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Questions on Misspelt words will be asked  in two ways as per new exam pattern:


Directions (Qs. 1 - 5): In each question below, four words are given. Find the correctly spelt word from those words. If all the words are incorrect, choose the option “All words are incorrect”.

1. A) Klaptomania    B) Klepptomania      C) Kleptemania
D) Kleptomania       E) All words are incorrect
Explanation: Kleptomania is considered as a mental disorder. A Kleptomaniac has a very strong wish to steal that he/ she cannot control, especially without any need or purpose.     Ans: D

2. A) Ommineous   B) Omineous    C) Ominous   D) Omenous    E) All words are incorrect
Explanation: Ominous means “suggesting that something unpleasant is likely to happen”.    Ans: C

3. A) Treachrous   B) Trecherous   C) Trechearous   D) Treacherous   E) All words are incorrect
Explanation: Treacherous means “extremely dangerous”. Ans: D

4. A) Indispensable    B) Indipensable    C) Indipenseble    D) Indispansible    E) All words are incorrect
Explanation: Indispensable means “someone or something that is good or important and one could not manage without them”.
Ans: A

5. A) Inflamable     B) Inflammable    C) Inflemmable     D) Inflammeble    E) All words are incorrect
Explanation: Inflammable means “a material burns very easily”.   Ans: B

Directions (Qs. 6 - 10): In each question below, four words are given. Find the wrongly spelt word from those words. If all the words are correct, choose the option “All words are correct”.

6. A) Potraite    B) Persevere    C) Pamphlet    D) Pageant    E) All words are correct
Explanation: “Portrait” is the correct spelling. Portrait means “a painting, photograph, drawing, etc. of a person or thing”. Ans: A

7. A) Periphery    B) Advartise   C) Courteous    D) Indefinite  E) All words are correct
Explanation: “Advertise” is the correct spelling. Advertise means “to make something known to public, especially in order to sell it”.
Ans: B

8. A) Notification   B) Necessity   C) Negociation    D) Negligence   E) All words are correct
Explanation: “Negotiation” is the correct spelling. Negotiation is the process of discussing something with someone in order to  reach an agreement with them.     Ans: C

9. A) Lathargy    B) Latter     C) Lateral    D) Latitude    E) All words are correct
Explanation: “Lethargy” is the correct spelling. Lethargy means “having little or no interest or being unable or unwilling to do anything”. Ans: A

10. A) Naucea     B) Naughty    C) Naturalistic    D) Nautical    E) All words are correct
Explanation: “Nausea” is the correct spelling. Nausea is the feeling that you are going to vomit.   Ans: A


Directions (Qs. 11 - 15): In each question given below, four words (A), (B), (C) and (D) are printed in bold letters. One these words printed in bold might either be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if any. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and appropriate in the context of the sentence then mark (E), i.e. 'All words are Correct', as your answer.

11. Due to access (A)/ water present in the vehicle (B)/ that carries (C)/ water, the water is spilling(D)/ on the road./ All are correct (E)
Explanation: “Access” means “the opportunity to approach or enter a place”. “excess” means “an amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable.” So, the word ‘excess’ suits best for the sentence.  Ans: A

12. Everyone has talked (A)/ about the performance (B)/ of the Indian cricket team (C)/ in the ongoing (D)/ Twenty-twenty world
cup./ All are correct (E) 

Explanation: The word ‘ongoing’ represents that the sentence is in continuous tense. So, the verb should be in continuous tense, instead of the perfect tense. Therefore ‘is talking’ suits best for the sentence. Ans: A

13. I went shopping (A)/ last weekend. There was a huge crowd (B)/ in the shopping mall. Most of (C)/ the people are doing (D)/ their Diwali’s shopping./ All are correct (E) 

Explanation: The sentence is in past tense. So, we should use a past verb to make the sentence grammatically correct. So, the word ‘were doing’ suits best for the sentence. Ans: D

14. The honey bees are buzzing (A)/ round the flowers. The bees are not (B)/ only collected (C)/ honey, they are also pollinating (D)/ the flowers as well./ All are correct (E)
Explanation: The given sentence is in present continuous tense. So, the verbs used should be also continuous verbs. So, the word ‘collecting’ suits best for the sentence.  Ans: C

15. In the banking sector companies (A)/, the law relating to the principals (B)/ of subrogation (C)/ and contribution (D)/ is of great importance./ All are correct (E)
Explanation: The word ‘principal’ means “main”. The word ‘principle’ means “a basic idea or rule that explains or controls how something happens or works”. So, the word “principles” suits best for the sentence.  Ans: B

Directions (Qs. 16 - 20): In the sentences given below, a phrase is given in bold letters. One of the words used in the phrase may be incorrect. If all the words in the phrase are suitable for the context and the sentence is grammatically correct, then choose the option “All words are correct”.

16. Mobile phones has been sighted as key examples of modern technologies.
A) has been citied
B) have been sighted
C) has been cited
D) have been cited
E) All words are correct
Explanation: The word ‘mobile phones’ is plural. So, ‘have’ should be used. The word ‘sighted’ means ‘seen’ and it is not appropriate for the sentence. The word ‘cited’ which means ‘to mention something as proof for a theory or as a reason why something has happened’ suits best for the sentence. Ans: D

17. The government facilitated athletes on their participation in the winter Olympics.
A) followed      B) fluctuated     C) felicitated      D) felecitated    E) All words are correct
Explanation: ‘Facilitate’ means “to make something possible or easier”. ‘Felicitate’ means “to praise someone for achieving a special or unusual achievement.”.    Ans: C

18. Unfortunately, the police forces of that country were working in collition with drug traffickers.
A) in collission with       B) in congregate for
C) into collide with         D) in collusion with
E) All words are correct
Explanation: The word ‘collusion’ means “supporting”.       Ans: D

19. The questionnaire was intended to illicit information on eating habits.
A) intended to ellecit     B) intended to elicit      C) intended to ilicit
D) intended to illeterate     E) All words are correct
Explanation: The word ‘illicit’ means “illegal or disapproved of by society”. The word ‘elicit’ means “to get something from someone, especially information or a reaction”. So, the word ‘elicit’ suits best in the sentence.  Ans: B

20. Air pollution in Delhi will soon sour above safety levels.
A) soared above safety levels
B) soar above safety levels
C) soured above safety levels
D) sowed above safety levels
E) All words are correct
Explanation: The word ‘sour’ means “the taste of a citrus fruit”. The word ‘soar’ means “to raise very quickly to a higher level”. So, the word ‘soar’ suits best in the sentence. Ans: B

Directions: In the following questions, four words are given out of which one word is incorrectly spelt. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
1. 1) Absence               2) Accomodate              3) Achieve               4) Acceptable 
Ans: 2 (Accommodate)


2. 1) Acknowledge           2) Acquaintance           3) Acquire             4) Aquit
Ans: 4 (Acquit)


3. 1) Acreage             2) Address             3) Adultary           4) Advisable
Ans: 3 (Adultery)


4. 1) Affect            2) Agression             3) Allegiance            4) Amateur
Ans: 2 (Aggression)


5. 1) Annually             2) Apparant             3) Arctic             4) Argument
Ans: 2 (Apparent)


6. 1) Atheist            2) Awful              3) Becomeing             4) Beginning
Ans: 3 (Becoming)

7. 1) Beleive              2) Bellwether             3) Buoyant             4) Business
Ans: 1 (Believe)


8. 1) Calender            2) Camouflage             3) Caribbean           4) Category
Ans: 1 (Calendar)


9. 1) Caught              2) Cemetary             3) Changeable             4) Chief
Ans: 2 (Cemetery)


10. 1) Colleague              2) Column            3) Commited          4) Comparison
Ans: 3 (Committed)


11. 1) Conceed            2) Congratulate           3) Conscientious          4) Conscious
Ans: 1 (Concede) 


12. 1) Consensus            2) Controversy           3) Decieve            4) Definite
Ans: 3 (Deceive)


13. 1) Desperate             2) Difference            3) Dilema             4) Disappoint
Ans: 3 (Dilemma)


14. 1) Disastrous             2) Drunkeness            3) Dumbbell            4) Embarrass
Ans: 2 (Drunkenness)


15. 1) Equipment             2) Exceed             3) Exhilarate            4) Existance
Ans: 4 (Existence)


16. 1) Experience             2) Extreme          3) Firey             4) Fascinating
Ans: 3 (Fiery)


17. 1) Fluorescent             2) Foriegn             3) Gauge              4) Friend
Ans: 2 (Foreign)


18. 1) Grateful             2) Gaurantee            3) Guidance                4) Harass
Ans: 2 (Guarantee)


19. 1) Height            2) Heirarchy             3) Humorous            4) Hygiene
Ans: 2 (Hierarchy)


20. 1) Hypocrisy             2) Ignorance            3) Imitate             4) Imediately
Ans: 4 (Immediately)


21. 1) Indict              2) Independent             3) Indispensable              4) Innoculate
Ans: 4 (Inoculate)


22. 1) Intelligence               2) Kernal             3) Leisure             4) Liaison
Ans: 2 (Kernel)


23. 1) Library             2) Maintainance           3) Medieval            4) Memento
Ans: 2 (Maintenance)


24. 1) Millennium             2) Miniature           3) Mischievious              4) Misspell
Ans: 3 (Mischievous)


25. 1) Necessary              2) Neice             3) Noticeable         4) Occasion
Ans: 2 (Niece)


26. 1) Occurrence          2) Omission              3) Original              4) Outragous
Ans: 4 (Outrageous)


27. 1) Parliament            2) Passtime            3) Perceive                 4) Perseverance
Ans: 2  (Pastime)


28. 1) Personnel              2) Plagiarize                3) Playwright             4) Posession
Ans: 4 (Possession)


29. 1) Precede             2) Presence               3) Principle             4) Privelege
Ans: 4 (Privilege)


30. 1) Professor               2) Protester             3) Promise              4) Pronounciation
Ans: 4 (Pronunciation)


31. 1) Quarentine              2) Queue                3) Questionnaire               4) Readable
Ans: 1 (Quarantine)

32. 1) Really             2) Reciept            3) Recommend            4) Referred
Ans: 2 (Receipt)


33. 1) Relevant            2) Religious           3) Repetition           4) Restaraunt
Ans: 4 (Restaurant)


34. 1) Rhyme              2) Rhythm           3) Secretery               4) Seize
Ans: 3 (Secretary)


35. 1) Separate          2) Sergeant            3) Similar         4) Supercede
Ans: 4 (Supersede)


36. 1) Tommorow              2) Twelfth           3) Tyranny               4) Underrate
Ans: 1 (Tomorrow)


37. 1) Upholstery             2) Usable           3) Vaccuum           4) Vicious
Ans: 3 (Vacuum)


38. 1) Wierd          2) Welfare            3) Withhold            4) Whether
Ans: 1 (Weird)


39. 1) Solemnly              2) Premier             3) Sacrilegious             4) Embbarrassing
Ans: 4 (Embarrassing)


40. 1) Bureaucracy            2) Acquaintance           3) Connoisseur           4) Neauseated
Ans: 4 (Nauseated)


41. 1) Entrepreneur            2) Judgement             3) Septuagenarian           4) Ingenous
Ans: 4 (Ingenious)  (Ingenious and ingenuous (two different words with different meanings))


42. 1) Deceit            2) Definition          3) Tuition           4) Desparate
Ans: 4 (Desperate)

43. 1) Etiquette             2) Wednesday             3) Almond            4) Itinerery
Ans: 4 (Itinerary)


44. 1) Debutent          2) Epitome            3) Chaos            4) Boutique
Ans: 1 (Debutant) (Debutant (man); Debutante (woman))


45. 1) Basically          2) Bizarre           3) Chauffor           4) Completely
Ans: 3 (Chauffeur)


46. 1) Curiousity           2) Ecstasy            3) Environment           4) Familiar
Ans: 1 (Curiosity)


47. 1) Forty            2) Foreseeable         3) Floresent           4) Further
Ans: 3 (Fluorescent)


48. 1) Glamurous            2) Guard            3) Honorary            4) Idiosyncrasy
Ans: 1 (Glamorous)


49. 1) Interrupt            2) Irresistible                 3) Independant           4) Knowledge
Ans: 3 (Independent)


50. 1) Threshold             2) Propaganda          3) Persistent          4) Pavillion
Ans: 4 (Pavilion)


51. 1) Aberrant          2) Abnormalities         3) Absorpsion            4) Accessible
Ans: 3 (Absorption)


52. 1) Acquitted            2) Adolescent           3) Alledged              4) Allegiance
Ans: 3 (Alleged)


53. 1) Bankruptcy           2) Bureaucracy             3) Benificial            4) Breakthrough
Ans: 3 (Beneficial)


54. 1) Cacaphony           2) Camaraderie           3) Connotation              4) Capitalize
Ans: 1 (Cacophony)


55. 1) Carnivorous          2) Ceremonial          3) Characteristic          4) Carismatic
Ans: 4 (Charismatic)


56. 1) Chronicel            2) Claustrophobia              3) Coefficient             4) Colossal
Ans: 1 (Chronicle)


57. 1) Comprehensive            2) Conjecture            3) Compatable            4) Consequently
Ans: 3 (Compatible)


58. 1) Corollary            2) Desendant            3) Decipher             4) Deficit
Ans: 2 (Descendant)


59. 1) Defendent          2) Definition            3) Dependency            4) Designed
Ans: 1 (Defendant)


60. 1) Desperation          2) Detatchment             3) Deterrence            4) Detrimental
Ans: 2 (Detachment)


61. 1) Discrepancy          2) Dissemination             3) Documentery               4) Excessive
Ans: 3 (Documentary)


62. 1) Efficiency          2) Embelishment          3) Emissary            4) Emission
Ans: 2 (Embellishment)


63. 1) Equivalent            2) Essense          3) Etymology          4) Excellent
Ans: 2 (Essence)


64. 1) Exhibition           2) Existance             3) Facilitate           4) Fascism
Ans: 2 (Existence)


65. 1) Feasible            2) Footware            3) Forecast          4) Foreigner
Ans: 2 (Footwear)


66. 1) Foresight            2) Gaurdian             3) Heinous             4) Handful
Ans: 2 (Guardian)


67. 1) Ideologies             2) Immense                3) Imitation           4) Illegimate
Ans: 4 (Illegitimate)


68. 1) Impliment         2) Inaugurate           3) Inaccessible          4) Insinuate
Ans: 1 (Implement)


69. 1) Endurance          2) Intuition           3) Laboratory            4) Irresistable
Ans: 4 (Irresistible)


70. 1) Lieutenant              2) Miscellaneous            3) Omitted            4) Refering
Ans: 4 (Referring)



Directions (Qs. 1-14): In each question below, four words printed in bold type are given. These are labelled (a), (b), (c) and (d). One of these words printed in bold may either be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if any. The letter of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and appropriate in the context of the sentence, then mark (e) i.e. 'All Correct' as your answer.

1. She complemented (a) him on his achievements (b) with respect to the propaganda (c), but she was not genuine (d) in doing so. All Correct (e)
Explanation: The word complement is related to completion, while the word “compliment” means “an expression of praise, commendation, or admiration”. Obviously, the more appropriate word in the context (achievement) is “complimented”.
Ans: a


2. Apparently, (a) after the severe accident, (b) nothing else mattered (c) to him accept (d) that he was alive. All Correct (e)
Explanation: The word “accept” means to agree or to receive something offered. It is not apt in the context. A more appropriate word is “except”, which means excluding or with the exception of.
Ans: d


3. His aggressive (a) acquaintance (b) committed (c) an error by telling his opponent that he would kill her with his bear (d) hands. All Correct (e) Explanation: As a noun “bear” is the name of a big furry animal. As a verb it means to tolerate, to carry something. The word “bare” means minimal, naked, uncovered, or without supplies. Obviously, “bare” is more apt in place of “bear”. “Bare hands” means “only with one’s hands and without any weapons or tools”.
Ans: d


4. The chauffeur (a) was under the allusion (b) that he was an ingenious (c) driver but his agency recommended (d) another better driver. All Correct (e)
Explanation: From the context, it is obvious that the chauffeur was under a false impression. However, the word “allusion” means “indirect reference” and, therefore, not appropriate in the context. The correct word to use in its place is “illusion”, which means “a false idea or conception; an unreal, deceptive, or misleading appearance or image”.
Ans: b


5. There is no definite (a) method similar to that used for humans to gauge (b) whether (c) the animal is able to breath (d) properly or not. All Correct (e)
Explanation: The word “breath” means “air taken into the lungs and then let out”. This is inapt as we need a verb in the context. Therefore, the more appropriate word is “breathe”, which means “to inhale and exhale”.
Ans: d


6. This questionnaire (a) is irrelevant (b) because it ignores the fact that India composes (c) 28 states and 8 union territories (d). All Correct (e)
Explanation: The word “composes”, which means “to form in combination; make up; constitute”, is inapt in the context in the way it is used. We can use the same in passive voice. Therefore, the correct and more appropriate word is “composed of” or “comprises”, which means “to include; to contain; to consist of; to be composed of”.
Ans: c


7. The new scientific developments (a) did not effect (b) her allegiance (c) to the group of scientists in the arctic (d) circle. All Correct (e)
Explanation: In simple English, the word “affect” is usually a verb and it means to impact or change. The word “effect” is usually a noun, an effect is the result of a change. In the given context, “affect” is more apt than “effect”.
Ans: b


8. In their drunkenness (a), the partygoers (b) forgot to order for the famous desert (c) made of jaggery and coconut kernel (d). All Correct (e) Explanation: As a verb, the word “desert” means “to leave or abandon; to leave without permission; to fail when needed”.  As a noun, the word means “dry, barren, sandy region”. Neither of these meanings is inapt in the context. The more appropriate word in its place is “dessert”, which means “a sweet course served at the end of a meal”.
Ans: c


9. The court said that a wife’s making false allegations (a) against a husband of having elicit (b) relationship and extramarital (c) deception (d) will be considered mental torture. All Correct (e)
Explanation: The word “elicit” means “to draw forth; evoke something such as an answer”. This word is inapt in the context. The more appropriate word is “illicit”, which means “unlawful; illegal”.
Ans: b


10. The builder was harassing (a) the engineer (b) to precede (c) at a faster pace to take care of the hygiene (d) factor in the construction. All Correct (e)
Explanation: The word “precede” means “to come before in time, place, order, rank, or importance”. It is obviously inapt in the context. The more appropriate word is “proceed”, which means “to advance or go on, especially after stopping”.
Ans: c


11. The ambassador (a) disregarded his status in the hierarchical (b) system and refused to compromise (c) on the fundamental principals (d) of human rights. All Correct (e)
Explanation: The word “principal” means “a governing or presiding officer, specifically of a school; (adjective) - first in rank, authority, importance, degree, etc”. It is obviously inapt in the context. The more appropriate word is “principle”, which means “a fundamental truth, law, doctrine, or motivating force, upon which others are based”.
Ans: d


12. Although the astronaut (a) promised to take every care, he was not allowed to attempt to leave the stationery (b) spaceship (c) because he was indispensable (d). All Correct (e)
Explanation: The word “stationery” means “writing materials; specifically, paper and envelopes used for letters”. It is obviously inapt in the context. The more appropriate word is “stationary”, which means “not moving or not movable; fixed or still”.
Ans: b


13. In there (a) desperation, (b) the inexperienced (c) soldiers collected the wrong equipment (d). All Correct (e) Explanation: The use of “there” is incorrect in the context. It should be “their”. The word “their” shows possession, while the word “there” refers to a place.
Ans: a


14. It is better that we have good neighbours (a) and friends (b) nearby so that we can always sense their presence (c) then (d) having good relatives far away. All Correct (e)
Explanation: The word “then”, which means “at that time; next in order; (adjective) - of that time; (noun) - that time” is obviously inapt in the context. The word “than” is used to introduce the second element in a comparison and, therefore, it is more apt in the context.
Ans: d


Inappropriate Usage Model

Directions (Qs. 1-6): In each of the questions below, the word/ phrase at the top is used in three different ways. Choose the sentence/s in which the word/ phrase is used INCORRECTLY or INAPPROPRIATELY.

1.  LOOK
A. The COVID-19 patient looked sad at his wife, children, and parents.
B. Why don’t you look if the students are doing their homework?
C. The puppies looked cutely.
a) Only A and B          b) Only B and C         c) Only A and C         
d) A, B and C           e) All are correct
Explanation: In A, as the verb “looked”, which means “saw”, is being modified, we should have “sadly” (adverb) instead of “sad” (adjective). In B, the correct verb is “see” and not “look” because the intended meaning is “check”. “See” means to notice or become aware of someone or something by using your eyes. “Look” means to direct your eyes in a particular direction. In C, the verb “looked” means “appeared” and does not mean “saw”. Therefore, we need an adjective and not an adverb. We should say “The puppies looked cute”. Otherwise, we must add extra details to indicate that the “looked” means “saw”. That can be done as follows: “The puppies looked at me cutely”.
Ans: d


2. HOW
A. My wife cooks food exactly how my mother did.
B. I heard that the new boss is very handsome and you are the only one who met him, so how is he?
C. How kindly of Ram to help us all out!
a) Only A and B              b) Only B and C          c) Only A and C
d) A, B and C           e) All are correct
Explanation: In A, we must use “like” because the writer is comparing the  cooking styles of his mother and his wife. In B, the focus is on the appearance of the new boss. Therefore, we must say “…how does he look?” instead of “…how is he?”, which asks about his condition, behaviour etc. In C, it should be “How kind…” and not “How kindly…”. When we say 'How kind of someone” we are saying that what someone has done or said was very appreciated or welcomed.
Ans: d


A. Who cares what happens to our politicians?
B. With so many puppies to care to, a larger kennel was needed.
C. I will take care about the development at our new factory.
a) Only A and B          b) Only B and C           c) Only A and C
d) A, B and C           e) All are correct
Explanation: There is no error in A. In B, we should say “care for…” and not “care to…” In C, we should say “care of…” and not “care about…”
Ans: b


4. LET
A. The father never lets his daughter to have ice cream.
B. My friend lets me using his bachelor pad for parties.
C. The players never let the coach down.
a) Only A and B          b) Only B and C          c) Only A and C  
d) A, B and C            e) All are correct
Explanation: After the verb “let”, “to” is not used. In A, it should be “…lets his daughter have…” After “let”, we should use the “bare infinitive”. Therefore, in B, it should be “use” and not “using”.
Ans: a


A. The criminal did a visit to his ex-wife before he murdered the man.
B. The doctor visited the sick and dying in Indian villages during the COVID-19 pandemic.
C.  I think you need to visited a lawyer before thinking about divorce.
a) Only A and B         b) Only B and C          c) Only A and C       
d) A, B and C            e) All are correct
Explanation: In A it should “paid a visit” and not “do a visit”. We normally “pay a visit”. In C, we should have just “visit” and not “visited” after “need to”. There is no error in B.
Ans: c


A. He requested for a student loan because his family earns a cheap income.
B. He got the imported shoes very cheaply.
C. She is so cheap that every time she gives a gift to someone she expects a gift in return.
a) Only A and B           b) Only B and C             c) Only A and C  
d) A, B and C             e) All are correct
Explanation: In A, it should be “low income” and not “cheap income”. In B, it should be “cheap” and not “cheaply”. There is no error in C.
Ans: a

Posted Date : 17-09-2022


గమనిక : ప్రతిభ.ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. మరి కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచి మేరకు కృత్రిమ మేధస్సు సాంకేతికత సాయంతో ప్రదర్శితమవుతుంటాయి. ఆ ప్రకటనల్లోని ఉత్పత్తులను లేదా సేవలను పాఠకులు స్వయంగా విచారించుకొని, జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించి కొనుక్కోవాలి లేదా వినియోగించుకోవాలి. వాటి నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలతో ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యానికి ఎలాంటి సంబంధం లేదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకు, ఈ-మెయిల్స్ కి, ఇంకా ఇతర రూపాల్లో సమాచార మార్పిడికి తావు లేదు. ఫిర్యాదులు స్వీకరించడం కుదరదు. పాఠకులు గమనించి, సహకరించాలని మనవి.


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