, 3−b


Answers:  1-C;   2-D;   3-C;   4-A;    5-D;   6-D;   7-D;   8-C;   9-A;   10-B;    11-A;   12-A;   13-A;   14-A;   15-B;   16-B;   17-D;   18-B;   19-C;   20-B;   21-C;   22-D;   23-D; 24-C;   25-D. 26-C;   27-D;   28-A;    29-B; 30-D;   31-B;   32-D;   33-D;   34-C;   35-D​, 36-A;   37-C;   38-C;   39-A;   40-D, 41-D, 42-D, 43−A; 44−A; 45−A; 46−C; 47−A; 48−B; 49−B. 50−A; 51−B; 52−C; 53−A; 54−D; 55−D. 56−C; 57−D; 58−A; 59−C; 60−C; 61−C; 62−B. 63−B; 64−C; 65−D; 66−D; 67−B; 68−C; 69−D. 74−D; 75−C. 76−D.

Posted Date : 17-11-2020


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.

ప్రత్యేక కథనాలు


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